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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. The time before next charge can be triggered after previous is 15 seconds.
  2. This is photo from Thailand army parade. Varta system is present. Formally, this is slightly improved Shtora - it has more wide spectre range. T-84 index no more in use. BM Oplot for Ukraine, BM Oplot-T for Thailand. T-84 relates only for 10 tanks produced in 2001. Five of them now in service, one - in military academy, four sold to USA. Pakistan's T-80UD partially are "hybrides" between this model and T-84.
  3. The technolodgy of light version of Zaslon - Zaslon-L sold to Turkey. They already implemented it in own APS system Pulat AKS by Aselsan for M60A3 Sabra
  4. Is this Russia Today info? Ok, then I believe this is 146% of true! I say more - ISIS used Ukranian BTR-4 in Iraq, so Ukraine supplied ISIS, this is obviously!
  5. Hm... Current operators, which armies use big number of BTR-50 are Egypt, Sudan, Vietnam. Also small number has Croatia, traditional Ukrainian partner on military market. What exactly of this armies are jihadists? But of course, Russian weapon supplying of Hezbolla terrorists via Iran this is normal thing.
  6. Why "desperate"? This is upgrade for foreign BTR-50 operators, not for Ukrainian army
  7. Well, but why in this case 1PN79 thermal sight can't maintain the beam riding through the smoke? My familiar Stugna-P operator told me, that this ATGM can maintain the guidance even through the smoke, until the target is even partially visible for operator both in manual tracking and automatic tracking mode. But when the missile lost the beam, the self-destruction initiates. Alas, he never used thermal sight for Stugna-P, so couldn't say about opportunity to fire through the smoke, when target can be seen only through thermal.
  8. No, all upgraded tanks are acting vehicles, which take from units, not from stocks. Reservs of repairable T-64B/BV in stocks already exhausted. About all this chain you are right, but I don't see any impossible to do this and upgrade 100 vehicles for 1,5 years. Results of 2018 can be even higher, but because of many reasons plans wasn't execute on 100 %. I can't find this table, but as I remind, about 200 armored vehciles was planned to buy according to State Defensive Order in 2018, but real number of vehciles turned out less in to times.
  9. I know, but western terminology hasn't a word "divizion" for definition of artillery&missile unit, consisting of several batteries. It names "battalion".
  10. I heard upgrading of one T-64 takes about month or two, but lost this discussion, can't say exactly. The program was started in 2017, first demonstration T-64BV mod.2017 (it's official name) was in April. To the end of the year about three dozen tanks were upgraded - four of them participated in Strong Europe Tank Challenge. Other tanks already went to units in 2018. Initially tanks upgraded only in Kharkiv, but since the end of 2018 Lviv factory also mastered modernization process, so number of upgraded tanks increased.
  11. State Defensive Order is a classified information, so I have not any information about funds, prices and terms. Some information about repair and orders of some parts, systems and devices can see in "State Order Messenger" issue, but there is no integrity information. Though, we have armor repair factories in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv. Each specializes on some sort of repair works and modernizations. Even with corruption and ineffective managment they capable totally to repair hundreds vehicles per year. Nine months per one repaired vehicle is too long as for me. Pre-war cycle of BM Oplot producing "from zero" was 14,5 months.
  12. Military budget for 2018 was too fat ), but pre-election factor also could take place. New small arms in 2014 could be only of "Fort" state factory. "Fort" during pre-war time produced weapon only for police and for civil market. So, it production capabiliies too limited. I remember, in 2014 they produced for army about 500 Fort-223 rifles, mostly for airmobile, special forces and National Guard. The line has a word "SAM COMPLEXES", so this is not MANPADs 100%. Complex=battalion, though in can be also single vehciles Osa and Strela-10 of ground forces.
  13. This is correct for state factories. Commercial companies, which design own armor, sucessfully execute state orders. For example "Praktyka" comapany now is finishing the order for 40 "Kozak-2" armored cars. Totally this will be already 200 vehicles. Now new "Kozak-2M" is complening state test program and will be adopted for air-assult units. Also "Praktyka" presented own 6*6 APC "Otaman" for Marines. Theese are two tables from official White book-2018 of MoD Table 3.1. New and modernized weapon systems. Table 3.2. Repaired weapon systems
  14. Unlike export version "Kornet-E" with 1PN79 IR sight, Russian army uses own "Kornets" with IR sight 1PN80, which maintains opportunity of firing through combat smokes - this is directly says in datasheet. So, in CMSF-2 such situation is a bug, but in CMBS is normal thing. Other question - how much often IR sights use on ATGMs in daylight conditions... Both 1PN79 and 1PN80 are OPTIONAL sights for "Kornet". How much of "Kornets" are equipped with IR... also good question.
