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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. No, PSRL was a limited party for National Guard. Some ammunition for RPG-7 (fragmental and thermobaric) and for AGS-17 we are buying now in Bulgaria. What is T-64U?
  2. In 2014 we had 14 mechanized, tank and airmobile brigades (excluding units in Crimea), though most of them were cadre brigades abd were deployed to wartime esteblishment only up to mid of summer 2014. Also there was dozen brigades, regiments and separate battlions of Internal troops (future National Guard). During the spring-summer of 2014 about 20 battalions of terrtorial defense were established (not be confused with volunteer battalions, which subordinated to police), which during 2015 were re-formed into motorized infantry battalions, got some armor and later were shared among existed brigades. About half of them were gathered in new-formed infantry brigades - 53rd and 54th mechanized and 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th motorized. 128th mountain infantry brigade turned into mountain-assault, also 10th mountan-assault brigade and 61st jager brigade (for forest and swampt terrain) were establised Among artillery units additionally 40th and 44th artillery brigades were established and 43rd high-power brigade with 2S7 Pion Existing airmobile brigades turned into air-assault. 25th airborne brigade remained in previous status, though de-facto only one battalion has BMD for airdropping. New 81st airmobile brigade was created in 2015. Separate air-assault Command was etablished. 4th Reserve Corps established with cadre units, which will be deployed by mobilized veterans. It has 3 tank brigades, 3 mech.brigades and 2 artillery brigades. Also as reserve there are 45th and 46th cadre air-assault brigades, but probably its subordinate to Air-assault Command. In Naval forces Marine Corps was established - from one battalion (which in 2014 had less than company after withdrawal from Crimea), it grew up to two brigades per three marine battalions each.
  3. Putin is not only self-sufficient authocratic leader. He is a product of alloy of Soviet administrative system, FSB, loyal oligarсhy and powerful and cruel crime groups of 90th (mostly created under control of KGB/FSB). He is also product of nation's menthality - Russians can be dissatisfied with rising prices, arbitraines of clercs, but they anyway want "tough hand", ruling them and defending the "wealth and spirituality of Russia from encroachments of the hostile West" and "Russian-speaking compatriots" in neighbour countries. This "величие" ("greatness" [of the state]) and "all around must fear us" are primary things for Russian society. Untill the system and menthality (additionally feeding by brainwashing TV-propaganda) will not be broken, this will be like heads of Hydra. Instead one Putin the next will come. Maybe the same Patrushev. Or Shoigu. Or Ivanov. They are all confess the same Putinism and maybe more than Putin himself - Russians like it. So, there is great mistake of many our and western politics, which expect, that Putin will die soon (he is really very ill) and Russia turned out instanly in peaceful democtatic country. No. Everything will the same or Russia will become more agressive, if "hawks" of MoD and GRU will take over FSB. And will be completely funny, if next president will be Kadyrov.
  4. While one speaking heads in Russia say "It's just planned maneuvers", other speaking heads continue threaten Ukraine. N.Patrushev, the secretary of Security Council made a statement in occupied Sevastopol, that Ukraine with support of NATO can arrange a provocatuion for reason to attack Crimea (!!!!) and can arrange terroristic attacks inside Russia. Here his quote, according https://ria.ru/20210414/ukraina-1728242966.html (in Russian): New Ukrainian military docrine defines Russia as an enemy... Flirting with new US administratin, Kyiv is ready to plung the country into military gambles... The reason for the start of warfare may be provocations, organized by Ukraine with support of USA with death of servicemen and loss of military equiment... Unfriendly and destructive actions against Russia must be severly supressed, and the culprits must be brougt to justice... In Ukraine with support of Western countries were established the centers for diversionary&recon groups training, which probably will prepare terroristic attacks in Russia or in other countries.... USA declares their disinterest in inciting of conflict, but indeed allocates funds for arming of Ukrainian forces, deploys the lethal weapon, trains Ukrainian troops, plans a series of joint maneuvers, inceases the presense of ships in Black Sea ,
  5. Quite so. The prime cause and motivation is exactly his feelings, pride, anger and fear. Strategic&cunning is consequence. Putin many times claimed that "the collapse of USSR is greatest catastrophe of 20th century", he said also "Ukraine is not a state", in 2014 he allowed himself to say "Kiev is Russian city". He wants to revive "USSR 2.0" with Russia like "collector of the Russian lands" (the term of Russian hystorians of 18-19th century). According to "Russian world" doctrine, Russia must be a dominant among orthodoxal Slavic nations, especially among East-European Slavic states - Ukraine and Belarus. It's ridiculous, the same Slavs, but Catholic or Greco-Catholic faith this doctrine considers like apostates and agents of "hostile West". Because of this "Russian world" doctrine doesn't pretend on Western Ukraine, like "the hostile to Russian ideas, polonized and fallen into Greco-catholic heresy". Because of that Putin in 2014 like a joke or on serious offerd to Polish president "to take back Western Ukraine". Thus, Russian state ideology is a weird mixture of seemingly incompatible things - imperial great-power, modern Euroasinism, Sovietism and orthodoxal clericalism, maintaining interests of powers and providing "Russian world" conception. And without complete control over Ukraine (in sense Ukrainan govt must be exclusively loyal to Russia), Russian ambitions on post-Soviet space and among Orthodoxial nations will never realized.
