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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. A long time ago, I read a story about a German PAK operator. The last one of his crew. According to the tale, he single handedly killed 20 or so Russian tanks. How did the poster in Mulder's office say? "I want to believe!" But is it worth to be in the game? Perhaps yes, as the one in a million chance.
  2. Well, this huge bus came from the other side of the round-about and suddenly it was there. No chance, that I could have seen it. ? Eh, not quite sure about the current status: is the fuel discussion settled?
  3. Yeah, those are extremes. Can happen, but should not and without statistic significance. To prove, that I really know under what sort of stress you were: I managed to provoke an accident with a bus in a round-about. Two hours before my wedding. ?
  4. For me that sounds like another one of those "gamey" requirements. Like "re-manning", but that's another post. A Tiger had a cross country reach of about 60k's. The length of a CM battlefield is what? 2k's max. How likely is that your tank would run out of fuel? My only reference: I am driving cars since 38 years and never ran out of fuel. But indeed, if you want stationary tanks, you can have them via the Scenario Editor.
  5. Watched it quite a while ago. Some scenes are pretty good, the story is "strange", the movie is boring.... And far to many fried tankers for my taste. So, my "qualified" overall rating would be "Bahhhh!"
  6. Some math: Russia lost about 90'000 tanks in the war, Germany 25'000. (Numbers come from a 5 minute research. If anybody has better numbers, please correct me.) I.e., you would need 75 dozen, resp 20 dozen to make good 1%. Or 15 dozen per year for Russia and 4 dozen per year for Germany. And documented, please. Not "heard of". No, I don't buy that "re-manning" was a relevant practice.
  7. I am quite sure, that I have seen "blue on blue" a few times. E.g., when some smart advancing infantry crossed the line of fire of an overwatch MG. Of course, the MG fired at some distant enemy target, but killed the own guys with shots in the back, nevertheless.
  8. I wonder since a while about those strange Humvees, which we nowadays see in Iraq pic's. Those vehicles with the ridiculously high turrets. Does anybody know, what they are? I mean, is this an "official" conversion? Supplied by whom and for what tactical purpose? Ok, the purpose seems to be clear in Iraq: To fire Cal .50 guns from far away on IS freaks. But that sounds like an extreme "niche product".
  9. And, by the way, re-manning the own tank is (at least in RT) possible. My guys did that once.
  10. Dozens? In a 6 year war. With millions of casualties. Tens of thousands destroyed tanks. I don't think that is statically relevant. Probaly not worth a minute of programming.
  11. I also would think, that "re-manning" is highly unrealistic. I can't believe that somebody, who was shot out of his tank, would merrily walk around and seize another one. That sounds too much like a MMPRPG, where you re-spawn after five sec's.
  12. Well, have a look at what the project is right now, still under development. By the looks, there is no way to accommodate 88s in the game. The maps look like 300x200 yards. Small in any case. Indeed, a friend of mine spontaneously said "Like ASL, but without the two folders of rules." I have the impression, with their new concept, the hard factors "time" and "distance" become less ruling. The whole thing seems more "floating". As indicated earlier: Interesting project. Let's see how it developes.
  13. I just stumbled across a new tactical level board game: "The last hundred yards". Scale wise very similar to CM: one hex= 40 yards, units are squads or individual vehicles, one turn= one minute. Quite innovative and apparently simple rules, emphasising on the chaos of way at this level. Very nice maps and counters. Anybody who cares for board games: Check it out. Looks for me like the best new development since quite a while.
  14. I should have said CMPzC. Operational level is on PzC, the battles are fought on CM.
  15. Contact Kohlenklau. He is running several PzC multiplayer games since quite a while.
  16. Yep, I think the correct answer to the original questions is: If you buy CMBN and update to V3.0, it is technically equal to the other titles. However, since you ask for flamethrower a explicitly: There are only very few community made scenarios using flamethrowers, plus two or so in the VP using flamethrower tanks.
  17. I think it is far too early, to discuss the technical details. The important message is: It can be done even now with a half ways reasonable effort. To give it some practical value will probably take a few more years and a few more billion dollars. What's the alternative to research? Spend the money on proven black powder designs?
  18. Nope, that's English adaption of my German "Njein". Means a clear "yes and no". ?
  19. Nyeahhhh, but one does not need to watch the last two...,
  20. No no, that's "real life effect". Doesn't matter, if it's 8 or 6 guns, when the oaks are down. You know "The Green Fields of France"?
  21. Well, I did not count in the heat of the battle. Let's say "a heap of of Cal .50 bullets poured down in one turn". In the end my Pixel-guys did not care, if a P47 or a P51 killed them.
  22. Thank you, man! You sound more ancient than me! Search for "The Big Bang Theory" and enjoy. But be warned: You have seven, or so, seasons to work through. ?
  23. And, I forgot to say: My favourite BBT joke are the "famous 17 unseen seconds of "Raiders of the lost arch", which change the whole movie, because they solve the U-boat mystery." ???? I had to explain that to my wife. She was completely lost. In fact, I had to explain many of their references, to make her understand. OMG, am I one of them? ?
  24. Speaking of board games: Well, I am playing since I am 16.Ooopps, 40 years now. But always managed to find H2H-opponents. Not a lot though. Since about 20 years now, we are playing in a group of 3 or 4, say 4 weekends a year.
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