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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Ok I will try first with one model than when it's work make 2 models or perhaps 3 depends what we want, with the same name to have a group, but please be patient this cost time and perhaps will not work with CM, but will be a pleasure to help, I am already busy with my dirty street hope to give some infos soon... JM
  2. funny, to be more effective don't forget to send him all yours creations. JM
  3. Hi josh @TheFriendlyFelon you have to know that not all 3d models are easy to be imported in the game, is not because you can import export from blender that you can let it shining in CM but I can take a look on, send me first a model that you would like to see in the game and I will see if I can do something. PS your support will be helpfull because I dont have CMBS so I cannot test it ... for the little story I made the famous tractor for Ukraine, but because this was not helpfull I let fall the mod see on the forum place. JM
  4. plus 1 for the camera control in the critical moment !! would like to know how much try you did your record without saying ...oh sh...!!! Nice video and explanations ! JM
  5. Thanks you to yours very interresting videos and comments also detailled explanations about squads and hq, and principaly about yours others videos and the way to play in Wego unstead real time... Also yours videos about Gravietiem I like also very much this one with wonderful animations and effects but for the time too difficults to manage the incredibles everywhere Icons if Grav and Batt can working together this will be an incredible result... more of this ! JM
  6. Nigel @NPye all look fantastic, I would like possesss all maps and mods that you included, but specialy the buildings that we can enter now with your second version, can you provide a link about it ? I am sure this will not be the 15gd needed for all the mods that you show us I have already the mods that you did in the past but missing the building one s I like also very much the mounds of rubble surrounding the buildings and the music sometime giving the last touch Ilike very much the little details like the sign of no parking...funny !!!! Sometimes we can t believe this is CM from Battlefront ! PS like I told you I am working on "dirty street", sorry to take long but some models are very difficult to be converted and exported in blender first approach to including them in the CM game itselft, not all working like butter, some are not looking in the same from blender to the game and have to be reworked in a way that you can loose your hairs when you see the result, cheer for now continue please your "living and exclusives view of Berlin" video but please provide also a link, when you have time, to have access to the news things that you added... let you know and send you link about what I did. JM
  7. I was trying to do something but the units stay frozen for the time...I will try something again with help of the booklett rules but is for me a hard point, i can say thanks you to all the scenarios campaigns makers to realized it correctly and to let us enjoy theirs own creations,... so yes thank you to help me in case i m not succeed... Or even try to learn the AI programming in the editor . JM
  8. I like also very much western german vehicles, don’t forget the excellent Spähpanzer Luchs, very quiet engine perfect to be close of the eni two drivers I would like to see it in CM… Here a link about (sorry only german version) interresting moment video beginn by about 50 time sec of the movie ! https://www.facebook.com/tanksbeingtanks/videos/spähpanzer-luchs/505349369935795/ Personly I think the next addons for CMCW will be British BAOR, until now every first addon for CM series was British, but I can be wrong. JM
  9. Nice infos I was on the heat point to overlokking the processor via bios from month ago, but some notices on the net, was telling me there is a high risk to burn my motherboard, if I do something wrong, I think thi this is a hard decision and I want to be sure to do it correctly this is why I didn t untill now. just forgot to say the memory with 12 gb. I take in good mind yours advices and perhaps I will make the big jump in the bios with some gloves... Just keep it cool. I just added more fans from a couple of years, and untill now he got well. I know this is the wrong place to talk about on this thread, this can be also anoyed for others members but I need for sure more infos about the procedure, is too hot and sad to loose a motherboard and perhaps more. I will try to post in the correct place on the forum, or if you dont mind let you soon a pm, but first, I will check the cpubenchmark webside ! Thanks in advance JM
  10. Don't worry @Artkin I can do my way alone, that already very kind of you to take time to explain in details there are already lot of infos on the forum from differents members to take the appropriated infos that we need, I know also about @HerrTomhe made already good things specialy with explosions effects and have always a good result. JM
  11. Oh thanks very much @aexis I dont saw your reply ! I will check this config and let you know ! JM
  12. Thank you very much @Artkin for all these advices I had no knowledge of this driver and this update for AMD and even less of the abbreviations of CFAA FXAA SMAA, but by searching on the web I discovered more information that I hurry to install and run. For info I have a fairly basic PC config I did not think to change it for the moment I have other priorities than PC games, I am happy that the CM series work on my machine, and that they do not require a greedy memory but of course I try to get the best of my config for the pleasure of the eyes... thanks again for your help. I know my config is for sure not the best but I give an overview about... Windows 10 64-bit Mother Card MSI P67A-G45 (MS-7673) (SOCKET 0) Processor Heart 4 Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz Graph HP 24o (1920x1080@60Hz) LCD 24-1 Wide (1920x1080@60Hz) 1024 MoATI AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner) When somebody can guide me to make better performance with changing some compatible config and hardware, I am all ears about ! Thanks a lot in advance JM
  13. Very nice Very realistic @aexisalso the videos we can created a lot of config but untill we arrive to the balance of reality and something playable there is a lot of manipulations in the config and some are sometimes very ugly, but this is the choice of the players, depend also of course to the PC card and personal use. Some members have already beautiful config, but personly is for me difficult to find the correct one, I was following advices of( Mords) but the result is not the same... I would be interested to know your config and your personally reshades files perhaps provide a link ? Thanks in advance JM
  14. So I have to created it for every scenarios I guess ! Ok I will try thanks ! @Combatintman JM
  15. Hi guys, I found some old campaigns for CMBN like, "Panzer March", Kmpf Grp Engel... these are to play as German player only, I was using the famous tool, uncam, to split scenarios, I would like to plays some scenarios as Allied players, Is there a procedure to import export in the editor some finish scenarios and change what we want, or is this simply impossible ? Some scenarios are playable as Allied players but only when taking contact with eni units, when the German have to attack an Allied position, nothing happend they stay in static, is understanding of course, cos they are not active !! How can I change it, if this is possible ! Thanks in advance JM
  16. Appreciated thanks, let you know about... in a close view this look very beautiful ! JM
  17. I am confident to all your creations, and will be awake about yours buildings, ! Enjoy the things that you like, this is the way to stay young and happy ! JM
  18. I might be able edit the map in a modern title and then port it back to CMRT. I can only recommand you to import it with closing eyes I am sure this can have a big success for futur modders ! With your model you can perhaps check to , @Aquila-SmartWargames was making some good stufs on his page with a link on the forum, also I think @37mm or another good modder was making already a boat for CM, perhaps this could be a Combat Mission Sea era we will have "only" to working on a map in "deep" instead in lengh,... to include some u boat to sink yours Bismark or..., just kidding ! JM
  19. Thanks @laurent 22 for all mods, recommend you to gives Bootie, a wink, and he goes the rest and all will never be lost ! JM
  20. Very nice job and interresting webpage, thanks to let us know ! JM
  21. Hehe nice idea with buildings ! now you have to integreated it to CMBN and cross the British Channel to save the BEF army.. (just kidding) ! could you make a simple short vid or successives screenshots ? Follow yours ideas ! JM
  22. Hi @WimO I follow with big interrest yours job about the 82th and is always a pleasure to discover the maps and detailed scenarios about real places of fights... Want to know if you would also eventually do the same with his brother the 101th ? Thanks in advance. JM
  23. Is nice and intructive sometimes to come back to older posts, thank you Bill to take times to also explain in details this one and many many others ! JM
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