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Everything posted by agusto

  1. In my opinion the Overlay feature has by far been the best editor improvement in the recent past. Havent tried it yet, but making accurate maps from satelite images in CMSF is an almost painful experience, so i am sure the overlay is a very helpful tool for map makers.
  2. In my experience tank fire in CMSF is deadly accurate, no matter if the vehicle or the target is on the move. You may have to be a bit more careful with the older Soviet models, like the T-55 and such, but all Western tanks and the more modern Syrian ones (T-72 and better) dont suffer from a significantly reduced accuracy if they fire on the move.
  3. LOL i just took a look at the MG page at BFC.com at read about all the new stuff. Didnt know it already had its own page there. Now i feel i have to get it. When is it going to be released? 17. September IIRC? BTW my grandfather fought at Arnhem bridge. I am really interested to see what that was like, or at least how Battlefront depicts this battle.
  4. Interssting, thanks. I did a bit of ad-hoc research into the matter and appearently there even is an histroical engagement that took place around teh fort. Appearently the fort was conquered during the battle of Nimjegen. Terrain looks intersting as well. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Doornenburg_Rijksmonoment_8943_Fort_Pannerden_%284%29.JPG http://www.grotescheur.nl/wp6/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/nl-for-pannerden0.jpg
  5. How about the German names for the Battle of the Bulge? "Unternehmen Herbstnebel" (Undertaking Autumn Fog), CM:UH, or the other German name; "Wacht am Rhein" (Watch at the Rhine), CM:WR? I really like how "Undertaking Autumn Fog" sounds. How about "Rundstedts Rampage", CM:RR, as name for the Battle of the Buldge game ? Rundstdt commanded large portions of the german foces during the BotB. And BTW, what had been the working name for CMFI? I am just asking out of interest.
  6. I doubt that those were available at the time. By the way: Soviets? In the Netherlands during WW2? Have you been smoking weed again .
  7. Nontheless the new buildings were going to get (for example the windmills*) and the ditch feature (could be used for making the earth walls around the fort*) would make this a possible candidate for a dedicated MG-module battle. Doesnt really matter to me weather or not it actuually is within the area where MG took place. I am not asking for this battle to be placed on the MG module CD by BFC (in wich case it would actually have to be in the MG area), i just think it would make for a cool user generated scenario. * *
  8. That would make for a cool CMBN:MG scenario, wouldnt it? Satelite picture: http://geoeyemediaportal.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/images/gallery/manmade/structures/hires/bourtange_netherlands.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Bourtange Maybe i am going to try and make it myself. If not, maybe someone else gets inspired by this thread.
  9. Haha. If i think of all the virtual deaths i ve caused in computergames over the years since i ve started playing video games, i have probably ereased mankind at least several hundered times . Probably even several thousand times .
  10. I believe that those special adult toys actually DO provide as much long term entertainment as BFC games. I mean 1) you can use them over and over again (i doubt that material fatigue is a problem here) and 2) it never gets boring. There is even a multiplayer mode!
  11. IMO all modules i ve bought so far added a reasonable amount of new gaming experiences. I havent checked the list of what is going to be new in MG and neither am i right now planing to get it in September when it is going to be released, but judiging from my behavior towards CM modules in the past, i know i am going to have to pick it up at some point. Really, at first when i started playing CMSF, i didnt want the marines module but then i bought it anyways a month later. Another month later, i couldnt resist getting the Brits and couple of weeks after that, NATO followed. Same thing with the CMFI and CMBN modules. The modules were like "Oh come on, i know you want it too!". I am kind of a weak character when it comes to CM i guess .
  12. Hmmm. Patch the game to the latest version before trying to start it, maybe your having a known techical issue that can be fixed by that. Try to start the game each time after you installed a new patch. If that doesnt work either, i am sure someone from BFC is going to give you technical support soon. They are usually quite fast at this. Patches: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#Combat%20Mission:%20Shock%20Force%20-%20Paradox%20Version EDIT: Did you installe the retail upgrade or did your game come with the retail upgrade? As i can tell from this* thread, the paradox version is asking for a liscense kes after installing the 1.21 patch. *http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92968 http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=227&category_id=9&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26&vmcchk=1&Itemid=26
  13. Do you get any error mesages? As far as i can tell from your post, the game isnt liscenced. That could be a problem with your anti virus programm denying CMSF to acsess the internet. Try reinstalling and running CMSF with yout anti virus programm deactivated.
  14. LOL, now that i read my previous post again, i have got to say it is not really a miracle it confused you: First, I misread "sky" for "snow" in that post of yours: AND second i forgot to type a word - "see". . So it should ve read "i cant see any green snow.". I didnt even notice the green sky .
  15. Great! Dont forget to upload it to the Repository, so others can enjoy it too. EDIT: And nice winter camo uniforms & helmets BTW. Can you upload those too?
  16. It looks very good, kohlenklau. Great that you could do it yourself. BTW i cant any snow that looks green - only a white, snowy ground with green trees on it.
  17. Yeah that would probably look better than modding the CMFI backgrounds. I tried that yesterday but without any useful result (non of the CMFI backgrounds looks french enough, even if you cut away that big mountain). Thanks for the help.
  18. Taking the stock CMFI winter backgrounds and modifying them with Photoshop would be the quickest makeshift solution. I am going to try and see what i can do this afternoon.
  19. In fact it is not only the a great design resource, it is also the only AAR/DAR of i ve ever read all posts. Thank you very much for making this.
  20. The Wehrmacht officially purchased Pervitin pills by the hundereds of millions during the war. Depends on dosage IMO. The dosage of speed people consume when they are going out is probably significantly higher than the dosage that would have a "positive" effect on a soldiers performance in combat. A small dosage may have positive effects on the one hand and only minor, bearable negative side effects.
  21. I uploaded the Singplayer (Red vs. AI) version of this scenario to the Repository. It should be made available within the next couple of days. Link below: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2824
  22. I think that the excessive propaganda in Nazi Germany made many believe that they could still win the war, even in 1944. The 17 and 18 year old generation of recruits who fought in the Battle of the Bulge more or less grew up during the Nazi regime, they had never seen anything else but Nazi propaganda and thus were completely loyal, believing everything the propaganda machine told them. Also, a peace with the soviets had never been an option for Hitler. The plan was AFAIK to make peace with the western allies and subsequently make them fight alongside germany against what Goebbels called the "Bolshevist Hordes".
  23. Very interesting documentation, definately gonna watch it. Thanks for posting.
  24. 2 more cents on MOUT operations: 1) When you move into a building, always think of what might be on the other side of it. I had situations where i sucessfully moved a squad into a building and had it kill the ocupants just to have that squad shot to pieces by the tank waiting on the other side moments later. Preferably you want to know what is on the other side before you move in. 2) Clear multi-story buildings from top-down. That is the way the hand grenade works best.
  25. @PanzerMike: Yeah this thread was very inspirational and helpful. As a result of it I ve finished one scenario during the past month and another one is in production and nearing release. You can check them out here (incredibly shameless & thread hijacking self-bump follows): http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110566 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111001 @ASL_Veteran: Using a methodical approach when designing scenarios IMO greatly increases work effectiveness, i.e. it directly reduces the amout of hours you have to spend making it. That is basically why this thread motivated me to start making scenarios again. My first unmethodical try a couple of months ago was quite unsatisfying and very slow, basically because i had no real idea of how to do it and i just starteted with no real concept or anything but just a very vague idea. It is always hard to do something when you dont have a real idea of what you actually want to do .
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