  6. Well, looks like Putin have achieved own mimimum goal. Biden, who recently named him "killer", have called to him and offerd to meet in nearest months in order to discuss all strategic questions and sharp corners in relations between two countries. It is critically need for Putin's morbid sense of self-greating that world leaders contact him. Of course, in conversation Putin set up again own vision about Donbas like "inner Ukrainian conflict".
  7. Because Russia without Ukraine will turned out back to Moskovia, which it was before 18th century. The problem is deeper than economical and geopolitical reasons, which also very important. The losing of Ukraine is helish phantom pains for all neo-imperials, great-statist, soviet-nostalgiс and Russian orthodox church fanatics. Losing of Ukraine will ruin a dogma about "Trinity Holy Rus' " and conceptions "Moscow is a third Rome" and "Russian world". Since 18th century, Russia (like Ukraine too) led own history from medieval Norman dukes, which established the Slavic state Rus' with the center in Kyiv for hundreds years before Moscow have appeared on the map. From Kyiv Rus' shared Christianity. Here is sacral center. We have a joke "When the duke Volodymyr baptized Rus', the toads croaked on the place of Moscow". When Rus' was established, on the territory of modern European part of Russia mostly ugro-finnish tribes lleft, not slavs. Except Novgorod on the north, but Moskovia Dukeness in 15th century conquerred Novgorod and massacred thousands of people. And Moscovia always contested for Ukrainian lands since the end of 15th century with Great Dukeness of Lithuania and later with Rzhech Pospolita (Poland+Lithuania+Belarus+Ukraine). So, Ukraine is very important for Russian "Great State" conception. If Kyiv and Ukraine will gone, what remain from this greatness? The West for Russians is a focus of all sins and "spiritualityless", so falling the part of "Holy Rus' " to the West and NATO boots on "holy Rus' " ground this is terrible dream for Russian But well, enough of history, this is flame-dangerous food.
  8. Many in our country are thinking this is just a muscle games for trade with the West and pressing on Ukraine. But... as I wrote here in previous topics, before 2014 nobody couldn't belive Russia can invade and grab territories. I remember, how on our militrary forum some people were writing something like "Putin is bluffing, nothing will happend" under the news Russians seized Crimean airfields. So, with a hope for better we are preparing to worth.
