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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Niall, I know very little about this engagement. Could you suggest a title for further reading? (Besides the Colonel's memoirs, OC.)
  2. Come on, Niall. Don't leave us hanging. Who won? The Colonel or the Commander?
  3. Too funny, LNM. This one doesn't know if it's coming or going.
  4. And according to someone who was "there", 88's often operated with an eight (8) man crew. So theoretically, at least, the turnaround time could be even less.
  5. Kauz, I for one would be more than willing to support your cause. (Kauz...cause...get it?) My father-in-law commanded a battery of 88's. He says you are absolutely correct in your assertion. It could be done. Now, whether or not BFC chooses to "let it be done" is another matter entirely.
  6. Excellent suggestion, Freyberg. Especially considering the presence of aerial support and its perils.
  7. Too funny, Chuckles. I've seen that "movie" more times than I care to admit.
  8. "It's just a flesh wound...Come back here...I'll bite yer head off!"
  9. Then there's this: Trigger has been consigned to The Stud Farm. He's taking a well-deserved break. If you look carefully, you'll notice him smoking...a Marlboro.
  10. At the risk of stating the obvious, it is also possible that your forward HQ commander has been shot. What may appear as a clear chain of command may, in fact, be broken. If the "man with the flag" goes down, you'll lose communication with your mortar team.
  11. Ask not if Red Thunder is worth the money. Ask only if this thread is worth the time.
  12. Just be thankful the Russians haven't invaded Kentucky, Molester. Coming to a cattery near you!
  13. I couldn't agree more, Ian. But then, I haven't had a single response in well over 700 posts. What is up with that?!
  14. "I am cup"? If there is one thing I am "guilty" of, it is derailing threads. So, here goes... My main complaint is BFC's lack of conviction in banning people from the Forum. I mean, what purpose does a partial ban serve when guys like me can "flame" lesser members of the human race, take three days vacay to recharge/rewrite the script and be ready to wreak verbal havoc on this oh so very public stage with virtual impunity. A ban is a ban is a ban...
  15. Thank you BFC for your passion, for your standard of excellence, for your patience that knows no bounds, for putting up with our demands and for agreeing to negotiate with the terrorists that are your loyal fan base. And for the truly beautiful game that is CM.
  16. My troops are highly skilled at finding where mines were. Not so good at where mines are.
  17. @ Banesy "...lost 1 man on the 3rd iteration. His friends buddy-aided him too and all was well." As I understand it, "lost" means dead-to-rights. Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that some Latino named Jesus died on the cross before being buddy-aided back to life. They'll even turn it into a holiday.
  18. @ umlaut Sadly, it appears our little tryst was not meant to be. Other games await. Come as you are.
  19. Sorry, Gents. Umlaut and I have other plans. Enjoy your wargame.
  20. Oh, umlaut. You sweet (talking) transvestite! Btw, tell me what you're wearing.
  21. You better hope your boss is a BFC fan(boi).
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