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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Important remark. Most of these losses caused in particular situation - several UKR brigades about two months had been shelling with heavy artillery and MLRS without any right to response toward Russian territory. They also couldn't maneuver. So, if not take to account this border standing under fire, we can receive other result. Hm... I never heard about 152 mm EFP on Donbas. Maybe that was MLRS sub-ammunition? Russians several times stroke UKR basecamps with cluster ammunition of heavy Smerch MLRS
  2. Yes, first party of BTR-4E adopted by National Guard and later by 25th airborne brigade were form Iraq contract. They all were under repair, so not all 40 or more came to NGU and army at once
  3. After Vuhlehirsk seizing, enemy attacked platoon strongpoint (ukr. vzvodnyi opornyi punkt - VOP) VOP 17, located on height 231,6 northern from Lozove (controlled by separs) and positions in Kalynivka village. Karapulka river (see Sgt.Squarehead scenario in other topic) between these points was not so suitable for forcing and demanded many reckon probes to investigate good place for crossing. In one day enemy tank tried to cross the river through wooden bridge, but the bridge is collapsed. Since 2nd to 8th Feb enemy conducted several direct attacks and shellings of our positions, but lost many vehicles and personnel with minimal losses from our side. UKR forces perhaps single time at this war successfully used platoon of 9P149 Shturm-S ATGMs - AT reserve of Sector C, they destroyed 3 tanks (T-64BV and 2 T-72B) and MTLB. Two other T-72B were heavy damaged by their missiles, launched from the range 6 km. 7th Feb after heavy bombardmnet of Kalynivka with 122 mm artillery, the group of UKR troops (about platoon size) withdrew from the village. VOP 17 was abandoned 13th Feb, but immediately was retaken. Enemy group started from Vuhlehirsk, crossed the ford in unknown place and came on M-103 road in 500 m southern from Lohvynove. The group cosisted of combined force from Russian volunteers from "DNR Special forces company" (veterans of Rusian army, FSB, special units of police etc - 10 men) and recons of 5th motor-rifle brigade of DNR with armor support - 15 recons on BMP-2 and BTR-80 + 3 tanks. This group initially have an order to search frords near Nyzhnie Lozove village (according of memories of the participator, but looks like he has mistaken and this was Lozove) and recon UKR trops in Lohvynove, but later has receiced an order to support assault of Lohvynove. But because of assault group dindn't came to randezvous point, the assault was put on them. They really drove 12 km in the night, two tanks crews abandoned the group because tankers said their tanks have malfunсtions. PS. For your scenario about UKR forces in Lohvynoive on 8th Feb - positions on the height 287 behing the village: 2 T-64BV+2 BMP-2 with 40 men of 30th mech brigade: full mech.platoon (without one BMP) with some support (1-2 AGS-17 and probably ATGM) - around Lohvynove: 4 2S3 SP-howitzers and 2 MTLB + 2 MT-12 AT guns, UAZ, 4 trucks of 128th mountain infantry brigade (according other source 2 2S3 and 1 MTLB with AT-12) - in Lohvynove: observation post of 54th recon battalion - 4men + 1BRM-1K (immobilized) 7th Feb enemy artillery shelled positions of 2S3 in Lohvynove and damaged three trucks (2 KAMAZ and GAZ-66). All these forces, except recons of 54th battalion have left Lohvynove in the night from 8th on 9th of Feb according to order of Sector C command. In At first, own position left platoon group of 30th brigade, and next in 6-00 of morning - the artillery. When arty battery lined up to moving, enemy assault group already shelled Lohvinove with lighting mortar shells. Recons, seeing enemy advance left own immobilized BRM and joined to artillery in withdrawal.