  9. Deputy of Russian MFA S.Riabkov called a "provocation" the sailing of two US destroyers to Black Sea and warned USA, that ships should keep themeselve as far as possible from Crimea shores "for their own good": https://tass.ru/politika/11130973 (in Russian) As knowingly, on the eve Putin had a talk with Erdogan and demanded to deny the passing of US ships through Bosphorus and also was against new military contracts between Turkey and Ukraine. Erdogan ignored Putin's claims and confirmed he never will recognize occupation of Crimea. Next day during the visit of Zelenskyi, new contracts were signed, reportedly additional 15 TB2 Bayraktars will be sold to Ukraine. As answer Russia closed all air routes to Turkey, except two routes for week to Istanbul from Moscow. About 500 000 Russian, which already bought tours to Turkey can lost about 410 milion $ as well as tour operators. In this way Putin decided "to punish" the Turkey and to leave it witjout Russian touristst money. Russian MoD chief Shoigu made a statement the movement of the troops and "readiness cheking" will continue for two more weeks and transferring of so big amount of troops caused by... NATO, which threaten to Russia and move the troops to its borders in Baltic area! https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/11135353 Well, if NATO threaten in Baltic, why your troops are moving to Ukrainain border? Russia deployed "Iskander-M" ballistic missiles near Voronezh in 250 km from Ukrainain border "for participation in V-Day parade": https://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12354281%40egNews&fbclid=IwAR3eheXS7nXZzM85D7H3O8RPEUS2Wg3VWk13ct6EGn9p4H97N22Sy5X5Xm0
  10. I didn't want to start that topic again, because of some people here anyway will turn out the thread in usual political flame and it will closed again like many previous. But if it started, well... Econonomical crisis in Russia due to the sanctions is growing. Russia had hopes Zelenskyi, which declared he want a peace for Donbas and ready "to speak with Putin in order to reach agreement somewhere in the middle" will be more accomodating and compliant in the questions of Donbas and water supply for Crimea. But fortunately, Zelenskyi for these years mostly lost his rose googles. When in 2019 he told about "inside my head the war is already finished" and "I have seen an aspiration of peace in Putin's eyes", that in 2021 his rhetoric became more tough. Yes, Zelenskyi initially tried to make agreement and made some tactical concessions for strategic goal. And this summoned sharp reaction in Ukrainian society. We have a proverb "give Russia a finger and it will bite off up to cubit". Russian goal is not a peace in Ukraine. Their goal is turning back of Ukraine to Russian influence sphere. And DNR/LNR is a tool for this. Russia is pressing Ukraine to give these occupied territories "special status, fixed in Constitution" - after this they will be under Ukranian control just formally. Really they will be semi-independent protectorates of Russia, integrated in Ukrainian political system with the right of blocking of any Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine. And all Russian attempts to force Zelenskyi sign this capitulation were failed and Russia crossed to other methods - open militray blackmail. They claimed "the West and mainly USA, gave Ukraine permiossion to the military solution, so Ukraine with western aid will attack Donbass, which will cause the massacre" and under this pretext moves own forces to Ukrainain border. Here the speech of D.Kozak, the deputy of Putin's president administration and the chief of Russian group of Minsk negotiations, threatening with invasion and tipping about desired status of Ukraine for Russia: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4762951?from=main_1 (in Russian): "All will depend from the scale of flame. If there will be Srebrenitsa commited, like our president says, we likely will be forced stand on defense of Donbas. Unleashing the war by Kiev will become the beginning of the end of Ukraine. This will be the self-shot, not in the leg, but in the temple. Russia doesn't set a goal to grab the territories of Ukraine or to deprive the soverignty. Our interest is that at our borders must be friendly to us, calm and stable country." And this is a speech of M.Zakharova, the representative of Russian MFA in answer on words of Zelenskyi, that NATO membership is a key for peace for Ukraine. She direcly thretens to us https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/6070208d9a794783c3772cdb: "The hypothetical obtaining of membership in NATO, contray to Kyiv's expectations, will not only bring peace to Ukraine, but on the contray will lead to large-scale escalation of the situation in the south-east and may lead to irreversible consequenses for the Ukrainian statehood" So, now we have seen next act of Russian politic. Zelenskyi is very sensitive in questions of losses and opportunity of big war. And Russia hit in this weak place. All this very demonstrative and a part of political pressure. Echelones with armor move at the daytime, special channels in Russian social networks shared a mass of such videos with already attached soundtracks. Putin is coward rat. He is not a military, but KGBist. His methods in pressure, blackmail, raising of bets, assymethrical actions (like in Syria or Central Africa), hybride warfare. Putin wants the West to talk with him like with influent leader and will raise and raise the bets. And we should to remember the сornered rat is dangerous and can attack.
  11. MLRS is deadly weapon, but... it accuracy and dispersion depends from many factors - much more than for barrel artillery. So, doesn't seem to afraid brigade-level Grads in the game like "ultimate weapon".
