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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Eh, it's more a Tank question, but I'll try anyway: Does the "hull down" command in V4.0 work? In an old scenario, started under V3.0, I had a JgPz IV a few meters behind a rail embankment. I thought, I'll be smart and tried the new "hull down" command to move the TD forward. Unfortunately, It ended up flat ON the embankment instead of hull down. It scored a quick kill and received a quick hit at the same time.
  2. Interesting thought. Never came to my mind, that one should not count board games. In fact, I got rid of most of my old computer games some three years ago, when we moved into a new appartment. Only kept very few, even C64 stuff, for nostalgic reasons. Buy I still have most of the board games. The current count is just above hundred. Unfortunately, there were a few years when I followed a "Buy one, sell one" policy. That's when I lost my copy of "Sticks and Stones" and I still regret it.
  3. The story is so old, I don't think it exists anymore. Anyway, was not a good Pizza place, indeed.
  4. Yes, I thought so. And I fully agree with your Japan example. Or the bombing of Germany, which is a little closer to me. But still, a statement which I could not let go without comment.
  5. Yeah, that's the spirit! I still have my 40 year old copy of AH's "Battle of the Bulge". THAT game started it all for me.
  6. A strategy? Cool down and take it easy. Do what you want, when you feel like it and as long as you like it. When you find something which is if special interest for you, dig in. If it is really important for you, you'll stick to it, if not you'll find something else soon. The beauty of the hobby is the vast variety. You'll find games, portraying "sticks and stones" times and on the other extreme super ScFi stuff. You'll micro manage single man combat or manage grand grand scale interstellar exploration. Why do you want to artificially restrict yourself? If you really think restriction is necessary, try to find out what your favourite is at this time.
  7. Being an old wargamer, I tend to agree with you. But looking at, e.g., dropping barrel bombs on everybody in Aleppo, systematic rape in other places, you name it.... makes the statement quite questionable. It does not take much, to justify any attrocities.
  8. I remember, back in 1982, in the Battle of Goose Green during the Falkland War, British Paras even used wire-guided Milan rockets on Argentine MG positions. There was a hot debate in the media, how "appropriate" that was. But in any case, it was very effective.
  9. Hi Joe Are you sure, that players with the same version can "just continue"? IIRCR, in earlier transitions, we had to start an old scenario with the new version, save it mid-turn and then re-start the newly saved file.
  10. Well, I could add the German "handy" for "mobile" or "beamer" for "data projector". But it works the way, too. I once was in a Pizzeria with an US guy. He ordered his pizza without "pepperoni". Well, he got it without peppers, but, much to his dis-like, with loads of hot Italian salami. ?
  11. I am surprised, that nobody mentioned the brilliant HQS sound mod.
  12. I managed to get a German 75mm AT into a building. They were unlimbered outside and I wanted to move them a few meters. Probably the plotted path crossed the corner of the building. Now the AT is in the building and limbered. Apparently, it can't unlimber or move out. Has anybody seen that before? Any chance to get the AT out again?
  13. Whoa, that sounds like a good effort. I will certainly give it a try, one question: Knowing Vassal a little, am I right to assume this is strictly H2H?
  14. Ah, yes, I forgot to point out this advantage of WEGO yesterday. ? Have fun with the game!
  15. Of course, all depends on your personal preferences. Nevertheless, two points for your consideration: - if you play WEGO, you really have the possibility to replay and analyse a situation. And you'll find yourself in plenty situation, sitting with the question: "Where did that shot come from." Just recently, one bloody sniper killed half squad of mine and I still could not spot him. - most people seem to play the classic WEGO PBEM. I may be wrong, but I am not aware of a lively real time player community. But, as said: Whatever you like best...
  16. And WEGO means: Both sides plot their orders for the next minute in advance and when the orders are executed, you can only sit and watch, how the action unfolds. Like a video clip. Of course, you can replay, stop, pause, change zoom, camera position, direction and elevation. But you can just watch in what your orders result for the next minute. Can be pretty nail biting...
  17. That's not quite right. There is the fantastic HQS sound mod an several others.
  18. I did not play that many QBs, but I know this "feature" from many fixed scenarios. And I like it. It's just to add some "Fog of War", to render the famous "last turn rush" ineffective. With an open end, one can't just rush in and gain the VP's in the last minute. Instead, you have to be prepared for the unexpected extra minute, I experience that in a current PBEM match: Thought I lost in minute 19, thought I won in minute 1 and now I am desprately gnawing my lips in minute -3.... What more gaming excitement do you expect?
  19. Well, I do admit: The Cuban Revolution was slightly before my days and was never my favourite subject, but I have the impression, there were and there are much more evil guys around. Fighting Batista, Castro and his guys certainly had a much better cause, than many others and his reign probably can be called civilized, compared with many earlier or later lunatics. And (this time I cannot resist), to recite a statement recently heared during a certain presidential election: "He certainly is not a perfect man, but he has a good heart." Closure of debate from my side.
  20. I thought you could not resist to swallow the bait.
  21. Fair enough. I just wondered about the relevance. And I agree, I'd like to see them in the game.
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