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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. All will depend from Russian goals and level of involvement. If they will repeat "north wind" in August 2014 style only on Donbas, UKR troops are capable to repulse them. If this will be invasion throughout whole bored line including Crimea and possibly Belarus and will use guided and ballistic missiles, aviation, fleet etc. But again all will depend from the cost which Kremlin will be able to pay for political benefits of such large-scale attack. One matter to force Ukraine to something, other - to conquer all to the Zbruch river and be able to keep all this.
  2. New module and additional equipment at least need for this (and hypothetical UNCONS pack). Base game doesn't allow to make historical Donbas war scenarios.
  3. If we say about 2014 summer campaign. 1. Month under endless artillery/MLRS shellings through the border - most of losses in vehicles are from the border area. 2. Mines and ambushes 3. Incompetence of commanders of almost all levels (direct attacks w/o any information about the ememy) and poor motivation of big part of mobilized troops - there were many happens, when crews were abandoning own vehicles even it took light damages. 4. Bad conditions of vehicles and poor quality of repair works. If we say about Autumn 2014 - winter 2015 campaign: 1. Position of president Poroshenko, which didn't allow army to fight in full strenght and timely to respond on anemy actions ("We have a peaceful plan"). When on 15th of Jan separs tanks and MLRS shot out control tower and terminals in Donetsk airport, he said "I'm president of peace, not war". He sanctioned "single time operation" only on 17th Jan, when already was too late. Debaltsevo it's also his guilt. He liked to speak about Russian agression and "Ukraine at war", but he didn't want to fight against enemy. There is ridiculos, when he and his followers, which during his rule cried "There is no alternative to Minsk! Do you want to offence?! Do you want hundreds of killed again?" now are calling for "the war to the victory end against capitulation". Pharissees. 2. Mistakes in operations planning.
  4. This is not official information, just OSINT and I have said it is possibly 2015 year early version. For example now we know that number of T-90A of 136th brigade was about company, not battalion and two platoons participated in Luhansk airport assault. There is now more exact data exists, but I didn't find it specially. I posted this table only for example that Russian BTG had one artillery unit in supoprt. And I completely didn't understand your scepticism and methods of your counting by losses and comparison with DNR/LNR. There are no direct fightings "battalion vs. battalion", when armor losses count could go on dozen vehicles. Artillery strikes and advances only. Just in Sector A were several fierce clashes. Russians invaded in mass on 23rd August (first units crossed the border on 18th) and withdrew on 3rd of September. Most of them didn't have direct contact with UKR troops. For example in battle for Heorhiivka no one from two Russian companies didn't use BTR-D and even companies themeselve advanced in 2/3 of own strength, using BMD-2 only. If you want to see number of separ's armor in 2014, their number already counted up to 95% Well, since 23th and to 31st of August UKR troops were mostly in contact with Russians BTGs. Or you claim 6-8 BTGs with suport - 9200 men by the table is ALL Russian Army? There is np any fantasticsal, that from most airborne unint was created per one-two combined battalions to participate in the war for gaining expirience in real combat environment. As well as to Debaltsevo bulge was moved the battalion (really only one company participated in actions) of 5th tank brigade from distant Buriatia
  5. Yes, but this is very long story that deserves separate thread. In Sector A (Luhansk direction) in August 2014 happened several direct clashes between UKR and RUS troops. Heorhiivka is really unique due to "setting" of used weapon systems. Of course, direct clashes also were and in Sector D (border/ Ilovaisk), but because of lost of control and сhaos its turned out in sporadic clashes, which ended in encirclement and shooting out of columnes under Ilovaisk. Unlike this in Sector A UKR troops fought against Russians very tough and have foiled their attempts to eliminate Sector A troops. Alas, even in our ATO history much more attention payed to defeat near Ilovaisk than to the fierce fights in Sector A, which showed Russian army are not Terminators and we can successfully fight with them. But instead we continously hearing from TV "we can't fight with Russia! Do you want another Ilovaisk?"
