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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. You dont have to completly reinstall the game + modules to get the exes back actually. It is sufficient to install all the patches from 1.21a to 1.32 just over your already existing installation. I have the same issue with AVG as you Erwin and i know that reinstalling the patches isnt the best solution but at least its less work than reinstalling the game + all modules.
  2. Often though doing things are a benefit for individuals inside an organisation are a benefit for the organisation itself and those who carry the bill too. If you are for example the head of an organisation (like a business company) that pays for your living, you obviously must have an interest in making the organisation work efficiently in order to ensure its ability to pay your salarys now and in the future. This is also partialy true for those who arent in leadership positions inside a business organisation: while they may have less responsibiltys and thus influence on how things are going, they (in a simplified situation where there is no alternative company that can offer a job) still must have an interest in ensureing the well-beeing of the organisation they work for (because otherwise they are going to loose their job & their income the one way or another, either by the company becoming bankrupt or by the company dismissing them). Both of the above have in common that they want their customers, those who carry the bill, to be happy with their products because otherwise the company is going to be bankrupt an none of the above is going to receive their salarys. That individuals as a part of an organisation can afford to mostly ignore the organisations and therefore the other members of the organisations needs is probably more a problem of organisations where those who are in controlling positions do not depend on the well-beeing of the organisation itself. For example dictators in a dictatorship usually depend compareably little on the well-beeing of most of the people they control, although even they still have to fear a revolt if they completely ignore the needs of the public. So basically i agree to Schmoly Wars statement. It would not be a rational decision to not try to correct inefficient decisions made in the past, especially for the military. If the military doesnt avoid making the same errors over and over again, they are not going to be able to do their job of protecting the those who pay their salarys from exterior threats and thus loose their 'jobs', in the case of the military probably even their lives. The phenomenom you described in your reply to Schmoly Wars post is called corruption and it is illigeal, destructive and irresponsible. You cant generalize this the way you did and say that all large organisations are always completely (100%) corrupt, because if that was the case large organisations as such wouldnt be able to exist.
  3. House-to-house fighting can be extremly costly for an attacker if the defender does his job well. Your men may be doomed, but i think you still have a good change to hurt your opponent badly if he pushes into the narow streets of the village. Every room can be turned into an ambush, every street into a killzone.
  4. This is the T-800 Terminators great grand father.
  5. That totally sounds like propaganda to me: "Russia to pay for 'patriotic' games, may ban 'falsely negative' ones". ""Experience has shown that any historical information transmitted in a fun and role-playing form is seen as an unquestionable truth in a child's eyes. Thus, the child is often instilled with false truths. For example, young fans of the movie Pearl Harbor believe that the war was won by the Americans." Well that is not the fault of the movie Pearl Harbor - it shows how the war between the US and Japan started, seen from the american perspective. It doesnt make any statement about who won it IIRC. IMO the only thing that is shown here is that young children arent able to draw proper conclusions. 'The game should not only be entertaining, but also improve cognitive functions...' ArmA2 with ACE & ACRE mods installed is such a game - probably the most complex and challenging shooter on the market. @baron: the amount of your tax rubels that the russian government is going to spend on this matter per year is probably going to be much less than 1% of 1 rubel - so dont worry, you are not really paying twice.
  6. I thought about getting it some time ago, but the lots of bad reviews kept me from actually doing so.
  7. There should be a zombie mod. Every game has that nowadays: the ArmA series, the CoD series, i even heard of Tetris beeing infected!
  8. Well, i found it funny. It wasnt meant to be an offense.
  9. Maybe all english wifes always use the water they used to wash their husbands socks in to make their tea and you are just so used it that you find any tea that doesnt taste like dirty socks disgusting. Next time you travel the US, bring a couple of dirty socks with you and hand them over to the hotel staff and tell them to cook your tea with these '...to make it taste like in england'. Maybe it helps.
  10. Not true. In fact I am Adolf Hitler. Thanks to me beeing a superior beeing, genetically engineered by the aliens that brought me to life and sent me to Earth almost 1 and a half centuries ago, I could celebrate my 124th birthday this April. Eva is also still with me, although she has been in cryostasis since the early 50s.
  11. I dont know any of the two, but i would recommend you to use either Artweaver or Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is an excellent but expensive programm. Artweaver is a much cheaper programm, but it is almost as good as Photoshop and has a similar layout. There is also a downgraded free version of Artweaver available.
  12. Good to hear that you are making progress with the scenario. I cant help you with the question from wich unit the german infantry was, but if you need playtesters, send me a PM.
  13. "Armour-piercing, composite rigid (APCR) is a British term, the US term for the design is high velocity armor piercing (HVAP) and German, Hartkernmunition." - Wikipedia Doesnt say anything on Wikipedia about how effective it is against Death Stars though...
  14. Are you sure that s correct? IIRC green dots indicate that a seat is taken by a crewmember and blue dots indicate that a seat is taken a passenger. Red dots indicate that the occupant of the seat is dead and needs to be removed before the seat can be occupied again. The removal of dead personell from vehicles happens automatically after some time.
  15. A great advantage of splitting squads is that you can order only those teams to lay down surpressive fire that dont have SMGs and have the SMG team save its ammo for later.
  16. I often order ammo beares to area fire onto a specific target. Will they still accept long range (like 250m+) area targets after the MG module? IMO surpression is one of the keys to victory, so i want as many of my men to shoot in the dirction of the enemy as possible. If i dont want my 2nd line troops to attract attention i usually give them short covered arcs.
  17. heyhellowhatsnew, what was the ouctcome of the medical examination you said you were going to have today, if i may ask?
  18. Very responsible and thoughtful of him. I wonder if both or just one of his brains two neurons were involved in making the decision to throw the horseshoe.
  19. They are wounded but not heavily enough to be unable continue fighting. Medic says: "It s just a scratch, you ll be fine.".
  20. I think it is good that important personell ist assigned to teams that are usually tasked with high risk missions. If there was the leader or asst. lead in the scout team you couldnt let them walk up a road until fired upon, for example.
  21. Werent the MRAPs purchase because the HMMWVs prooved to be extremely vulnerable in an asymetric conflict, especially when hit by IEDs? AFAIK the MRAPs werent purchased to replace the Bradley as combat vehicle, they were the US Forces answear to almost a decade of irregular warfare in Afgahnistan & Iraq. When facing a conventional enemy on a symetric battlefield, i think the Bradley would still do its the job of carrying and supporting infantry much better than any wheeled APC.
  22. Tactical warfare is as old as life itself it seems: A horent on a reconnaissance mission detects a beehive. The bees lure the scout into an ambush within the hive, kill it and afterwards try to remove they mark the hornet left in order to try to save them from a mass attack: However the bees fail to completely remove the mark the hornets scout left and are soon attacked by a superior enemy. A task force of 30 hornets soon arrives at the hive and mercyless slaughters the defenders. The way the Hornets organize themselves during the attack (they communicate via chemicals) reminds me of what could be called a "decentralized command structure". At the end of the vid they even "resupply" each other: Giant hornets invading a hive of yellow hornets:
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