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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Thanks, Baneman. I knew a friendly question would not go unanswered. Another great day: I learned something new.
  2. I dare to say " Wego" is, what most people play. And rightly so, IMHO You'll rarely find references to Real Time in the forums. Or "fori"? Latin speakers, please help.
  3. Ahhh, come on! Only last week, I bought Scourge of War Waterloo as my own late birthday present. The child simply needs a name...
  4. If you are still interested: A 2016 reprint of the Collectors Edition seems to be available for USD 60,- at GMT currently.
  5. Nope, BFC never updated the Demos. But I doubt that you, being a beginner, will notice the difference. For it would be more important to note: Don't be appalled by the Demo graphics, which are quite basic. With the right mods, you can greatly enhance the looks. And sounds.
  6. Finding opponents here is not too difficult. Just ask. And you may want to check out www.thefewgoodmen.com . They are more like a gaming club, organising tournaments and stuff. Playing real time may be an issue. I would say, most people play CM as PBEM. The competency level should not be a problem. You'll find all sorts of opponents. And if you happen to play against one of the Grog's, they'll "adjust" and you will learn a lot.
  7. Hm, only a few days ago, I bought the Waterloo Collector's Edition. Most probably just for the shelf, too. But I played 2nd Mannassas for quite a while.
  8. Not to be misunderstood: I don't like to see my troops cut to pieces, either. But I tend to think: It reduces the "realism" of the game, if one micromanages too much. Did you ever try the "Scourge if War" games? These teach you patience, when suddenly a subordinate decides, that this is a perfect day to die. Or win the glory.
  9. Yep, that can happen. Then let them run. And later reform somewhere and try again. As for the Panther: That's life and can happen, too. Micromanagement is not controlling every panicked squad. Rather concentrate on the "up front" troops. And if all goes wrong, remember: "We take the sh *** and the glory."
  10. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look at the book.
  11. That is quite much how I handle it, too. Or, as a more general statement; In larger battles there is no or little need to micro manage each unit. That is for me much more an issue in small battles, where each unit and each wrong step may count.
  12. You can have both version on one computer. I made a copy of CMBN V3.12 and renamed it before the upgrade and then upgraded the "original" installation.
  13. Email is not quite the "State of the Art", but if you want to try a simple Dropbox H2H, I am happy to volunteer. Just drop me a PM. I am playing from Europe, more or less one turn a day and mostly not on weekends. Ah, I forgot to say: I am playing RT on V4.0.
  14. Oh, I think many people would love to read it. There is so little new content in the forums this summer. A thrilling AAR would be welcome! ?
  15. Not quite sure, if I understand right: You mean "nothing" or "everything". I guess you will get a Ryan Air flight from Brussels to Turkey for something like USD 100,-. Even if you add some for inland travel, that sounds affordable for any maniac.
  16. You may want to contact @kohlenklau . I remember that "converted" a Pz IV into a T34 for his Malta mod. But that was a "conversion" within CMFI only,
  17. Considering the number of SPAM reports, which I sent over the last months, there is disappointingly little "deletion action". I find this quite annoying. ?
  18. Hmmmmm, reminds me to the raise of right wing movements and populists all over the place, Europe and "elsewhere". But, seriously, I think the IS issue is far to complicated to be discussed here.
  19. Reminds me to a certain RT game with the OP, which ended "prematurely". Or not at all?
  20. That's about the "philosophy" I described. Shoot and hope to hit something. Re Bulletpoints King Tiger example: The sight from those old tanks was very restricted and the TC may have thought "An oak must not worry, if a wild hog scratches on it's bark." ?
  21. You think, a cluster bomb would help, where the MOAB had little effect? I wish, life would be that simple.
  22. I know, you are thinking too much.? Somewhere I read: Who fights with the book in his hands, dies with the book in his hands... No really, to take your example: Normally you do not know, what is coming anyway. Therefore, I would just try to find the "best spot" for the AT, considering range, field of fire and protection. And if a King Tiger comes and no better target is available: Fire. Even if the AT has no chance to kill the beast, it may scratch it. Or at least distract your opponent.
  23. I just did a very quick search to find a site with German Battle of the Bulge "war stories" and had no success at all. Interesting is, that I found in a short time several notes, saying how forgotten the battle is in Germany. Now that I think of it: Not surprising. What is remembered in the US and elsewhere as a heroic victory of a desperately fought battle, is in Germany of course "only" one more catastrophic defeat, which blends into the traumatic "end if war" time.
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