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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Welcome to Bil's shooting gallery. Well worth the (fifty-five-plus minute) wait.
  2. @ Emrys Don't worry, Michael. You're still my favourite vegetable.
  3. You're welcome. Good to see someone appreciates a droll sense of humour.
  4. So, can someone tell me who the "good guys" were?
  5. I don't suppose the Red Army had a chaplain. But if they did his first words would be: "Lettuce pray."
  6. And to think it only cost the Russians $52 Billion. They could have at least made a "charitable donation" to the Finnish Hockey Association to insure the final score was more favourable to Russian "interests".
  7. Banesy, I thought we all agreed...only I was allowed to make really bad puns.
  8. Mikey, you made my day with that pic. You people are too funny.
  9. First we had the Sturmovik by stealth. Then came the Hetzer with its "Nazi Cloaking Device". What next?
  10. Blame the Russian hockey team. All of this is a diversion to make us forget the Olympic Games ever happened.
  11. I think we are all adult enough to self-censor without Big Brother intervening. People have given their lives for less.
  12. Bil, any idea of the nature (bombs vs bullets) and number of ordnance dropped on that Hetzer?
  13. Agreed, Aragorn. Elvis, your last best chance may be combining your armour to hone in on Bil's tanks at GELB. Focus on taking out a single T34 at a time. With a little luck you may be able to regain the upper hand in Victory Points as times elapses.
  14. Do Victory Conditions require you to hold one of ROT or GELB, or both?
  15. @ Childress Nostradamus says: The Seahawks will have difficulty repeating as long as Russell Wilson insists on playing baseball. Nostradamus requests more Skittles.
  16. The Virgins of Castle Anthrax: A rematch! A rematch! (Of course, we grognards will settle for a spanking.)
  17. Too funny, Fizou. (Not to worry, the NSA has been notified.)
  18. Two words: Kate Smith Of course, even KS wasn't enough to deny my Habs their glory.
  19. Call me Nostradamus. With what's going on in the Crimea, we may have CM: Siege of Sevastopol sooner than we think.
  20. @ womble Sorry, I just read your post. Was placing mines at BLAU not an option? If so, then this is one of the limitations of the game during the set-up phase and should be corrected. (As if the "deck" weren't already stacked against the defender).
  21. Everyone's a critic, including me. Elvis has done well to delay Bil as long as he has at BLAU. A better use of his AP mines would have been on the approach to BLAU instead of at GELB. In fact, I would have conceded GELB entirely. Rather than risk spreading a thin defense even thinner, all of his assets should have been placed in a single quadrant. His goal: to hold BLAU as long as possible before falling back to a Glorious Last Stand at ROT. Easier said than done.
  22. It scares me to think we think alike.
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