  4. There is no detailed research of battle for Lohvynobe even in Ukrainian sources. Several good articles written by different authots, as well as soldiers memoris, but all they light up only separate episodes. but not all battle in whole. There were three clashes around Lohvynove, which was key point for conrol of M103 road - the single proper supply line of Debaltsevo bulge. Initially UKR platoon group. of 30th mech.brigade, positioned on the hill behind the village gave order to leave own positions for rest. But command of Sector C didn't substitute them and separatists group (recon company, really half-company), which accidently in the same night had the order to assult Lohvynove, has taken the village without any fight. The UKR observation post directly in the village (four troopers of 54th recon battalion) just retreated and left for separs own BRM-1K, which could'nt move. Only close to 11-00 Sector C command turned back that platoon group with order to take back Lohvynove, but they even didn't know where the enemy and what its forces. Separs had time to set AT-mines and bringh ATGMs - they destroyed in ambush almost all UKR armor. Untill this time separs shot out dozens UKR soldiers, which drove by this road - the Sector C command didn't warn own troops that the road already cutted! Next attempt was only on next day - there was heavy 120 mm and arty strike on Lohvynove, but this striкe was conducted without any adjustment - all shells hit ground in 200-300 m in front of separs positions, when UKR forces approached they again met heavy resistance and retreated. Most heavy fight was on next day - both forces bring more reinforcements. UKR had the company of 79th air-assault brigade, company of National Guard battalion "Donbas", per one companies of 24th and 30th mech.brigade. They have support of tank platoons of 30th, 92th mech.brigades (T-64BV) anf 1st tank brigades (BM Bulat). To the separs side the tank company of Russian 5th tank brigade has arrived (from Buriatia, T-72B mod.1989). UKR troopers could take the part of village, but all units were entering in the battle on own mind without coordination in different time from diffrent directions. In the early darkness nobody couldn't understand what's going on, where the enemy and where own troops. Further advance failed because separs tanks were shooting from the hills around. Suddenly our tanks have retreated for reloading and in this time Buriatian tankers counter-attacked. Light armor BMP-2 and BTR-80 couldn't resist and withdrew. On next day there was next attempt and several tank duels "platoon vs. platoon". In one of them UKR crew, turned out one against three, could hit all Russian tanks, evading from their fire between hulls of knoked out vehicles (one Russian tank blew out on own minefield). Next day UKR forces conducted strike with heavy arty and even ballistic missiles Tochka-U, the decisive assault would be started, but Poroshenko canceled operation - they had hope negotiations in Minsk, will dtop the fight and diplomacy agreements will force enemy to withdraw. Naive man... So, as you see, without new module there is impossible to make "historiacl battle". Destroyed Russian T-72B mod 1989 near Lohvynove and separs T-72B further. Looks like AT-mines work.
  5. Not always. For example, Russian Liberation Army (ROA), Georgian Legion and some other were subordinated to Wehrmacht, Ukrainan Self-Defense Legion (ULS) was subordinated to SD and later to Wehrmacht . Also volunreers could enlist to auxiliary police units like Schutzmanschaft. But indeed, since 1943 most of national units, created on Axis side, were subordinated to SS. Germany needed more soldiers with proper training to reinforce own losses.
  6. But back to the thread. Examples of early war atmosphere- June of 2014, Sloviansk area. First video - supply convoy on own way through checkpoints - soldiers shell on the moving suspicious tree-plants to prevent possible ambush. Second video - two BTR-4E assist to repel the attack on checkpoint. Pay attention how checkpoints look - there almost no any trenches - in that time UKR troops didn't want to dig its.
  7. All troopers of SS-divisions were members of SS, troopers of national "waffen der SS" divisions weren't members of SS (because they weren't Germans), except middle and high commanders-Germans. Waffen der SS is just "division with structure and weapon LIKE SS". There is no any tribunal judgment about Halychyna division fighters. Looks like Stalin brought much "happіness" in 39-40 to Western Ukraine, that 83 000 volunteers tried to enlist to division in 1943. As well as in Baltic states. Ahaha, this is beautiful! How much "Donbas people" already "cleaned" in liberated cities? How much liitle boys were crucified by "right sector punishers"? After liberation of Sloviansk Russian media seriously said Ukrainians killed ar jailed all population and bring people from Western Ukraine to demonstrate "happy and thanksfull" citizens. As well as reportages about "camps of the death", which built for "Donbassians". They just coldn't understand why local didn't protest against Ukrainian troops, enetered to the city and didn't block them like in spring of 2014. And the cause is simple - Russian influence factor has gone. About passports - Ukrainian citizenship locals could get as far as from the mid of 90th. There is no such recognized state, so locals can choose even Zimbabve citizenship. You really don't see any difference between Russia invaded and occupied territory of other state and gives there own citizenship and situation in Transnistria - grey zone, where population without clear sitizenship can take as much passports as want? By the way Transnistria exists to this time only because corrupted officails in Ukraine (including Poroshenko) and Moldova have a profit from existing of this "contraband cloaca".
