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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Not at all. I may not have been very communicative in our game, but that is the "need to know factor". I still hope to win big time.? No, really: I think your scenario is pretty "immersive" and if you play it with Pericles, it may give him a different point of view.
  2. Since Pericles has doubts about the "immersion factor" of BN and I suggested to play H2H earlier, I proposed that he plays your Contact Front with you. You guys seem to be quite much on the same page and it would nicely show, how immersive BN can be.
  3. Ehhhh, something quite different: Perhaps you two guys should try to play Bullet Points "Contact Front!" H2H scenario. Sounds like a good match to me. And, Pericles, believe me: It is quite immersive!
  4. I thought there would be a helpfull soul. ?
  5. That's strange, indeed. Until a short while ago, I played all of them on a 9 year old CAD computer. And it worked. Not necessarily perfectly, but playable. Eh, what's your problem? It seems like quite often the security programs have a problem with the exe and stop the games from running at all. If that's the case; Just tell them to ignore the exe. I forgot to say: Also post in the tech section. Normally, someone should be able to help you quickly. @IanL for example.
  6. To give some food for your discussion and to bring it back to the OP: Of course, better graphics would be nice. If they come without cost, may it be in coin or computer power. Otherwise, I am of the old board game faction (well, I still play them) and would say: Rather a good game play, than nice looks. I still remember our first try to play "Age of Napoleon". Looked like a "beer and bretzel" game with perfect components. After three hours of rules discussion, we concluded: Unplayable. The funny side: I contacted the game designer and he answered "I know, I know. But that is how the publishers wanted it. You can download the proper rules here...."
  7. But "it feels different". You have somebody to blame. ? Seriously, H2H you know both players have the same restrictions (you may consider those "realistic" or not). Playing against the AI, you might feel that "the computer is cheating". I guess that was my point, really.
  8. Any thoughts? V4.0 changed things a litle, indeed. So "old" campaigns and scenarios may really be difficult. Try to play against human opponents. That won't change the AI in general, but you'll have to struggle with human behaviour on the other side.
  9. That has been discussed many times in many varieties. And there is no "yes/no" answer. All the games are good, all of them are different. If you like Finnland, the heat of Sicily is probably not to your liking. But there are much more aspects to it. My pragmatic answer: Try the Demos and see what you like best, At the end, you'll buy them all any way.
  10. Hm, cleverness is not all that counts. There were certainly some other contributing factors.
  11. There are indeed too many different actions thinkable and possible, to develope a list. I remember, a short while ago, there was a discussion, how to use bailed out tankers. Some people opted to use them as scouts or even to detect minefields. Others opted not to use them at all and let the AI handle them. I personally prefer to give them a secondary defense job, like move them into a suitable building and letting them stay there, but move them elsewhere if required by the situation. Some people are against shooting wild, without specific target. I like do use that to distract the opponent. On the other hand, I am not a friend of "mad last turn rushes", made just to deny your opponent a victory objective. A general thought: Obviously, there are completely different gaming philosophies around. Some play CM very competitively as a game, saying "everything which is not forbidden, is allowed". Others try to play "as realistic as possible", whatever that means. The best way to avoid "gamey actions", is to make a very general agreement with your opponent at the beginning. If it works out, fine. If not, look for somebody else next time.
  12. Hi Ian I am not quite sure, are you looking for the scenarios, or the source. I do have San Donato, Nachschub Dienst and Veni, Vidi, Vici. However, I don't remember the sources. I think, San Donato is a teaser from Kohlenklau, for one of his multiplayer campaigns. So, if you want the scenarios, I can send you a Dropbox link. Though it may take a day or two, since I just noticed a discrepancy between my saved community stuff and what I have installed for playing. Unacceptable mess! ?I would like to sort that out at the same time.
  13. Sounds interesting enough. Perhaps you declare RT as your next preferred birthday present. Or X-mas, what ever comes first..
  14. Yeah, and it must include a fictional scenario "Dueppeler Schanzen revisited! ???
  15. Yep, the riddle is really solved. Fake. Good catch with the fat faces. That does not come out so clearly on the small B/W pic.
  16. Look under "Ammunition": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/152_mm_howitzer_M1938_(M-10)
  17. Most probably, I agree. Where does your coloured version come from?
  18. Well, the pic is taken from the German side, but go ahead and find the "original". Yeah, a short while ago, say three years, I told some young colleagues in their thirties, that I am playing CM by mail or Dropbox, and that a large game might take up to a year. And they could not believe it.....
  19. And I "ancient alien" have been worried about the CGI in the first "Independance Day" back then... BTW, my (or better my wife's) nephew, at the age of 18 or something, laughs at me for playing CM.
  20. May be, may be... But look at the bike drivers fat pig face. Not the lean trooper. But indeed, shocking how easy it is to accept fakes. Imagine us believing in Tweets or the like. Unthinkable....
  21. Plus, I forgot to say: As an old Napoleonic Games player, I have to love my Cavalry anyway. ?
  22. Hmm, yeah. But the picture quality is pretty poor and it looks like a cut-out from a larger scene. The description on Pinterest said "Poland 39". The campaign started on a dry 1st September morning (considering the Luftwaffe actions, even at night). Look at some of the pic's here: http://m.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-110599-17.html You don't see too much dirt either. Last but not least: Look at the face of the cavalry man. It looks quite tense. Much more so, than any reenactor's face, I have seen to date. Normally those guys don't look too involved.
  23. Yep, rather concentrate on the interesting parts, instead trying to capture it all. I remember playing a Crete scenario, where my German Para's had to attack a few hundred meters over slightly rising Maccia, against a platoon of Kiwi's or so. Not too exciting. BTW, that's why I keep saying, that even a game like CM can't be a simulation. There is simply too much stuff in RL, which you rather would not waste your time with...,
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