  6. You can't build large and tall empty spaces like airports, railway stations, stores, supermarkets, giaint industrial workshops Here is a map of battle area of second battle for Heorhiivka. This was maybe unique "classical" battle between regular UKR and RUS units during all war, were used alsmost all weapon - tanks, BMPs, BMDs, ATGMs, artillery, MLRS, AT-guns, AA-guns, helicopters and MANPADs. Two Russian VDV companies, supported with tank platoon each, have attacked from two directions. They could take two UKR positions, but were forced to retreat after artillery strike and counter attack of reinforcement half-company with two tanks. On this map reflected only spotting/battle contact area and not shown line of start deployment of Russians. Near highway crossroads the pair of UKR helicopters have stroke Russian column and knoked out as mininum one tank, when they were making outflank maneuver before the battle. As you see, classical engagement "the attack on prepared positions" of relatively small forces happened on the square about 5,5*5,5 km
  7. Anyway for modern warfare current max size of the map is unsufficient. Even the company tactical group have too low space for manuevers, so modern warfare turned out into WWII style clash. With "X-RAY vision" of many units it is make the warfare... a strange. This is mostly true for rural terrain, but how about big industrial and infrastructure objects? Administrative buidings with strong walls? Modern offices of glass walls? Railway wagons (halliluya to Aquila we have a mod now and at last it is possible to make adequate Ilovaisk assault scenario)? Environment of CMBS almost doesn't differ itself from WWII series.
  8. This is OSINT investigation of Dmytro Putiata, he is author of many detailed articles about Donbas war. About separs artillery he issued two articles. There is almost nothing about ATO in Ukraine from official sources, except two General Staff describings of summer campaign 2014 and winter campaign 2015. But both have many blank spots and sometime obviously gloss over mistakes of political leaders, ATO HQ and sector commanders. Also we have several large interviews with ATO HQ commanders, which give understanding of ATO on operative level, but they also not always fair to the end... Military, of course have something, but it is not issues for wide public. So, single way to learn something about real developments (not HQ reports for TV) there is need to collect and analyze articles, memories, photos etc. So, if you want any source on each quantity of tanks, guns or something other, I can't give it directly, because it is all in my archive %) About mortars - they have produced several pieces only. Of course, this was short-life weapon. Now in Luhansk separs is trying to produce 82 mm "ShMON" mortar in two variants. But this is small production of garage level mostly for propaganda purpose like Donetsk-developed MLRS "Cheburashka" similar to Syrian baloon missiles, but on more hihgh level. This is "traditional" variant of ShMON. Light (assault) variant you can see right. Other photo of assault varian of ShMON.
  9. Thanks! This is first time I'm seeing some concrete values. Though, would be interesting to translate last string under the table with ** explanation. There is contain UAE "Nozh" 2003 and "Duplet" 2009 (ERA of BM Oplot). Probably it can be approximation of Duplet protection, based on Nozh examinations in UAE in 2003. Duplet is a two layers of Nozh (or even three partially overlapping on the front turret), which maintains protection against tandem HEAT (Nozh can only slightly reduce its effect). Though, now it considers that Duplet is too heavy for mounting not only for T-64 family, but even to T-80/84. Upgraded T-80BV for air-assault troops has Nozh ERA, not Duplet. In the table given protection values against 3BM42 Mango, OFL120F1 and Kornet-E ATGM.
  10. Battalion of 79th has arrived directly before strike - for 20 minutes. There are battalion of 24th mech.brigade and border guards were staying there about two weeks as if no any war around. Not only at outbreak, but in Debaltsevo battle too. Zhyrokokhov... Hm... He is not good investigator of ATO history, he is typical copywriter. His articles mostly superficial and sometime contain many inaccuracies, subjective conclusions and even plagiarism. Despite this he made own image of "authoritative military expert", which is quoted by the media, also he managed to issue several books. Separs has not so mauch of artillery during active phase in summer 2014. Initially they used mostly mortars (some number of "hand-made" 82 mm were produced in Kramatorsk mechanical plant), also Russia delivered them several artillery and MLRS systems, but only since mid of July Russia gave them main quantity of barrels, but anyway total number of artillery (without 120 mm mortars) was 56 guns and 22 MLRS in DNR and 35 guns and 12 MLRS in LNR. They used 122 mm D-30 and 2S1 howitzers (the same barrel, just 2S1 is SP) and 120 mm 2S9 Nona and towed version Nona-K. MLRS were represented only with BM-21 Grad. Also separs reportedly could capture one transporting&charging vehicle of BM-27 Uragan and one 2S9 Nona (as far as the start of conflict).