  8. Ahah. And 220 000+ on 2017 year (about 50 % of PMR population) had Russian passports. Where Russia and where Transnistria? Unlike on Donbas, where Russia established system of Russian passports receiving among UKRAINIAN citizens, these 10 % of Transnistrians are GOING TO Ukraine with OWN OLD SOVIET passports to make Ukrainian citizenship - since 1992 year their citizenship status still unclear. Of course, when they gives request for Ukranian citizensip, they don't say they already have also collection of Moldovian, Russian and in some cases Romanian passports %)
  9. No guys, your attempts to close this topic because of flame will fail. I can only say, though Putin claimed "Borders of Russia are limited by borders of Russian language spreading", if in Ukraine any "Russian-world"-follower claims "I am where - is Russia there", he will get in own snout to the blood. In many senses.
  10. They are already doing it. Russia gives to them own citizenship ( inner conflict, yes) and they are going to Russia. And this is good. Donbas under rule of Russian proxies completely turned out in depressive region with plundered mines and factories, cutted into the metal. Less pro-russians, less problems after liberation. But Russia also doesn't want neither recognize, nor take occupied part of Donbass. I'am always wondering why "supressed 2nd sort of so-called Russian-speaking population" don't want to turn back in blessed Holy Russia even by the state program of "compatriots returning". Looks like EU passport, salary in Euros and even "2nd sort" status is much better, then living with Russian citizenship in Syberia or Nechernoziemye. Respect to Baltia states - they initialy have created the barrier of citizenship, which didn't allow Russia to use local non-baltic population in own political games.
  11. Hm... Maybe these videos with stop-cadres will show more details.... Alas, I don't see any schemes of T-64B1M in network
  12. There is no such nation like "people of Donbas". They are all citizens of Ukraine, which during dozen years were under pressure of propaganda of local elites, loyal to Kremlin. Their pro-russian moods mostly have consumer nature and based on phobias - from "Bandera-followers will massacre us" to "they will force us to change our faith to greko-catholician". In 2014 they believed if Russia comes here, they would get Moskow-level salaries and soviet-time prices like sausidge for 2.20 and vodka for 3.62. Even Strelkov told, they expected "Donbass people will rise and join to us in own struggle, but only 0,5% of all Donbas men enlisted to "peoples milita" - rest either left Donbas, or did nothing in hope that Russia will do all instead them". In liberated cities - Dobropillia, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut, Kostiantynivka, Lysychansk,. Siverodonetsk, Mariupol and dozen settlement and villages so called "people of Donbass" have a peace. There is no demonstrations against Ukraine or partisan resistance. And from our side there is no any "Srebrenitsa" like threated Putin. Do you know why? Because the source of disturbance was cutted - Russia. No Russia - no stream of "volunter fighters for Russian world", no "vacationers", no banditism, no political and weapon support of separatists. So, if Russia will go away, the peace will come quite soon.
  13. T-64B1M if correctly, T-64B1 upgrading project for Congo. Here, from different points
  14. This is not inner conflict, we are victim of proxy-agression, so we have a nature right to repell such agression in any way. Our troops on own land and any step back from such points like Maryinka or Avdiivka wil be considered by society like betrayal. The same situation with separs - their field commanders and some politics claim there is completely unapproriate for them to step back and to leave part of Horlivka or Donetsk. And only disangagement in next three points, was declared (not agreed!!!)... in not defined period. "Waffen der SS division". This is a big difference with "true" SS-division. Minsk agreements were signed under urging of military force and military defeat. Accordint to art.52 of Conventions about International agreements we have a full right to refuse from these agreememts in any appropriate time. And who is Russia to demand from us anything? The agressor, who annexed Crimea, who directly invaded and suports separs all these years. This is a top of impudence! Show me these well-organized armed-to-teeth with armor ultra-nationalistic units. Ok, I am starting: 1) Azov, regular not paramilitary unit of 18th NGU operative regiment in the force about 600 men. Next? "Majority" is always a "swamp", which want "bread and entartaiments" only. The history always creates by active minority if circumstances demand. A half of Zelenskyi's "majority" in case of possib;e uprising will sit on own sofas and other half will supoprt Maidan - personally or in mind. I also will surprise you about this "majority". Zelensky have big support because many people were angry on corruption, covered by Poroshenko, but not because they wanted "a peace for any cost". 60 % of his followers will never forgive to Ze any betrayal of national interests and concessions to Russia. Last polling showed more than 20 % voted for military way of Donbas returning and about 60 % for diplomacy, but without any concessions like "special status in Constitution". Even Zelensky on eve of voting directly claimed Donbas never will get any constitutional "special status". And well, stop to post here about "nazi, eating a russian-speaking babіes in the center of Kyiv". This is was ridiculous in 2014, but now this is OMG-facepalm level PS. This is thread for videos. I don't understand any sence of this political discussion exept an attempt to make all that this topic will closed.
