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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Interesting to read this from you guys, but I would not disagree.
  2. What I would recommend, is save your V3 (which is fairly simple) and install V4 in addition. Then you can compare and decide what you like best, as well as play both PBEM.
  3. I forgot to say: Right now, I am playing an infantry heavy, city fight FB scenario PBEM, which is highly intensive and thrilling. Though I learned, that "gung ho" tactics are not a good idea any longer.
  4. Yes, I would say so. But I don't see it as a flaw. On first sight, it's just different. You can get used to it, like to other changes in life. Adapt your tactics. There is, of course, the question of realism. Was it more realistic before, or is it now? I don't know... Ah, and your Pixel troops don't run "back and forth". When they run, they run for good and return quite shattered, if they return
  5. Yeah, that's a problem with you youngsters....
  6. Correction: It is available at Amazon. One just has to type it right....
  7. Thank's for the tip. Seems, it is indeed not too easy to find. No luck at Amazon and EBay, but I'll keep trying. One thing, which I forgot to mention: The Ken Burns series reminded me quite much the excellent "Dear America - Letters home from Vietnam".
  8. Hah, that's exactly what my boss keeps telling me. I looked it up in my ancient Time Life book. That says: - 3/8 to the Capatain, of which he pays one third to his commander - 2/8 to the Officers - 1/8 to the Midshipmen and NCOs - 2/8 to the crew An example from an engagement on 17/18 October 1799, where four British frigates captured two Spanish frigates, full of coins: The four Captains received 40'000 Pound Sterling each. The 1000 crew men 182 Pound Sterling each. BUT, that that was equivalent of 16 years of wage. Unfortunately, I suppose, the the crew could still not opt for early retirement.
  9. Does anybody know the Ken Burns Vietnam series? I watched a few parts yesterday and found them pretty good. Same style, but not as touching as his Civil War series.
  10. Yep, I found the cartoon in an old Time Life book, named "Age of Naval Warfare" or so and took a photo, which I had to reduce to this "microspot" size to be able to upload. If you want, I can send you a nicer (and readable) scan of it. Re the prize money: Was it in the Royal Navy not "Half for the crew, half for the officers"?The Captain's share again being half of the officers share.
  11. Hey, we were an "active combat unit" in those days. Defending our second line radar station against infamous assaults from "Redland". But being an Airforce support unit, I do remember some unreal situations, when we had contact to real soldiers. Brits and the like...
  12. I remember, that I spend a few days in trenches back then. Ack, freezing cold and wet. Nothing for us Airforce guys....
  13. Hm, looks like any other training village, I have seen in Germany and Switzerland. Except the double-deckers, of course. If you get too close to them, they don't look very real any longer.
  14. Another consideration in this discussion: I have the impression that the CMBN VP was no great success, or better not too well accepted. At least, I can remember at best a handful of user made scenarios, using VP content. The problem with the VP: By itself, it is pretty dead content. Scenarios need to be designed especially for the VP, which is an extra that not everybody owns.
  15. I was thinking along the lines of a "Dunkirk" scenario. British infantry defending in the outskirts against German infantry with some PzII and a few R35 come to rescue. May be playable, but you are right: There's not much meat on it....
  16. Just checked it. Yes, there is a R35 and a Char B (flamethrower) in the vehicle pack.
  17. IIRCR, there are some French vehicles in the CMBN vehicle pack. So, that might be a start to design early war tank action scenarios.
  18. Your comment reminded me to this 19th Century cartoon: In case the text does not come out readable: The officer asks the sailor, why he is praying, if he even would be afraid of the enemy. The sailor answers, he would be praying that the bullets will be distributed exactly like the prize money....
  19. I remember, that ny Norton Security thought to detect a Troyan, when I re-installed CMBN a while ago. At that, setting an exception helped without any detrimental effect.
  20. I have not been there myself yet, but my friend told me, that the Germans targeted the slew ring of the cupola with three 88mm guns, in order to block it's movement. Then they took it out with flamethrowers.
  21. Found it. You refer to the "Kasematte Marckolsheim". A friend of mine lives nearby, on the German side.
  22. I think, there is only one horizon mod per game. Have a look at CMmods on the "The few good men" web site. If you don't find, I can send you a link next week.
  23. Ah, interesting. Would you remember where? I am living not too far from Colmar.
  24. I hope, you sent somebody over, to watch out for trouble first. BTW, don't you know the "Horizon" mods, or do you dimply prefer the drab yellow?
  25. As a very general comment: Yes, CM requires a certain "frustration resistance". When you finally start to enjoy the punishment, you've made it.
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