  11. I sure this "2 artillery battery in BTG" really is 120 mm mortar battery of battalion + attached artillery battery of brigade level (122 or 152 mm). Of course, if need, higher levels can be added. But one artillery battrey in support is typical for BTG. Most of damages from artilery (plus to here moratr fire and MLRS like parts of artillery equipment) can't say about presense of several barrel artilery batteries in BTG. Here the list of Russian units, invaded in 2014, you can see that composition of forces is very different. And only several units have additional MLRS battery to existing artillery battery. There is upgraded list already exists, but I can't find it... this one composed possibly in 2015. About Zelenopillia. Russians initially uncovered the presence of big UKR activity by using SIGINT. Our soldiers in mass used cell phones, so for enemy SIGINT operators their basecamp looked as big bright point, which cried "We are here!!!" Very strange, that in major battles didn't meant battle for liberation of Lysychansk and Siverodonetsk cities agglomeration with 300 000 population. This was biggest opertaion in 2014 (after operation of closing the border) and first urban warfare experience.
  12. UKR paratrooper forces is divided on air-assault (before 2017 named airmobile troops) and airborne. In 2014-2015 airmobile had BTR-80, HMMWV M1097A1(substituted on Spartan armored cars in 2015). Airborne had different park of BMDs (-1, -2, -D, -RD) and 2S9 Nona SP-gun. Russian invasion forces in 2014 also almost on half consisted of airborne forces on BMD-2 and 2S9. Both side paratroopers have played decisive role in many operations. Also BMD and 2S9 vehicles (captured and delivered by Russia) were on armament of separs. Since 2016 air-assault troops got new vehicles: APC BTR-3DA, armored cars Dozor-B and Kozak-2, though still use BTR-80 too. Single airborne unit - 25th airborne brigade has BMDs only in one battalion, other already use BMP-1/2. Many BMDs were lost during active phase of warfare, but too much also were decommissioned.
  13. Thanks guys, but this anyway will be demand next module, where will be air-assault units and real winter terrain, I hope. And many other stuff like ZU-23, DShKM etc., without which impossible to show "feel of [ATO] conflict" %) Other two problems - relatevely small size of maps, which can allow CM2 engine and long time of even local clashes of small forces.
  14. No, typically only one artillery battery as BTG support. EW in very symplified way is reflected in CMBS. All other is operative level, though close-range counter-battery radars to detect enemy on-map mortar positions would be great thing. Оh, yes. Even for Donbas war, conditions in 18 sq.km, which allow CMx2 engine, completely not enough to reflect many battles in full volume, which developed on the big teritories with relatively small number of units.
  15. 1. I heard that Mango sometime used by UKR tankers of 1st tank brigade, but usual APFSDS load was Zakolka. Also I heard that we have a lack of APFSDS and even HEAT, so I supose, main stock of Mango stored for "big war" purposes. This ammo was adopted in 1988 only, so I doubt we could have time to receive huge number of its. According to this in CMBS 1.04UKR ammunition was downgraded from Mango and Vant to Zakolka. Mango remained for BM Oplot and BM Bulat 2. No. Single factory, which have technlogies of cemented carbides works is almost bankrupuptsy. Though, they anyway hadn't modern technologies of long rod producing. Static plant Zirka in Shostka, which recently assembled artillery shells and APFSDS too, now almost dead. Also there is TASKO corp., which proposes unmarked "APFSDS for D-81 gun", probably this is 3BM44U1/U2 shells, which developed since 2000th and were based on Polish APFSDS Pronit (used Israeli rod), but there is no any info about such shells were ordered by MoD. The "Konchar" program (long rod APFSDS) was closed in Yanukovich's time because no one factory couldn't master the technology.
  16. Slat armor, probably is optional and removed for transporting by railroad. Even If this is reinforced rubber, its can initiate HEAT projectile and give additional 50 sm of "air obstacle" for cumulative "needle".