  15. This is impossible for both sides. This is hybride war. "This is not we are", "only return firing from our side". Both sides is providing policy of controlled VERY low-intensity conflict. On the meeting of Donbass Volunteers Union in Moscow, the Putin's advisor Surkov, which keep control over DNR/LNR claimed that despite all negotiations and agreements, Russia never will allow Ukraine to gain REAL control over the border and "self-claimed republics", so such war will go on further until Ukraine makes concessions in Minsk-2 implementing. Kremlin need to have these "districts with special status" as lever of influence on Ukranian policy, so Russia will try to turn back occupied territories in the body of Ukraine on own conditions and will not recognize their independence or bring its to itself like Crimea.
  16. This is so-called "House of culture". Since Soviet times any village or settlement has such type institution, which on rural slang named like "club". "Clubs" were the center of culture and social life %) Movies, dances, meetings, lybrary, sometime different hobby sections. But in many cases "clubs", were a point, where local teens and youth gathered for dances, alcohol drinking and beating each other %). For Nikishyne correct name of this building is "SBK im. Zviagilskoho" (means Village House of Culture named after Zviagilskyi). In the village it's also named like "new club". "The cementry" in SE is a ruines of soviet time dairy farm - locals in 90th years dismantled buildings into bricks.
  17. That is known feature (=bug) of the engine - buildings are tough for direct 120+ mm HE hits and too vulnerable for light armament. If you will shell in the building with small arms for VERY long time, the building will collapsed. Though, in real world, BTR-4 gun really was terrible thing - during siege of Sloviansk and advance on Krasnyi Lyman, there were several episodes, that BTR-4 crumbled concrete check-points with several 30 mm bursts, causing enemy withrawing. I think BMP-2 or BTR-82 capable to do the same %)
  18. Not all such bad %): Russian T-72B mod.1989 of 35th motor-rifle brigade hit with 100 mm sabot of MT-12 AT-gun in lower front hull during battle for Georgievka near Luhansk. Crew escaped. The tank was decomissioned. Two Russians T-72BA destroyed in direct clash with T-64BV tanks of 51st mech.brigade during Ilovaisk battle w/o losses from our side. Totaly on Donbas Russia lost 13 late T-72 with K-5 ERA (confirmed with photos) :5 T-72B mod.1989, 3 T-72BA, 5 T-72Б3. Also one T-72B3 was heavy damaged and one slightly damaged and captured (and than re-captured). Also I heard about 2 T-90A damaging or even destroying during assault of Luhansk airport, but there is no photos.
  19. I read tells of our tankers - even multiple RPG-7 hit w/o penetration caused light shell-shocks (story of tank, which got 17 RPG-7 hits and survived), also was several cases from both sides, when HE hit caused fire or crew panic and abandoning the tank. Huge BOOM on the armor caused "indide the bell" effect anyway. No, but I suggested its change in bug report since 1.01 BM Bulat and BM Oplot are using 3BM42 Mango, T-64BV is using 3BM22 Zakolka. And as a HEAT shell they are all using 3BK18. Russians are using Svinets-2 APFSDS, what HEAT they are using in the game I don't know.
