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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Have you conceded GELB? Would it be easier to defend BLAU or ROT? Once you've answered those two questions, the rest is easy. You'll need to send reinforcements to what becomes your "Glorious Last Stand". All hands on deck!
  2. Don't worry Repsol, "If the (racing) glove don't fit, you must acquit."
  3. Sorry, Gents. I saw the word "Speeding" in the title. And this thread was off to the races.
  4. That's quite the smoke screen your T34's have created. I'd say they dodged a rather large bullet by slipping past that Shrek.
  5. Then there was the time I drove through the streets of Monaco (sadly, not during the Grand Prix, but almost as fast). Who knew the F1 crowd drove the course backwards (against the normal flow of traffic)?
  6. Whoever said, "where there's smoke, there's fire" didn't see the aftermath of losing Little Flamerâ„¢. Tough loss, Bil. Better luck at GELB.
  7. Jolly good show in taking out the Little Flamerâ„¢, Elvis. However, I somehow expected the OT explosion to be bigger.
  8. How do you find time to play the game, Vinnie? I mean, when you're not dreaming up these great ideas.
  9. We sponsor a child in Senegal, so the plan would be to visit during the big race. Fingers crossed.
  10. I'm pretty sure you would have been shot at regardless of the colour of yer skin, Buddy.
  11. Looks like Bil took a play outta the "Go Big or Go Home" handbook. Talk about swingin' fer the fences!
  12. Are you sure that wasn't the United Nations cantine?
  13. That would have made sense, if only to preserve Elvis' numbers. Don't touch that dial!
  14. Personally, I'm not sure I'd have wanted to "crew" a captured vehicle. Although it would no doubt garner you bragging rights, the novelty would wear off pretty quickly. Does anyone have any stories about being on the receiving end of friendly fire while manning a captured AFV?
  15. I've been to the 24 Hours of LeMans and the Indy 500 (ten times). So, yeah, it's on my "bucket list". But I'll have to settle for being a spectator.
  16. Hmmm...If they were to reappear as Russians could you kill the same tank's crew a second time?
  17. Dude, even I wouldn't go there! Or to Russia.
  18. Elvis, your suffering as an Eagles fan will pay dividends against an opponent such as Bil. Remember the saying: "What doesn't kill me or my love of football, makes me stronger."
  19. I agree, Erwin. Even the biggest bullies don't "play nice" forever. Don't be surprised if Putin uses the Russian hockey team as cannon fodder. Who knows, this time they might even show up.
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