  17. First party of 15 T-72AMT (T-72A upgrade, developed by Kyiv tank plant) directed to army. Next 10 will go to the end of January and 6 in February. Thus, full tank battalion in 31 vehicles will receive T-72AMT. What new in T-72AMT: - V-84-1 (840 h.p.) engine instead V-46 (780 h.p.) - "Nizh" ERA - 1K13 gunner's sight, which allows to use TLATGM "Kombat" - upgraded commander's day/night observation device TKN-3UM with 3rd gen.EOP ("tank" type target detection up to 1000 m in half-moon light or up to 550 m in young moon light) - driver's night vision device TVNE-4BUP (not less 100 m of nigt way visibility) - remote controlled HMG - "Aselsan" digital radio - SN-3003 "Bazalt" GPS-navigator - slat armor, protecting engine part and optoinaly, protecting rear of the turret - tracks of T-80 There is an opinion, that IR-projector "Luna" is useles thing, which creates weak zone, not protecting by ERA block
  18. This is Horlivka indeed. Gagarin mine belongs to the city limit. I am making the same location, but not only around the mine %) Industrial heavy buildings are that what CMBS critically needs...
  19. They had RPG-22 only %) When enemy tank approached to town hall, occupied by seals, one trooper shot with RPG-22 and hit under the turret. The turret was locked and tank moved back. What part of Horlivka is under work? I have started one, but with 4GB RAM this is bull s...t %) I have a thought to make full historical (or semi-historical at least for playable reason ) ATO campaign or just battle pack, but with base game this havn't any sense.
  20. No. But there was quite interest battle for Dzerzhynsk (renamed in Toretsk in 2016), when two small groups of "seals" from 73rd Maritaime Special operation center seized the town and awaited for reinforcement of National Guard and Army units. But instead separs gathered own forces and with tanks and light armor counter attacked the town. Seals repelled this assault without proper AT-weapon. But I think game engine of CMBS didn't allow to repeat this success.
  21. This is Donbas war specific - it is mostly a distant war of artillery and MLRS. By this case most of battles will be very hard to reflect in CMBS. Direct clashes of tanks and other armor of course took place too, but this almost never was like CMBS type company vs company or battalion vs.battalion meeting engagement. Advances on unknown terrain without knowledge about enemy and own forces around, sometimes long raids, ambushes, clashes for small positions - platoon strongholds and endless mortar, artillery and MLRS fire. This is very strange that CMSF2 has BM-21 Grad, but CMBS doesn't, though this is typical brigade-support weapon system, like SP-guns.
  22. Nothing bad to tell about what is ERA and what it capabilities, using recent test photos. Our elephants are the best, buy our elephants! 1M133... heh... When that tank was hit, initially that was Fagot. The elephant has grown %) Though, Kornets used too. Of course tests were limited, but they took place with known photos. And of course you can claim your elephants (K-5, Relict) are better than our just because both are product of "Great Russia" and Ukrainain developments "apriory sucks". This is question of religion and faith, no more. Like ethernal holywar what better T-72 or T-64 lines.
  23. Photo with 152 mm EFP hit is not from Donbas. This was big presentetion and it part about Nozh ERA touched not only the war, but about this ERA at all. Georgian military blogger issued only several photos from this document.
  24. Despite the plant have many problems, real case of situation with BTR-4 is other. Delay of BTR-4 program happened because of conflict between Ukroboronprom (UOP) and MoD as well as foil of turerrets production in 2018 by other factory. UOP put Finnish steel plates on first party of 12 BTR of 2018-2019 program and MoD representatives have rejected to sign papers. They claimed Finnish plates hadn't any certification markings and shell tests, provided by UOP weren't according MoD standards. Thus, program was blocked during year. Now program is unblocked, MoD agreed to take 12 BTR with Finnish armor, but other vehicles of thіs program must have already Ukrainian steel plates and will produce to the end of 2020. Nozh can defeat also DM53 APFSDS as well as Mango. Russia supplied some 3BM42 to separs and also could use this ammo during direct Russian tanks actions. So nothing fantastic even if the photo for 2013. On the photo you can see ammunitin load for separ tank. There is one Mango among other Zakolkas.
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