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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Written in the spirit, if not the language, of Robbie Burns himself.
  2. Ah Banesy, say it ain't so. I guess there's still hope for Scotland, though. Do they allow the Glaswegians to resettle?
  3. @ Peter 'Twas the start of a beautiful friendship, to be sure...but, as I was saying, without Glasgow, there'd be no Edinburgh. And as much as I enjoyed my stay in your fair capital, I found a kinship with the salt-of-the-earth types who reside on the banks of the River Clyde. "...with a couple of pints on a Saturday night, Glasgow belongs to me".
  4. Either way Emrys would still be getting the better of the deal. I get the impression most American women wouldn't stoop so low. I doubt the Scottish lasses would either.
  5. @ Emrys You Americans are always labelling others. You are the last person on Earth I will allow to label me. If anything, I am North American. And as a proud Canadian who can read a map and can actually find your country on it, I'll have you know we Canadians will always come out on top. (And I'm not only referring to the World of Olympic Hockey...).
  6. @ Peter No need to apologize my good man. As for your "cold corner of the globe", surely you jest. It may be springtime in The Great White North but we would be the last to know it. But then, you weren't referring to the climate...or ware ye. I believe ye Scots to be among the warmest people to inhabit this planet. Of course, I'm not entirely unbiased as me Gran was a Ferguson. Give my best to the McConnville clan when (not if) you run into 'em. "My heart belongs to Glasgow..."
  7. Wise words, indeed. The more I think of it, the luckier I feel I am to have someone who will put up with "all my crap." That, and the fact I can leave the house and not only know she'll be there when I get home but my scotch supply will be untouched. Turns out she tolerates me, but not the drink. "Now, down yer neck!"
  8. @ PeterH For the record, I am Canadian. And just as "wee Americans" tend to overgeneralize when it comes to the name of libations, "we" aren't the only ones to fall into this trap. A case in point: while touring the North of Scotland, I arrived at an inn where I'd be spending the night. When the barkeeper asked me what part of America I was from I replied: "Kind sir, I would never mistake you for an Englishman. Please don't mistake me for an American."
  9. And the rest of the world thanks you for your divine nectar. I use the term Scotch to differentiate between it and the Irish and North American concoctions which never touch my lips. In fact, I have travelled the "Whisky Trail" from Edradour (the smallest distillery in the world) to Talisker (the only to be found on the Isle of Skye). Just don't ask me how I ever got home.
  10. Try drinking scotch. That stuff burns the old mucous membrane, believe you me.
  11. Umlaut, I'm just glad it's you who's running this thread. The natives are getting restless in here!
  12. To quote the film, "When Harry Met Sally": "I'll have what he's having."
  13. In the tradition of "The Price is Right", I will undercut my friend Umlaut by one measly minute, thereby assuring my eternal fame. April 1st @ 01:29 GMT...2014.
  14. I wonder if chainsaws might appear in the German arsenal. Or would they be considered a "rarity"?
  15. In the good book it was written: CM: Siege of Sevastopol
  16. No offense, but it's a good thing some of us have our TESOL (English as a Second Language) qualifications. Of course, SpellCheck runs a close second.
  17. *******achtung!******* ***sarcasm Free Zone***
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