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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. One of the game issues - snipers are spotted too easily
  2. Oh, yes and more - Blinken, the descendant of migrants from Ukraine, now is a secretary of State Department - "Совпадение? Не думаю" (С) Though, I'm not so optimicstic, like many in Ukraine. Democrats have started "reboot" policy, which led to growing of Russian ambitions and main ideologist of reboot was Biden. Maybe now he understand own mistake, but who knows... And exactly administration of Obama with Germany and France put pressure in 2014 on Ukraine leaders so that Ukraine wouldn't resist to Crimea occupation. Our planes with paratroopers already were in the air, when operation "Spring shower" was canceled. And further "Maidan crew" rejected to give lethal weapon. About two hundred of old Humvee and dozen counter-battery radars. That's was all. So "pro-Russian" Trump's administration gave for us much more - thousands of night vision devices for infantry, Javelins, Islands and Mark.VI contracts, some technologies of targeting and tracking, that allowed us to create Neptun anti-ship missile.
  3. By the way on these photos you can see the second stage of Azov uniform evolution. Initially they weared mostly black gears and painted own helmets in black color, naming themeselve "black men" like a counter to "green men". Also part of fighters used civil clothes - during clashes in Mariupol on 9th of May 2014 killed Azov fighter was weared in civil. But already month ago, when battalion became more similar to regular military unit, most of fighters weared german flecktarn camo, which they used during summer campaign 2014 and winter campaign 2015. Since the mid of 2015 Azov mostly change own camo to multicam.
  4. Oh, no, no Looks like guys from "Azov" (this is the tank of their tank company) just decided to use the "basket" on the back of turret for transporting a big amount of wood at once for blindage building or some other position works.
  5. Ukrainian parliament passed a law, which allow presense up to 2000 US troops and up to 2000 other NATO-countries troops on own territory during 2021 year (in 2020 was on 1000 men less). Also this law allows deployment of military vehicles and up to 10 planes. In the same day after a conversation between Biden and Putin, Russian police and FSB began mass detentions of Navalny activists and followers before next wave of protests, appointed to this weekend. If Putin's force stuctures didn't cut off this protests with all cruelty, then tensions inside Russia will grow up to mass anti-Putin rallies and even probable withstanding with police. Unstable situation in Russia is good for us, but... this can induce Putin to switch people's attention on other subject. Can it be sharpening on Donbas? New campaign in Syria or Lybia? Or crusade for water? The war always was best way to unite nation around leader if the inner situation threatens to his power. Next months will show.
  6. Can you prove this "regularity", coming from western intelligence sources? I repeat again - if in the sky of Ukraine armed B-52 and Tornado appeared, simulating stike on Sevastopol, British paratroopers dropped near Crimea and NATO ships maneuvered in Black Sea, then US and UK had too serious reasons to do this and spend money of own taxpayers and weapon resourses. Enough sharp reaction for "retired general statements". Meanwhile in Crimea despite on some rains and snow, water reservoirs didn't fill again, consumption still too large. Putin actually rejected the project of desalination facility in Crema and said that Crimea can supply itself with own resourses. Local "power" anyway claims that thay will build the facility (hm... for what money and what technology?), but water can be received only up to 2023 (for which cost for population?). This is information on the mid of December about water level in largest water reservoirs of Crimea. Blue bar is actual level of water, red bar - the "dead" level, which makes normal use impossible. Already now situation is worth - many districts of Simferopol have a dirty water with sharp chemical odor, because water supply company forced to use huge amount of reagents to supress stinky smell of water because of pumps lift the "dead zone" putrescent silt from the bed
  7. This is not military funeral and not "green man", rather "black man" %) This is seen-off "Azov" fighters to the front on 19th Oct 2014, which took place in Kyiv. Here some similar photos from that event: Two month before Russian invasion happened, Ilovaisk disaster, heavy Minsk agreements signed, but the war going on... After short-time rest they again go to Mariupol, which still under the threat of next attack - previous was repelled just month ago. Suspence...
