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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. But you just said it yourself: Among the countries with compareable wealth & social structure, the US have an extraordinarily high murder rate.
  2. "God has a hard on for Marines, because we kill everything we see. He plays His games, we play ours. To show our appreciation for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls." - Gunnery Seargent Hartman
  3. They do - i read a report on this some time ago. I dont have the link anymore, but the report did seem authentic to me.
  4. Something important you left out: the living standard in Africa and South America is significantly worse than in western Europe or the US. IMO the amount of violent crimes within comparable populations is directly connected to poverty and lack of education & perspectives. In a society that offers alternatives to its people to compete in other ways than by physical violence, lets say by economical success, violent crimes occur much less often than in societys where people have little to no chance to have a life without poverty.
  5. You are ready for the zombie apocalypse.
  6. Actually afaik (it has been a long time since i last checked, so i might be wrong) the USA only spend a very small percentage of their BIP on defense today, like 5-10%. That is not extraodinarily much and much less than for example during WW2 (~50% in 1944, IIRC). America isnt like North Korea, where money is spent on a military of a size that cant be afforded.
  7. I bet that all those detainees in Guantanamo just played a CM battle against someone from the US government and won. So better let your opponent win if you believe he is working for the NSA.
  8. Ha, they are nasty bastards, those Germans/Italians. Looks like they are going to cut off your only avenue of retreat and then slowly grind down your encircled troops. Make them pay for every inch of ground! I expect no less of you than to make sure that all of your men fight to their last bullet for our entertainment. Or as Scholar Visari would put it: "The enemy may shatter our bodys, but they cannot break our spirit! We will strike without warning and without mercy, fighting as one arm, one hand, one sword. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares! And as our last breath tears at their lungs, as we rise again from the ruins of this city, they will know that Ribera belongs to the Allies."
  9. The AI is prone to the same spotting restrictions as you are. It cant hammer you with arty unless it has a spotter with arty privileges, contact to the firing artillery (either via C2 or radio) and LOS on your troops. I dont know if the AI preferably uses the FO for artillery spotting if there are multiple capable spotters avaiable, but i assume so.
  10. Woods are horrible terrain to fight in. Even worse than MOUT because the low visibility/LOS makes it so hard to build up fire superiority.
  11. Looks intzersting. I think might try out this one.
  12. If you can do horizons and signs, i absolutly trust in your ability to do the vehicles and foxholes as well . I thought about modding the CMSF German army vehicles and uniforms in a way so they look more european and can be used in togather with the Euroscape mod, so i know they are easily accessible and modifyable. It is just the huge amount of work that kept me from doing so. But if you & mjkerner would be willing do the work for the CMFI snow vehicles, i am sure many would apreciate that.
  13. I can confirm that bug. Seen this happen many times. However i am usually not assaulting rooms that have a confirmed enemy inside, IMO it is better to clear them from the outside, so it isnt causing much trouble for me.
  14. I even saw videos of Syrian opposition fighters firing SPG-9 recoilless rifles from rooms no bigger than my toilet. Sure, the blast looked like it proibably deafened the gunner, but he was able to walk away on his own feet at least.
  15. I added your blog to my favorites, Bil. I vote +1 for making this thread sticky.
  16. Ok here is some feedback: everything looks pretty & fits the 1944 winter scenarios really well, BUT is this supposed to look like that? Did you check for historical evidence of german soldiers wearing those...well, whatever they are called? It looks a bit weird to me, like a bucthers pinafore:
  17. If there is anything left of the door. But i usually clear buildings exactley the way you described it: i hit them with large amounts of HE and then send the infantry in to count the corpses.
  18. Yeah, but not as specific target commands. It would be better to be able to define general SOPs, like for an M1 tank: primary target = all tanks secondary = all IFVs tertiary = all that doesnt fit the two above categorys
  19. I once had a similar problem with a different mod and IIRC that is a windows related problem that occurs when you unpack files to folder with a long path. Try to unpack them to a folder that has a short path, maybe that helps.
  20. Intersting IMO. Can people who grew up solely during the Nazi regime and who hadnt known anything else before the war ended be judged the same way for their actions as those who were born way before the Nazis came into power? I mean, the latter, the ones who were old enough to know the world before the NS regime, they willingly chose Hitler (or at least most of them). They knew that there were alternatives. On the otherhand, those who grew up mostly in youth organisation of the Nazi party, whose parents probably also were Nazis, how should they ve been able to know better? A difficult matter IMO that can only be judged in the individual case. Concerning the guy you quoted, i think that he said the truth: the NS was terribly attractive for most germans back then, it is not a wonder that many, especially of the younger generations, were easily seduced. And IMO he is also right that what happend is hard to understand without having been there: it took me quite a lot of reading too to really understand why and how things happened back then. At least he realized later that 'in retrospect it was a lie'.
  21. Find the soldier: http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17o8s3e4os5h5jpg/original.jpg http://soldiersystems.net/blog1/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/wheres-waldo-1.jpg http://www.worldaffairsboard.com/attachments/ground-warfare/14094d1239514330-photos-excellent-camouflage-soldiers-afv-aaa-etc-acu-sofa.jpg Now imagine what it would be like if they d were just normal green uniforms.
  22. Maybe one of the improvements is the accuracy with wich units fire at close ranges. I ve seen scenens during my CM battles where a soldier would miss like 10 shots from a semi auto rifle at almost point blank distance at a static target. Sure, it can be axplained with combat stress, but still IMO the reaction time & accuracy of units at close ranges could be better IMO. Or another possibility would be the ability of units to shoot around corners. That would be cool. That would make troops carrying demo charges horribly effective :eek:.
  23. IIRC the most significvant effects are that spotting worsens if the TC is killed, along with your tank crews ability to endure incoming fire. They will retreat or bail out of tank earlier without their commander. Firing rate should stay the same (that is duty of the loader, and in your example that crew member is still alive).
  24. Here is a pic of a replica Albert: found at http://www.mishalov.com/Worsley.html
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