  12. Also can recommend 7th series (of 12 episodes) "Uprising" of Polish TV-series "Days of Honor" (pol. "Czas honoru"). Series started in 2008 and last 7th was issued in 2014. "Days of Honor" is about Warsaw underground of Armia Krajowa and its combat group, composed of Polish special operation paratroopers, trained in UK. Film events cover 1941-1946 years. Sometime it story development reminds series "Turn: Washington Spies" about US Independence War. Series from 1st to 6th unfold in the chronoliogical order, 7th turns back in the summer 1944 - probably large success of series in Poland and the anniversary of uprising forced the film creators to make separate series about Warsaw uprising Short example: And here is documental color filming of uprising (of course, post-production, re-colored, re-masterd etc)
  13. Modern Russian modifications like PSNR-8 already have signal processor and color display, but in 70-80th all what operators had were an oscilloscope and squeaks in headphones...
  14. MT-12R also has doppler radar, which maintains a firing in bad weather or in the night conditions. It can detect a target, which moves with speed not less 5 km/h. Calculating system automatically computes the point of targeting and lock the target for 3 seconds. Alas, I havn't info about radrar precise.
  15. GSR of BRM-1K is Doppler-effect radar, which detects moving targets only. In CMBS it unrealistically detects also stationary targets. Also real PSNR-5 never get to you exact target location (radar has an error, which rise with the distance) and exact type of target (in the sense it couldn't define T-72 it ahead or Abrams). Operator listen a squeeks of radar and by their tonality, defines this is an group of infantry or tank. Result of detection of the tank is "something armored moving in that point area". So to correct GSR radar work in the game should be next - when target is detected, that icon with common picture of infantry or vehicle appears approx in the palce of target
  16. CMBS is about full-scale war, Donbas is low intensity conflict with the most direct clashes is about company +/- level. It's difficult to say for me what level of casualties would be in full-scale war of regular armies. Even if we will assume battalion + arty level actions, w/o heavy surprises like cluster Smerches, Iskanders and raining bombs. Many will depend from motivation and training of trops. Also many will depend from casualties threshold level for goals achievment. During two days assault of Luhansk airport UKR troops inflicted relatively small losses to Russian regulars (they had two platoons of T-90A), but even that with rugged defense was enough that Russians a day more didn't try even to enter to abandoned airport - they shelled it with heavy artillery and even 240 mm mortars. And even after airport was occupied, Russians didn't go furthter. Examples of battles in big settlements... 2014 can doesn't take into account, though in some cases it was hot, like in liberation of Lysychsansk-Siverodonetsk agglomeration with 300 000 of population. There was two battles for Vuhlehirsk, the second in 2015 was enough fierce, but also didn't inflicted catastrophical losses. Something about 20 KIA and about 10 vehicles from both sides for two days of clashes. In Debaltsevo wasn't urban combat, like in Falluja. Several recon groups of enemy infiltrated to the town, they assaulted police building (they thought there UKR HQ), but were repelled. There was total muddle - diffrent units jumble inside the town, nobody neither UKR, nor the enemy didn't know who is where. So separs just pulled back and continued to shell Debaltseve with artillery, mixing this with recon probes.
  17. No, this is specifically upgraded T-64B1M for Kongo contract. In 2014 all tanks of this party were requizitioned and directed to establihing of tank company of "Azov". They participated in clashes for Shyrokyne in 2015, one tank got ATGM hit in the turret, but Nozh ERA worked properly. Though anyway that tank was moved to repair.
  18. I told about fights on tactical level and not only Russians, but separs too. Neither Putin, nor Poroshenko didn't give orders to company commanders. Russian capability to sustain high casualties in modern warfare is mostly a myth. Despite Russian propaganda works on full, private Vanya in 1941 and private Vanya in 2021 is two different persons. Average modern Vanya have (or will have) comfort appartment, gadgets, social networks, TV, night club parties, girls, entertaiments, trips to all-inclusive Egypt and Turkey. He has a lot to lose. Like all modern people in all countries. Because of the war now is more "remote", without Verden-type battles. In Aug 2014 near Dzerkalne Russian VDV - elite of their troops were shocked, when their half-platoon cought fire from UKR gun and lost own BMD. When they later were engaged by UKR recons, they just surrendered w/o fight - that was the same paratropers, "lost during maneuvers", which showed on TV. When in Jan 2015 PMC Vagner detachment, where the "dogs of war" were mostly enlisted, in the force about two companies with tanks and light armor suddenly stumbled upon UKR platoon strongpoint, they withdrew after several their vehicles were hit, though they had full advantage in the force and could overran it. Russians in this war fought tough, but when they encountered strong and organized resistance, they couldn't do much more. All determines with moral and motivation of personnel and quality of low- and mid-level commanders, if we speak about tactical level. No, this is second battle for Georgiivka near Luhansk. When UKR troops assaulted Savur-Mohyla it defended by platoon-size separs forces. During one of assault attempt, their spotters set the wall of fire on the way of about two UKR battaliones, which advanced to assault. MLRS, several Russian batteres out of the border and mortar battery from nearby village forced UKR troops to make evasive maneuvers and partilly forced them to scatter. And again, both sides had only several killed, for several hours, but assault was foiled. CM has a situative task - to win the one battle. But if you will have next tasks after this battle, like in real war, you will think about how you will complete its and with what forces. Because there is no relatively quick reinforcement for substitution of losses, like in WWII.
