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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Well, I remember that I learned most from board games. I bought some Vietnam and Korea titles, just for the historical back ground. Not sure about Computer Games. Sorry to say, but even titles like CM won't teach much of a historic a lesson. As for movies: Yeah, nice. One has to admit, the REAL good one's bring across that there is more to war than facts and numbers. Reading historical novels is not the same either. They tend to go over the top, too.
  2. Thanks for the warning. Saved me a few minutes time. My first impression, seeing the picture, was "This is Neo-Nazi crap." My favourite German war movie is still "Die Brücke". The old version from the 60's, of course. No CGI, only one poor Sherman model, but still immensely touching.
  3. I think what Erwin refers too, is included in "Mord's and JuJu's unified UI Mod". That one is certainly a "must have".
  4. If you go for uniform mod's, you'll need the small arms mod's, too. Would be a shame to play without them. ?
  5. I don't think it was that rare. Pointless? Yes. But if the situation is desperate enough and no way out? Certainly, blast away. Probably better than sitting right and hoping for th best. You might shock the tank crew or even hit something.... I agree, this scenario does not match what Bulletpoint describes.
  6. Hi John, if you want to link it to the CMBS forum, feel free. I admit, I posted the Link just because I found it interesting. I would not think too much about the portrayed troops and equipment quality. It's obviously a staged event. The troops most probably trained the hell out off it and know to the second where to stop and when to fire. And, yes, I would not be surprised, if the rules are bent a little. Though there are nowadays some strange people around who seem to admire Russia and their Great Leader.
  7. Well, if you have a human opponent, give it a try. The variety is HUGE, compared to what computer games offer. But they need a certain, eh, resolution. You need to be willing to read through rule books (between 20 and 200 pages), be willing to spend weekends to learn the mechanics. But THEN! There's nothing better than watching your opponent crumble and throw dice through the room. Or feel the frustration when things go wrong for you...
  8. And I forgot to say: You can't get bored by CM. If that's the case, it's not the game for you anyway. ?
  9. Now, THAT's a question! Playing board games since 40 years. Computerwise, it's indeed only CM for me. But if I would have the time and patience, I would be hooked to board game adaptions. Erwin's Gary Grigsbys proposal is a good starting point. You'll find lot's of this "hard core stuff" on the Matrix Games site. But mind you: That's low graphics, low action, numbers crunching, table reading stuff.
  10. Since you decided for CMFI already and time is an issue, you may want to have a look at Heirllom Tomatos package of 16 tiny scenarios. You find them in the "scenario depot" at the "The few good men" website. 16 scenarios with platoon sized forces on tiny maps. Each 30minutes long, so the playing time is perhaps 45 minutes each. I played a few and found them not too difficult, but not too simple either. They would probaly be a good starting point to get into the game.
  11. Yes, my Point was indeed, if those guys could not clear mines properly under controlled conditions on a tactical level, there is no chance to do something "meaningful" under combat conditions on the micro-tactical level. In CMBN, it's good enough for me to flail through with a Crocodile. Which certainly leaves some mines behind for the following infantry. Sounds realistic enough for me. If there are no similar tools in CMBS, it indeed sounds like an issue.
  12. Well, my reference is an old friend, who served with the engineers in the Bundeswehr. He always used to say, that they could not even clear a training minefield under training conditions a few weeks after it was layed. Incorrect, or better not sufficiently precise, mine lay plans and soil movement made it impossible to find all mines. Imagine that without plan, with 60 year older equipment, in the dark, under time pressure, with people shooting at you. Certainly no room for substantial clearing work within the CM scale and time frame.
  13. Ah, BN will be difficult. I am using the "interactive" one (can't remember who made it) with some GI's looking at a German sign post. The game buttons are built into the signs. Splash music: Of course, the Band of Brothers theme. That's hard to top. ?
  14. Well, if you want to mod sounds, why not send a PM to "the master of sound" Waclaw, who made the HQS mod and ask for help?
  15. Hi rocketman It's a little late, indeed. Even I downloaded your splash screen months ago. But since nobody else commented yet: It's awesome! I have the Russian National Hymn playing with the splash screen and together they perfectly set the mood. Thanks, man.
  16. Gents, I just read that a tank museum in Normandy closes down and sells it's equipment in an auction. A fully intact Sherman goes for Euro 250'000 to 400'000. Probably with empty gas tank, though. ? Unfortunately, the note did not say which museum. Any way, that should be easy to find out.
  17. Hi John Either we get different results in Google or you misunderstood me. No doubt that there is "normal" content, too. But one finds a lot of sick stuff under this header. Like the Vietcong (?) with his full shoulder pockets....
  18. Watch this! Finally it's Olympic!
  19. Hm, that is not too frightening, as it looks authentic. What else one find's under that header is shocking. Is our world really that sick)
  20. Nope, I was thinking about a potential POTUS. But true, right now there are more than enough examples in Europe, too.
  21. Ok then, add Frederik to your list. He made a few nice statements. My all time favourite: "In my country, everybody shall live up to his own liking." Well, he was wise enough to add some restrictions, but the fundamental idea was Great. Considering it came from an 18th Century monarch.
  22. And from Childress OP, number three is nice. It has so much actual relevance.
  23. A little off topic, but I like Frederik the Great at Kolin: "Rogues, do you want to live forever?" Great sentence. Unfortunately, the guys ran nevertheless.
  24. Eh, 500 MB is not an issue. Time is more of an issue for me. But if it helps, I can try a few of the starting scenarios and give feedback over the next few weeks. Just don't expect anything too elaborate.
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