  8. During 1942-43 344 Churchills were sent, 253 arrived: 20 Churchill II, 128 Churchill III, 105 Churchill IV. These tanks in 1943 were directing to forming of new guard heavy tank breakthrough regiments per 21 tanks each. Two regiments had time to participate in Stalingrad battle, in 1943 these tanks were used around Leningrad, later in Kursk battle and in fights for Kyiv. To CMRT timeframe these tanks were enough rare in front units and used in fights for Tallinn and Vyborg, which out of CMRT "geography".
  9. 201th tank brigade has 18 Matildas and 224th tank regiment - 33.
  10. To the timeframe of CMRT and the module Matildas already were out of service. Their last active usage was during Kursk battle. To the 1944 most of survived tanks were moved to training units.
  11. Rusisan jets trained search&destroy mission on USS Donald Cook, which entered the Black Sea day ago. Also USS Porter will enter the Black Sea appox.27-28th Jan
  12. Planned fire as well as counter-battery is usually for attached to BTG hihger arty units, brigade artillery strikes both planned and spotted, this is their task - to support battalions of brigade with fire. For supressing of spotted targets, brigade artillery can communicate with infantry via infantry HQs - all commanders from platoon level have basic skills to target artillery at least rough, or via spotting teams from battery HQ, operating among infantry. This scheme is working both RUS and UKR forces.
  13. In real world night vision of BMP-1/2 is very symbolycal. The commander of both vehicles has TKN-3B night vision sight (opical-electonic amplifier) wich use IR projector for highlighting the target. The "tank" type target can be detected from 300 m in front projection and 400 m to side projection in conditions of transparent athmosphere and not full darkness The gunner of BMP-1 has 1PN22M2 sight, fixed with the gun, with night vision capability also not far from 400 m. The gunner of BMP-2 has BPK-1-42 (on early models) or BPK-2-42 (on later models) sight, fixed with the gun, which maintains 400/800 m and 650/900 m "tank" type target detection in passive/active modes. ATGM on the top hasn't any night sights.
  14. Heh... Why? APC is ARMORED personal CARRIER. Not "wheelled IFV". With own task - safety carring of personnel or injured they coped remarkably. Not counting BTR-4 they were single light armor vehicles, which side armor resisted to SVD bullet. Saxons saved many lifes, evacuating wounded under fire. And as I know no one Saxon was lost because of enemy fire.
  15. We rejected even from idea to buy modern IFVs, and will upgrade old soviet coffins like BMP-1. Western armor are too expencive toys. Tanks will be more expencive, than IFVs. Poland already has negative experience of Leopard usage despite their economical situation much better than our. Though stockpiles of decomissioned German Murders and Denmark M113s as if say "all this can serve many years in our army and with less problems, then old soviet vehicles". There were many criticism about AT-105 Saxon buying, but the time showed it turned out great APC, which almost didn't bring headache for maintennance personnel unlike old BTR-60/70. These APCs to this time serve like fronline medical evacuators and staff vehicles.
  16. AN/PAS-13 v2 has 1200 m of detection, but it consider as "medium sight" and mounts on MGs, when v1 - "light sight" mount on the rifles. In open sources there are mostly info about v2 and "heavy" v3 versions for sniper rifles, but almost nothing about v1. I found it somewhere, after long searches, but forgot this site - there was pointed the range about 800 m.
  17. I believe, but not with such almost "lightspeed" reaction from detection to shot. To detect, recognize, assume a decision to fire, make measures, make voice commands to gunner/loader and (or) driver, they must react on orders, prepare to fire, aim, shot - all this in less than 3 seconds? Also this is touching not only the armor, but infantry too - look at CMSF2 topic, when discussed the same problem with many examples. Pair of scouts, which can not only spot, but also recognize enemy infantry in the trees from 3 km, having only rifle thermals - how it possible if AN/PAS-13 v1 sight for rifle has about 800 m of effective range? The second - as I know the game engine have a feature - each unit makes 7 second сonsistent observation of each 90 deg. sector, but is there really commander during the battle is rotating own cupola like a turbine? Or trooper with own head? As far as in USSR time the research was provided which sectors the tank commander observates during own tasks. There is turned out 90 % of time commander spotted in the sector in 110 degrees forward. Try to move in the game RPG team to the tank from the flank - if it's not T-64, with a big probability the tank will detect them first. Commander, of course, can rotate on 360, but, for example, in case of T-72B3, the commander hasn't thermal in own cupola, so during the day targeting he hasn't any advantages and in the darkness he can spot only at 500 m with EOP device. The thermal for 3300/5000 m of night/day modes has a gunner, but his sight "nailed" to the gun and he can observe battlefield through the narrow field of view only by rotating the turret. I'm not shure this reflected in the game.