  19. Kill ratio and especially KIA/WIA proportoin is a weak point of CM engine, which should be fixed when sometime data export tool for outer campaings will appear. Donbas war almost hadn't examples of "classical" clashes battalion vs. battalion. But in many cases both sides terminated own attacks after loses even several KIA or 1-2 armored vehicles through the company size unit. There was an rare example of classical battle 20 Aug 2014 between three not full UKR companies (the third with 2 tanks arrived later as reinforcement) with arty and helicopter support against Russian task force - two VDV companies, supported by two tank platoons and separs mortars and MLRS. There was fierce fight, where Russians like a steamroller attacked from two directions, overran several reinforced platoon outposts and then for some time could capture the important hill, though were forced to retreat after artillery strike and counter attack. Several hours battle completed with such results: losses of UKR side: 7KIA (two of them are pilots of downed Mi-24), 15 WIA. Vehicles destroyed: 4 BMP-2, 2 MTLB, 1 MT-12, 1 truck, 1 Mi-24P, vehicles damaged: 2 BMP-2 losses of Russian side (probably not full, but this result is close to the true): 5 KIA, at least 20 WIA (in one company, there is no data for the other). Vehicles destroyed: 2 T-72 mod.1989, 2 BMD-2. Vehicles captured: 1 BMD-2. Vehicles damaged: 2 tanks. In this battle there is a single confirmed episiod of successful destroying of Russian tank with helicopter and other Russian tank with MT-12 AT-gun. Both sides actively used artillery, mortars, MLRS, square of the battle approx. 6x11 km.
  20. As I know T-80BV is upgrading not so deeply and even less than T-64BV mod.2017. Anyway in the module for UKR side will be base T-80BV as in Soviet time, because upgrading program started later than 2017.
  21. Even if I knew I could only tell about my proposals about UKR forces and no the word above, sorry
  22. There were several variants of platoon TO&E from 2011 (when information for CMBS gathered) to 2017. I have no idea yet what propose. Looks like it will be very similar to Russian platoon TO&E. Most general in 2014 was structure with 2 RPK-74 in 1st and 3rd squads (total 4 LMG) and with one PKM and SVD (or w/o it) in 2nd. Further, as I know TO&E became close to Russian - with PKM in platoon HQ. UKR TO&E during the war was very changable.
  23. I've checked - yes, BTR squads (BTR-4, BTR-70) have this bug, BMP squads have correct splittng. I will report. Though, UKR squads should have (and I suppose WILL have) some other TO&E in the next module - the current is not quite correct...
  24. This is about previous video. Snipers were spotted and eliminated too easy. I also played several scenarios in CMBS and marked, that had the same problem. One time BTR-82 stood directly near the modular building and could spot my sniper on the its last storey. Never know, that it sights can be turned vertically on 90 degrees %) Also snipers have too low effectiveness. On the video above sniper shot with SVD like with AK (!!!) and miss-miss-miss! Of course, not each shot with sniper rifle inflicts the target hit, but I think game engine need some corrections. I had a situation, when my veteran sniper successfully hit the target with SVD from 500 m, but during next turns, firing on approaching enemy half-squad, could hit only one time from 150 m, though spent dozen bullets. Enemy infantry after the casualty took cover only for 2 minutes and started advance again in full-height. Though in real situations, even one enemy sniper ahead could delay advance of bigger units on dozen minutes or even hours. No one will want to get hole in the head
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