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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Ah, I see what you mean. But it is indeed not new, that Germany is somewhat "underrepresented" on such US sites. Probably a language issue. And especially in respect to the Battle of the Bulge, there are probably not too many "fond recollections" from the German side.
  2. To add a little spice to the discussion: I don't see much pratical gaming value in such cards anyway. In game, it does not matter much, what can penetrate what under which angle or distance. Ok, distance matters, that's a factor one can influence. But then, I assume everybody playing knows, that a "37mm AT is not helpful on 1000m distance". The rest is common sense and gut feeling. If in doubt, shoot. If you shoot (under reasonable conditions), you MAY hit SOMETHING. If not, you CERTAINLY won't.
  3. To whom it concerns: Peter Padfield's "Battleship" gives a very interesting overview of the development of battleships from the 1850's (ok, he even starts a little earlier with sailing ships in the 16th century, but touches the Age of Sail only briefly) to modern times. I found the book pretty amazing, but admit: The naval warfare between Trafalgar and WW1 always was a blind spot (with only very few highlights) for me. I never thought a book about such a dry topic could be so thrilling. I found it most interesting to read how many very different ideas and concepts had been developed, before the design of modern battleships emerged with the "Dreadnought" and what a race of competing technologies that was. The best is: You get it for 90 Cent as Kindle book at Amazon.
  4. I am not quite sure what Volko Ruhnke uses in his classes, but the COIN games are fairly conventional, card driven, grand strategic games about asymmetrical warfare. Like in "Falling Sky", you have the mighty, unbeatable Romans on one side and a number of weak, but numerous, Gallic tribes on the other side. Obviously, there is Roman Peace, where the Legions are and unrest in all other areas. Add to that a card set with a huge number of historical, diplomatic, economic and environmental events, as well as different victory conditions for each faction and you have a perfect chaos, to muddle through.
  5. There was a similar discussion a while ago. IIRC, the answer is: You have to select a target and path. The tank will then stop in a hull down position relative to that target. I.e., to move into hull down with a target arc won't work, since no position is defined, to which your tank shall be "hull down". Imagine you set a 180deg arc, your tank might be "hull down" to the front, but probably not to the flanks. You can move, of course, move into a hull down position and then set a target arc. But then you have the above situation again. The tank will be "hull down" to one point, but probably not to others.
  6. Yeah, looks we need to activae @kohlenklau again...
  7. But I see, there are a few copies on sale at EBay. Good luck!
  8. Hm, yeah, true. It's not even on the P500 page. Well, you should have bought the collector's edition for a modest USD 180.- last year.?
  9. Twilight Struggle is. Since a while already, something like two years. And cheap, say USD 10 or 15. Plays very well, or better smoothly. But the AI is brutal for a beginner.
  10. I came to them only lately. Intrigued by "Falling Sky", I jumped on it's successor and Pendragon. In addition, I have "Twilight Struggle" on the iPad, but never really came past the tutorial.
  11. An interesting interview with Volko Ruhnke, game designer and CIA instructor: https://www.polygon.com/2017/6/22/15730254/cia-board-game-volko-ruhnke-coin-series-gmt-games
  12. Nope, try to pronounce it this way: Or rather like that?
  13. No problem. You don't hear the missing Swiss accent, when I am writing. ?
  14. I am working in structural engineering and there the motto is: "If you can't repair it with a torch and a 20kg-hammer, it is crap."
  15. Yep, when I started, "only" 40 years ago, I used to buy games of a topic, which interested me at the time (well, sort of obvious) and then started to read about it until I found "That's enough background" now. Very educating. Perfect way to learn a lot of details, which one never needs later. As for the immersion: I am fully with you, I too don't need the "blood and gore" part. But then, I remember some "La Bataille" battles,which we played over a long weekends, until late at night each day. Especially one of the many Waterloo replays, where I attacked the British left flank with one French Corps (which was a mistake in itself). And the front line wavered and crumbled for hours, but never broke. THAT was immersive. Emotions went pretty hot that day and dice flew through the room more than once....
  16. German, please. I just happen to live in Switzerland since more than 20 years now.
  17. Monster? Are we talking about the same game? I refer to the AoN published by Phalanx Games back in 2003. Originally, it was more a "beer and pretzel" family game But "rules lawerying" sounds like it. You can download the 2006 official rules here: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/19792/aon-v2-main-rulespdf My printed copy seems to date back to 2005 and is v1.24, but I don't have the link anymore. If you want I could scan it for you. In addition, I have some comments and clarifications, from Renauld Verlaque, which I could send you. PM me, if you want it.
  18. Yep, true. Size matters. During my upgrade, we removed a CAD graphics card, which was simply huge. That's one reason, why it took so long. The bloody thing would not come out....
  19. Ah, desk top. That makes things simpler. Then you surely will have a spare slot for an internal card. At Amazon, you find e.g. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 for Eur 50.- I had one in my old machine and it worked "satisfactorily. Struggled a little with large scenarios, but otherwise quite ok. Installation should not be an issues. Mount the card, plug in the mother board, plug in power and "Go". In theory a 15min job, though we battled for 5h last time I upgraded. ?
  20. I had the exotic idea to suggest an external graphics card. I have absolutely no experience with those, but from what one reads, they are a viable solution to turn a notebook into desk top.
  21. Oops, that sounds like a problem. You are talking lap top. Plus: The Intel 3000 is an on-board chip. I quickly checked and found one review, which rates it similar to a GeForce 540. Which is not quite up to date. On my old machine, I had a GeForce 570, which was barely adequate. A quick idea: Turn your Video Settings down to lowest and see what happens. Otherwise, I am certainly no expert: So, my advise is again, gather all details of your system and symptoms and post in the tech section of the forum. I remember, there are some threads about lap tops and CM.
  22. My problems started, when I tried to run the game. As soon as I tried to run, my Norton thought to discover a Troyan and deleted the .exe. Strangely, that only happend with BN. No problem with the other games. "Crash dump" sounds familiar, too. How big is your video card memory? What type? Etc?
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