  15. Gur-Khan as always heard the song, but got it wrong. Stopping of BRT-4 program and other developments happenrd because of Ukroboronprom (UOP) and Ministry of Defense now it deep withstanding. Corruption and artiphical overpricing from one side and stupid bureacracy from other. Different commercial interests of different influent persons, who's standing behind UOP and MoD. Formal reason of BTR-4 stopping - MoD says the Finnish armor plates, which are using by UOP in BTR-4 is not conform to Ukrainian standards and demands to use Ukraiain armor. UOP answers the steelplant in Mariupol, belonging to oligarch Rinat Akmetov can't to maintain producing of quality armor in necceseery volumes and sells the steel only in huge parties, so Finnish armor more profitable. That armor was shelled on the range and showed own proper conditions, but MoD claimed, real hulls were assembled with armor of different type, not matching the armor, showed on the tests. Also two factories (hulls asemling and turrets assembling) failed own producing in 2018 because different reasons (corruption, obsolete equipment, debts etc), so Malyshev's factory remained without work. For 2018 only 8 BTR-4 were produced. This is weird situation on sixth year of war but this is Ukrainian reality... Each official in sate companies thinks about own pocket, not for state interests. About BM Oplot. There is not any need in thees tanks now. It was great 10 yeras ago, but now it's upgrading potential is very low. So BM Oplot can be produced only for export, but Ukrainian army need comletely new tank. T-84 Oplot (first generation of 2000 year) which were moved in 14th brigade is more inner propaganda step, than real need. And thanking to ass-handed workers and engineers it turned out to big fail. There is no more T-84 for Army. Now T-64BV upgrading program is successfully implemented. Thermal sight for commander and EOP gen.III for driver and gunner, digital radio, GPS navigation, Nozh ERA in Kontakt-1 boxes - all this raise opportunities of T-64BV almost on the BM Oplot level. There is about 100 T-64BV already upgraded and moved to own units. Russian engines, use in T-64? Ahaha ! And this is main editor of military magazine.
  16. Hеh! You have missed discussion about this incident, but because of political flame, the topic (which you started btw) was closed:
  17. 8th Feb 2015 - huge explosion on Donetsk State chemical products factory (produced HE for industry and military). The factory was located on north-western outskirt of Donetsk, big amont of HE was stored under open sky. During a fire exchange, Ukraianian SPG-9 shell made overshot and accidentally hit one of HE stock. Shokwawe from the explosion is felt in 20 km around.
  18. This tactic has exactly such name, but just "carousel" ) Widely used on Donbas mostly on the level of one or two platoons, less often on the company level.
  19. They have sufficient lack of tank crews (especially drivers) and spare parts for tanks. So, significant part of their armor is unoperational. Though, in case of escalation, crews can be quicly formed from "vacationers".
  20. 26th of June during counter-battery fire ajustment, Ukrainian UAV spotted Russian EW stations Torn-MDM and R-330Zh Zhytel, covered under mask net in Mayorove village (old name Krasnyi Oktiabr) approx in 10 km form frontline and Ukrainain position in Hranitne. From the range of 14 km, the single 2S1 has opened fire, having targeting via UAV and crowdfund-developed fire control system "Kropyva". The second shell hit deirectly. SP-howitzer fired 11 shells, most of them hit target area. Torn-MDM was destroyed, R-330 probably damaged. These stations usually work as pair. Torn makes express-analysys of frequencies and signal emmition sourses direction finding on the range 30-70 km and R-330Zh after it makes final type of sygnal determaination and supress it on the range 20-25 km Torn can be identified by small square superstructure on the van - it is clear seen even under camo net.
  21. Yes, but from Donbas it is first on my memory... Uh... Maybe %)
  22. Interesting video how UR-83P MICLIC is using not for direct purpose, but like rocket launcher to hit enemy positions. UR-83P mineclearing charge has 22 sections with 120 m of lenght and contains 1380 kg of PVV-4 HE (about 0,85-0,9 TNT). The range of launch is limited by the brake cable in 440 m of lenghth. 29th of June DNR forces launched such charge from Oleksandrivka village to Maryinka town outskirt, trying to hit positions of 24th mech.brigade. To make the charge fly further, they disconnected brake cable. The charge exploded, but the only result is destructionn of abandoned structures. No casualties. There are several happens of such using of MICLICs on Donbas - during assault of Donetsk airport and in 2017 year. On the photo UR-83P device The engine of UR-83P charge, which was found in Maryinka after explosion
  23. Well, then I would say about "a draw" on 24th Aug. Ukrainian troops seized western part of the town and established chekpoints around, but havn't enough forces to cut off supply from Khartsyzk town and assuult eastern part of Ilovaisk.