  18. First of all the game suffers from unrealistic easy spotting and "X-ray vision". And one of main steps of balancing is matching spotting capabilities to real world. There is a feeling sometime that armor with thermal sights and "better optic" indeed already equipped with "transparent armor" technology - such easy they detect even small targets from the side or back directions.
  19. BM Oplot now is under modernization program with codename "Bastion". First tank of this project has to appear in 2023 for test program. BM Oplot was great tank for own time, but now it already doesn't match to modern demands and has very expensive production cost. Also there is problem with some specific parts, which produce in Russia. In parallel way deeper upgrading of T-64BV will be continue under "Crab" program. This is not about T-64BV mod.2017, but other vehicle - with new engine, with communication systems, integrated in digital battlefield command system, with upgraded protection form the top-attacks etc. The first tank of "Crab" program is expected through the year The third program is upgrading of current BM Bulat park. New engine and T-80UD transmission + digital communication systems + new sights, including thermal
  20. Meanwhile... In Simferopol water reservoirs only 14-15 % of water left, more critical situation with Ayan water reservoir, which also feeds this city and it outskirts - only 8% of water remained and pumping from it has termianated. Source in Russian: https://www.ool.ru/news/krym/obshchestvo/v-vodokhranilishchakh-simferopolya-ostalos-14-protsentov-proektnogo-obema-vody/?fbclid=IwAR3xb_h1c6vsGJh2vqR5BotM8RxzuVU98fRErnrBavq8H3Y0gtaCOQg-gw4
  21. Better to see the other link, pointed in this article, where author writes about tanks by type in each tank unit: https://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2020/09/blog-post_13.html From this article we can see most tank units of Western and Sourthern districts on Ukrainian direction to 2017 year (timeline of the game) already had T-72B3 and even B3M on armament, not counting T-90A and T-80U/BV. And from this article I can't understand where all these 1135 T-72B in service if most units pointed like owners of modernized/new tanks on 2020 year. Maybe this can be explained that some number of them already moved to reserve, but not decomissioned yet. And also 400 of them are in training units. In 2014-2015 regular Rassian units used in Ukraine mostly T-72B mod.1989, T-72BA, T-72B3 and some T-90A. Also T-80U for short time were moved on Ukrainian territory and stayed near the border, but didn't participate in actions. But I agree that Russians should have extended line of T-72 series.
  22. I read Russian forum and some people, former Russian volunteers, who were DNR fighters told their rifle thermal sights were significantly degrading when they tried to spot infantry on the background of summer forest. Detection range was shortening to 150-200 m and thermal image was too hard to recognize. Though they told about civil models of Russian or Belarusian thermal sights, which they could buy.
  23. Meanwhile, even in Sevastopol, where situation with water was better than in other parts of Crimea, local occupatin authorities have introduced the regime of high alert, due to shortening of water reserves - the water left only for 81 days. https://ria.ru/20201013/voda-1579652133.html Kremlin give to the Crimea additional 5 billions of rubles for "water problem", but all what can do local puppets - to drill new artesian wells, which give only short-time effect and to dig new water reservoir for Sevastopol purpose, but for this needs to block the small river - this will cut off villages, located upstream and will affect local ecology system. Local settlers are opposing to these plans, but what is needs of "villains", when the main city of Black Sea Fleet needs stable water supply!
  24. The post of twitter account Bottema37: Even when the ships aren't on AIS you can find something interesting, it just take more time All is done on size and colour of the ships found, and of course other OSINT sources like Twitter.
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