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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. ...when you're out walking your dog and he insists this would be a perfect spot to bury a "landmine".
  2. And yet, here you are again. Slow day in the unemployment line?
  3. If you spent a little more time in the Forum you would recognize the sarcasm in my post. And yes, the AI is that good. I suggest you give RT a try. Then, perhaps you might actually earn your rank.
  4. Seems we have a "Romantic" in the House. "Sickie?" Someone call a doctor. (just kidding)
  5. I arrived rather late to the party that is CM. Bought BN two years ago. Was thoroughly blown away to the point I would play the Normandy Campaign for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Didn't feel the need to buy another game. Until Red Thunder. If you base your investment on wins per dollar, you may be disappointed. I have yet to beat the AI in either QB or single scenario mode. And yet, I've gotten my money's worth ...and more. Damn you, AI. Thank you, BFC. My $00.02.
  6. "I no I lust my kontakt lenz sumvayr arownd heer."
  7. @ Jorge "Soviets, the best Recon lol ...what will you call it?" Love at first sight.
  8. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to die there.
  9. This just in...apparently it is a tumour. Which means Arnie would make the ideal Mayor for the City of Toronto. (PS - Crack pipe sold separately.)
  10. Dude, now you tell me! I feel like such a "sap".
  11. @ Burkey "It is not a tumour." (from Kindergarten Cop, quite possibly Arnie's finest work...so far.)
  12. If it's awright by yoo, I'll be having Scotland. One dram at a time.
  13. Mord. Do not go there. Personal experience has taught me that the surest way of getting oneself banned is to mention Poland. Of course, it would make for a lovely birthday present.
  14. Yes, yes and ...yes. Colour this feature gone.
  15. The best part of this video has to be the: "Er Brennt!" ('tis burning!). My father-in-law, a commander of a battery of 88's, would be proud. BTW, outstanding job with the in-battle dialogue, Guys. Something that often gets overlooked.
  16. We have a winner! Alles klar, Herr Kommissar. EDIT: sometimes less is more.
  17. BFC is Da Bomb...literally. If the AI continues to hand me my backside like it did in The Angriff QB, I'm gonna hafta stick to trolling this forum. And believe me, no one wants that!
  18. "How I love the smell of glue in the morning..."
  19. re: Uncle Adolf and The Fourth Reich: Good one, Burkey. Over at Amazon.com they've got a great deal on Reichs. Buy three, get one free. On a similar note...whenever Christmas rolled around at the workplace, our staff had a tradition of regifting a gilded bust of Elvis. We could easily add Uncle Adolf to the "unofficial" Secret Santa list and rig things so the two iconoclasts could be united for all eternity.
  20. Speaking of which...I just saw "The Reichs: Seasons One Through Three" on eBay. But you'll have to act quickly.
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