  24. This was not the battle. Just turkey shot of columnes, which drove in march order. Battle for Ilovaisk, which took place from 7-24th Aug is a separate episode, which mistakenly mixed with developments of 25-29th Aug, when under ruling of Khomchak arrived units of Sector D, which was disbanded approx.23-24th of Aug. If all that forces would manage defense in seized part of Ilovaoisk or really would try to break through, the result could be other... One of main argument of pro-Muzhenko's "camp" is Ilovaisk operation has been planned in interests of oligarh Kolomoiskyi (to take control uder energy plant in Zugres - Ilovaisk was the obstaclee on the way to this target) and conducted by volunteer battalions. As if ATO HQ didn't give any orders to assault Ilovaisk (and as I said, volunteer battalions weren't under command of Muzhenko). Also this "camp" claims Khomchak (he was the general of "6th Army Corps Dnipropetrovsk military clan", when Muzhenko is from "8th Army corps Kyiv military clan") was close to environment of Kolomoiskyi and in violation of Muzhenko's order gave to volunteers in support army group of Sector B (about two combined companies) and personnaly led the operation, moving Sector B HQ to Ilovaisk area. Finally this played bad work for remained Ukrainian runits of Sector D - when the sector was disbanded, these units were attached to Sector B and retreated to the dislocation of Khomchak's HQ. Directly in the trap. As a counter version, pro-Khomchak (or anti-Muzhenko&Poroshenko) "camp" claims ATO HQ had a plans to encircle Donetsk and Ilovaisk was a part of this plan. They also showed the WARNO from 4th Aug, where some army units receive orders to set chekpoints around Ilovaisk. On their opinion this is a proof that exactly Muzhenko planned this operation, but small detail - in WARNO text clearly written "The staff of Sector B orders..." and the sign - general Khomchak. Not Muzhenko. From the other hand, Muzhenko really said ATO HQ planned operation of outflanking Donetsk from the south, but he claimed Ilovaisk battle was usual tactical clash, not general battle. As if this was secondary task, so ATO HQ decided to involve volunteers through representative of police in ATO HQ, because according intelligence information, Ilovaisk hadn't strong garrison (that turned out wrong). @kinophile I think this will be interesting for you, since you have interest to Ilovaisk battle
  25. By the version of Muzhenko, at the evening 26th of Aug Putin agreed with "green corridor" and about two days this question discussed on the RU and UKR General Staffs level. But 28th Aug Russian side suddenly changed own mind - at 22-00 Russian colonel-general Bogdanovskyi, first deputy of General Staff Chief called to Muzhenko and said Ukrainian troops now can withdraw through "green corridor" only if they will be completely disarmed. Muzhenko rejected because Russian side evaded from the question about security guaranties. Muzhenko claims, that because of hard situation, he couldn't order nothing to Khomchak and because Khomchak was in epicenter of developments, he gave to him a right to assume decision. But he has offered to Khomchak to take all trops in Ilovaisk, set up strong defense there and wait reinforcenent, which should to deblocate them. But this offer was rejected by volunteer battalions commanders - they are were not part of ATO HQ and subordinated only to Ministry of internal affairs, so neither Khomchak, nor Muzhenko couldn't order them to stay. Commanders said, if Khomchak and army units want to stay and die, that is their business, but volunteers will go out, because they exhausted (exacly mostly volunteers - about 500 fighters were involved in the fight for Ilovaisk since 7 Aug, most of army units - remains of Sector D, withdrew to Ilovaisk area from the border on 24-26th of Aug). Then Khomchak said "well we will withdraw together". Then Muzhenko offered to Khomchak the variant of night breakthough of small groups on wide front in different directions - mostly on the south, where enemy screen was not so strong. But on the next counсil volunteer units commanders rejected and that variant too. Russians alredy have negotiations directly with Khomchak and offerd him secure withdrawal - all commanders knew about this and didn't want to risk. In this time negotiations continued both on General Staffs level and on the level of Sector B staff. Muzhenko was in contact with generals Bogdanovskyi, Yebstratov and with Gerasimov, Russian Chief of General Staff. But Russian generals were turning this around each on other and than on lower levels. At last on Khomchak staff level as if achieved an agreement about withdrawal with weapon and vehicles. It was supposed to start at the down 29th of Aug in two columns under leading of Russian troopers. But in 6-00 to the Khomchak a Russian officer arrived and said that condition has changed again - there is only one route now and UKR troops must witdrawal completely disarmed. Khomchak claimed to communicate with hihger levels to know what happened and how to turn conditins back. Russians were promising to give an answer each half hour. Other version said, that not only Russian delayed the time, but Khomchak too, because of not all Ukrainain troops left positions in Ilovaisk and around it yet. At last, Russians answered they are agree on previous conditions, but Ukrainian combat vehicles must drive with covered weapon. At 8-15 Ukrainain columnes started a movement, when the head of northern column, headed by Khomchak passed inner circle of Russian positions (that on the Shaposhnikov's video), the tail is not moved yet. But when all Ukrainain troops were already on the march, Russian troops opened fire. There is a version, that commander of southern column without any visible reason commenced fire on Russian positions and gave the code order "Buran 555" (to breakthrough), but from other hand, Ukrainian troops proceeded in march order with covered wepon, so were unable to make any offensive or breakthough actions. But other troopers, survived in this hell told Russians opened fire, when рфда ща UKR south column already passed Chervonosilske village...
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