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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Try this one: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1248 I am not using it myself but i think it is what you want.
  2. Afaik currently guns are modelled as infantry - so once it is dead, it is dead.
  3. Download the CMBN demo. Multiplayer modes are fully enabled, only the number of available stock scenarios is limited and QBs are disabled. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1889&Itemid=318 If you are lucky the demo lets you play custom scenarios downloaded from the Repository via PBEM, wich means there would be a large amount of content for you two available for free. Otherwise you could still play the demo scenarios via PBEM. Even at high turn exhange rates they should keep you busy for a week or two. Once you have played through all the CMBN demo scenarios via PBEM, get the CMFI demo and play through those demo scenarios via PBEM and you can kill another 2 weeks. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2143&Itemid=318
  4. Not bad. How long is it gonna be until we can try out all those cool new features?
  5. Hmm, well, i still believe that having the option to pre-order a DL only version is not really necessary. The drawback of not having it is minimal for both parties involved (customers & BFC). The advantage of having it would also be minimal for both. It is up BFC to decide if letting people pre-order a DL version is worth the effort.
  6. I dont know. I personally find crawling to be much more exhausting than leapfrogging. But i agree that units get tired faster than they should when they are using the slow command.
  7. That s probably because all US teams are fit. If you are playing with Syrian 2nd line troops or rebels that arent just more than armed civillians, they get tired only after only 50 - 100 meters of moving quick if their fitness-rating (as usually with those troops) is -1 or even -2. In hot weather units with -2 fitness almost cant use the quick command at all, they get tired immideatly.
  8. I usually add 1000 rounds of 5.56 + 2 AT-4s to my US squads in CMSF. The Javelins are handed out too, but prefereably to 2nd lines units, like C2 elements and MG teams (wich get 1000 additional 7,62 rounds). I like to use the target area command a lot, so i really need that additional ammo to be carried on the men. I dont want to do an 'acquire ammo from that vehicle' drill while in combat. In the WW2 CM games i usually only hand out additional ammo for those automatic weapons that are carried by only one or two members of the squad - like the MP40. The german squad MGs, for example, can draw additional 7,92 ammo from the riflemen for quite a while if they need it, but the MP40s burn through the ammo they get as standard too quickly. The same is true for the Stens and Thompsons, they use up their ammo really quick if you arent careful. Panzerfausts and all those other nice things are also always given to the troops by me.
  9. Dont forget to get some additional 9mm ammo from your halftracks too.
  10. IIRC the load restrictions only affect gameplay by not letting you drive vehicles that are too heavy over the bridge. I remember that i once had a Tiger I and there was a small stone bridge ahead of it. The bridge definately was wide enough for the Tiger to pass across it, but the game just wouldnt let me give the order. I had to use a nearby ford.
  11. The problem only occurs on this page, independent of how recently i have restarted the browser. That is why thought that the battlefront servers are maybe undergoing some kind of mainteneance or that since the MG module is nearing its release everybody is frantically pressing F5. I dont know what is causing the issue. I am going to update firefox and see if that improves things, but actually i am running a quite up-to-date version. I only spared the last update.
  12. Since a week or so it often takes a felt eternity for me to access the battlefront.com forum & main page. Sometimes up to several minutes, sometimes i even get a timeout. Sometimes it works as usual (meaning it takes less than 10 secs to load a page) It is really enerving and kinda takes pleasure out of posting on the forum. Am i the only one having this problem?
  13. That was probably aimed fire, the enemy team could see your team and fire on them. I was talking about area fire on a building where your toops cant see who is inside. I should have made that clear..
  14. LOL kohlenklau - when i made my the maps for my syrian civil war scenarios i always put on arabic jihadi music to get me in the right mindset, although i am not even religious. No kidding.
  15. .50 cal and bigger will reliably produce casualties, no matter what type of building the enemy is in. 7,62 and smaller will only cause surpression. At least that has been my experience.
  16. What would be the point of pre-ordering the DL only version? Seriously, i mean, the purpose of pre-ordering the mail delivered version is clear: this way you can have it as soon as its released and dont have to wait more than necessary. But the download version? You can just buy it on the day its released and then DL it within 5 mins.
  17. Awesome. I just a few days ago thought "wow it d be so cool if someone made a scenario depicting that engagement!" and now you are doing it. lol.
  18. Interesting - i interpreted his post as making cultural differences between people of different ethnic backgrounds responsible for the increased crime-rate among non-white americans. Some cultures tend do solve social problems with violence more often than others, independent of peoples genes - hence JasonCs assumption that coloured people who came to america imported their more violent cultural heritage. Or - from another point of view - the increased crime rate in non-white americans could be a heritage from the years of racial segregation.
  19. You can send it to me too. I am very interested in scenarios set during the syrian civil war. I will PM you with my email adress as soon as i ve finished writing this post. Concerning mods that fit the civil war background: i highly recommend Mords excellent civil war mod. If you havent been aware of its existence until now, you should check it out: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2283
  20. Let me throw something into the discussion that happened just days ago in Austria, my home, wich is a country with comparably strict gun laws (at least when compared to the US): a mad hunter ran amok. He ambushed, shot and killed a total of 4 policemen of Austrias Cobra special police force on two different occasions. The regular police forces were tracking down the hunter (who legally possed several bolt action rifles) because he was illigally hunting in a district where he wasnt allowed to hunt. Because the regular police expected him to be armed, the Cobra was called. At some point during the manhunt that follwed the shootings, the hunter withdrew to his residence and killed himself after beeing besieged for over a day by 300 policemen, supported by several tanks from Austrias armed forces. Now i think that it is good that Austria has strict gun control laws, but it is impossible to completely rule out mass shootings simply by strict gun control laws. People who want to kill will always find ways to do so (that is the downside of beeing an intelligent and creative species) but i think that gun control laws can help minimize the damage. Just look at the damage that this crazy guy did with a legally owned bolt action rifle and then imagine the carnage that could have happened if he would have been legally armed with a fully automatic weapon. You also cant argue in that case that more liberal gun laws would have prevented the tragedy: the were no civllians involved in the shootings except the shooter. The policemen were all armed and specifically trained to handle difficult situations. They just had no chance when they were ambushed during the night.
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