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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Any modellers out there? It's time to strut your stuff.
  2. Lots of good-looking "eye candy" there, db. Thanks for sharing. Cool (and apparently quite real) battle damage on the T34. Did you by any chance hit the gun barrel?
  3. It could've been worse, Joe. He didn't ask what was hanging off the spare tracks. Welcome to the Forum, Jerome. You are among friends here.
  4. How about the voices in my head? (Ninja'd by all the other comedians in this forum. You know who you are.)
  5. Only if you're wearing your Penny camo. Then it won't matter what you're singing. (Also, I like my cocoa hot.)
  6. "I really think I can pull this off." Was that your pickup line? Pix or it didn't happen.
  7. Whoever said "the best defense is a good offense" obviously never played CMRT. Otherwise he would have said "the best offense is a Tiger lion on the enemy's Objective."
  8. "Zat iz zee last tyme vee eet at Taco Bell!"
  9. Dead of the Night had enough twists to keep me guessing until the end. Without the benefit of having read approach #3 (above) before playing, I did manage a DRAW (although "yours truly" did technically win on points). As important as holding the higher ground in any battle may be, I found claiming the middle of the map to be vital. The craters among torn railway ties provide just enough cover from which to branch out along the ridges on either side. The first of many shots were fired from these ridges. Nailing the enemy sniper overwatching the high ground turns out to be one of the keys to success in this battle. He is well placed to wreak havoc on friendly forces. In calling in off-map artillery, I delayed my mortar strike until the enemy HQ was within range of my spotter. When it arrived not only were the shells well off the mark but they nearly took out my left flank. No doubt the conditions (rain in total darkness) played a role here, so one should not rely too heavily on these "assets". As our OP has pointed out, this scenario is winnable - with certain caveats. My mistake was getting into a protracted firefight at The Granger's Hut, losing both men and minutes before time elapsed. In what amounted to a virtual bloodbath, only one of four surviving friendly units was able to exit the map, one of several Victory Conditions. We shake our fist, we move on.
  10. I'll drink to that, Banesy. Down yer neck! Blitzkrieg would be a hoot with the new engine. A man can dream, can't he?
  11. Squallion: My main problem was that the panzer IVs appeared to be too weak. They would be destroyed in one hit almost every time, and it would take them several hits to destroy the T-34s. If it's any consolation, Squallion, I've completed exactly two of the scenarios that came with RT, Angriff and Dead of Night. And enjoyed them thoroughly. I played as the Germans in both cases and although I did manage to gain victory by the slimmest of margins in the latter, I had zero AFVs by the end. This does not bode particularly well for me attempting the German Campaign. Best of luck...Viel Gluck!
  12. Love those little tank killers. Keep the videos coming, Oddball.
  13. Seriously though, Squallion, you might want to replay the RT German Campaign...without having to "cease fire". A tall order, perhaps, but a true challenge to your gaming ability. (And one that I aspire to attempting at some point.)
  14. I'm with ya, Bud! (pun intended)
  15. Well, his comrade did tell him to "floor it".
  16. Good for you for jumping right into the campaign. Sounds like you've acquitted yourself rather well, all things considered. When's the AAR coming out?
  17. In which case I shall be asking for your advice shortly. I'll have to pluck up the courage to actually start the campaign first.
  18. Right you are, Herr General. Winning is sooooo overrated.
  19. The good news is this, Squallion: You are asking all the right questions. Stick with it.
  20. It is not always necessary to take ALL of the objectives. You, the attacker, can also claim victory by taking a number of objectives while denying the enemy from holding its ground. The fun part is determining which objectives are coveted by each side.
  21. Squallion, you might want to start with the pre-loaded scenarios. I took one look at the German Campaign and realized I was in over my head. "Dead of Night" is a "tiny" probe (and therefore, a great place to start), while "Angriffe" took three tries before I could claim victory (challenging, yet not impossible). Scenarios may be more your speed...until you master the larger scale battle, that is.
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