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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Admit: There’s no one more reliable. Playing since 1999 and proud of it!
  2. For a long time, I would have agreed with you. But for some reason, I always struggled with CMAK and even with larger scale North Africa board games.
  3. For a long time, I would have agreed with you. But for some reason, I always struggled with CMAK and even with larger scale North Africa board games.
  4. I admit, I did not solve this question myself. I have the impression, the theory of bringing the troops safely to the front, is out of the CM scale. I guess in most scenarios, the troops should disembark before they even reach the CM map. Personally, I never had much luck with German halftracks. But one of my PBEM opponents is pretty successful with US halftracks. He indeed leaves them normally veeeery far behind to provide covering fire with the Cal 50 (and, yes, quite often the gunner dies). Only when my position is already very weak, he rushes troops in with the halftracks...
  5. Reminds me to the old Steel Panthers days, when in one campaign my tiny battle group met with a substantial KV-1 and T34 force for the first time. My only solution was to call retreat on turn 1. Better to live and fight another day.
  6. Never mind guys. I played Badminton for more than 20 years (in my good times, five times a week), so I understood „birdie“ as well as „shuttlecock“. BTW, we called that thing just „shuttle“. @c3k I understand the theory, still I think those holes look so brutal, that they would create turbulences, which would make a joke of anything like a straight flight path. Probably, the whole design was really more to bolster the confidence.
  7. Ahaaaaa! The 37mm HEAT is not slid INTO, but ONTO the barrel. Ok, that explains something. But then the 75mm round is quite different. Really looks desperate. Interesting, that the 37mm HEAT even has meaningful fins, compared to the tiny stubbles on the 75mm HEAT.
  8. Yep, but why not use the same design as for the 37mm and get rid of the outer thing then? Otherwise, I am impressed that you could read my previous post, so full of typos. One should not try to type in the commuter train...
  9. Oops, that drawing is interesting, indeed. Of course, if they slid it over the muzzle brake, the thing needed holes to vent the gas. But, whoah, those holes must create havoc to any idea of a flight path. And the tiny find don’t look like they would help much. Hmmm, would be interesting to talk to their engineers. I wonder what they thoughts, designing this thing.
  10. Hm, being the dull engineer again: Would not most of the propelling power go out off those holes? With no specific direction? I‘d think: Fake.
  11. Hm, not a good sign. My Grandpa used to remember his WW1 stories from the trench quite well, but not what had happened last morning.
  12. FB is not a module of BN. It‘s a completely different game family. MG and CW are modules of BN. Between them and BN it works. But between FB or FI and BN: Nope.
  13. Now, that‘s a strange coincidence, indeed. I guess, there are not too many people with that mix. Let me give it another try: I still have the old Micrprose „Vietnam“ for the C64. That one was excellent in it’s time. One the few games, which I played completely through, including all “what if” scenarios. Do you know GMT’s “Fire in the hole” from the excellent COIN series? Since I tried “Falling Sky” on the board a few times and “Twilight Struggle” on the iPad, I am very tempted....
  14. Not a problem, I don‘t think this investment will make me a poor man. Plus, I am somewhat „old school“ and like to own things. Like the good old Victory Games „Vietnam“ Board Game. Not that I ever played it. Or the new Matrix Vietnam Computer game. Strange, that it interests me so much. Probably, because I grew up with this war constantly on TV.
  15. Argh, too late. Only this afternoon, I received the despatch confirmation. But I guess the 30 Euro won’t kill me.
  16. Ah, thanks! Now, as I read the linked thread, I remember, to have seen the pictures of the 37mm AT variant before.
  17. Gents, I am currently playing the Germans in “Dies Irae“ and wonder, that I have two PAK’s (one 50mm and one 75mm), which each have a few (say two each) 150mm rounds available. Does anybody know what that is?
  18. Hi Michael, I finally did it and ordered „The Ten Thousand Day War“ from Amazon. Unfortunately it will take a while to ship it to Switzerland, but it looks like it will keep me occupied on many dark winter nights. Thanks for the hint again. I will keep you posted.
  19. You may want to have a look at the various discussions about infantry and V4.0. Infantry tends to break more easily in V4.0, which definitively tips the balance in many infantry heavy scenarios. But keeping V3.12 and installing V4.0, is certainly a good work around.
  20. Oooops, it was Napoleon Bonaparte! How could I forget that?
  21. Or Caesar, albeit describing Germania at that time: Six months of winter and six month no real summer.
  22. I forgot to say: If it is a budget issue, slash VP first. That one gives you only new vehicles, for which there is only a hand full of Community made scenarios. Then, if still necessary, slash the Battle Pack. In addition to BN, CW and MG scenarios, there are enough user made scenarios to keep you happy for a loooong time.
  23. Do you know what summer in northern France is like? You'll see loads of miserable weather in CMBN.
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