  20. K-5 ERA can slightly weaken hit effect of old type APFSDS. In case of Ukrainian tank, firing in frontal projection of T-72В3, "Zakolka" sabot hasn't any chances to pentrate the armor front turret armor and glacis even in weak zones, except lucky shot under turret. "Mango" sabot has good chances, but in the game only BM Oplot uses it. Looks like AI takes most proper ammunition - tandem T-HEAT, but doesn't take into account that firing with ATGM face-to-face to enemy tank is an act of suicide. AI must select 3BK18M HEAT ammo in this case with 550 mm RHA penetration and to aim under turret or in upper part of glacis, not covered with ERA. Or fire with HE to cause optic damages and possibly shell shock of the crew. In any way gun-launched ATGMS by Soviet field manuals should be fired only on long-range distances, exceeding 2500-3000 m - effective distance for APFSDS firing.
  21. Daylight as I understand correctly? 1300 m is close distanse. If your "face to face" was on flat terrain in daylight, then in real life all tanks will have almost equal spotting capabilities in such conditions. The game is very simplify spotting and apripiory make preferences to US and Russia. But indeed T-72B3 daylight optic doesn't differ from T-64BV level. @MikeyD, @IanL Guys, you are deeply not right, when tell about T-72B3 day optic advantage (and Bulat optic advantage over Oplot), look here: So, what daylight sights tank commanders have? Exacly commanders are observe battlefield, search targets and point directions on them to the gunner. T--64BV: day/night sight TKN-3V with x1 and x5 zoom in daylight and 8-10 degrees field of view BM "Bulat" day/night sight PNK-4SR with x1 and x7,6 zoom in daylight and 27,7 degrees field of view BM "Oplot" panorama day/night sight PNK-6 with x1, x6 and x12 zoom in daylight and 360 degrees field of view T-72B3 day/night sight TKN-3МК with x1 and x5 zoom in daylight and 8-10 degrees field of view And... suddenly T-72B3 commander has WORST deylight optic in comparison with Bulat and Oplot and equal to T-64BV! Yes, T-72B3 gunner has thermal sight, but main target searching is conducting by the tank commander through rotating cupola, the gunner can see only narrow field of vew in gun direction.
  22. You piled up all "Terrbats" - territorial defense battlions are Army units and their conception was developed as far as 2010, but in Yanukovich time it was "burried". "Terbats" mostly consisted of mobilized and in less number of veterans of Afganistan war, peacekeeping operations, former ofiicers etc. Now they re-formed in motorized infantry and included either like 4th battalion in mech.brigades, or like security battalions in artillery/MLRS brigades, or united in motorized infantry brigades. Core of National Guard is old Inner Troops, not "Azov". "Azov" is special purpose detachment (about BTG level), included in 18th NGU operative regiment. Also combat units in NGU are Donbas special battalion, new-formed 4th light brigade (currently less than battalion) and old inner troops regiments Bars, Gepard, Jaguar, which now re-formed in operative regiments without old "animal" names. Most of all other NGU units are public order security units, convoy units and special objects security units. I didn't read that, but I never was fun of Poroshenko. Obviously, he is corrupted person and there is much work for investigators.
  23. That was mostly political PR action, though it based on lack of information from authorities and big mistrust to Zelenskyi - there was many rumors and fake messages, that Ukraine have to leave Zolote completely. As I know police had a meeteing with volunteer veterans (thay are all FORMER fighters) and they handed over to police own legal civil weapon. Probably some veterans (about dozen) still present in Katerynivka or nearby Zolote, but all patroling missions around withdrawal area provided by police and National Guard. Observation of withdrawal area directly provided by OSCE mission. In other withdrawal areas - Stanytsia Luhanska and Petrivske there weren't any veterans. On the other hand, veterans demarch in Zolote has gave to DNR exellent opportunity to claim that all UKR forces losses caused not because of their fire, but because of regular army and "unruled nationalist battalions" withstanding.
  24. 46th special battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" in action near Zaytsevo, May 2018. First part of the video - enemy sniper shells Ukrainian position. Ukrainians try to suppress his position with DShKM, but HMG has jammed. Several sniper bullets whistle near soldiers. Further, UKR SPG-9 team fires on the enemy. Therd part of video - enemy heavy mortars or 122 mm howitzers fire on Ukrainain position and soldiers hide in blindage - good picture of emotions under fire
  25. 2A45M was never in Ukarainian service. Russia has only 24 Sprut-B guns and as I know they are using for AT-tactic research purposes and trainings, not in combat units.
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