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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. another one we can make lot of story ! JM
  2. The new for today The first official dead soldier 3d, in mdr. OK with some textures problems, but the guy is in, I will check it later ! an other view "Hope" to make more guys including allied ! Voili voilou JM
  3. Welcome back Phill, now we will have some news again, infos maps scenarios ideas news stuffs... JM
  4. Give you right Erwin we have to know witch command will change some effects, in the game not very easy sometimes, in my opinion because too much possibilities and parameter... JM
  5. I did already one to replace the famous Lada or Gaz car but I have to check cos I put the wrong side that the tractor was moving like a crab...
  6. Already present I forgot to put a picture.
  7. read the txt file and delete the drum files JM
  8. Then lets go to your wishes, give me some time and...
  9. Yes yes don t worry believe you, I will working on more wrecks of them I love pictures this give me inspirations ! Did you recieve the haystacks files ? JM
  10. I am a little surprise to see Sherman wreck I was thinking that Sherman were used to another front, Staline making his propaganda with his own tanks and not attribute any victory using leasing from allied, personly I never see picture or documentary from Sherman tanks in Berlin sector... We learn every days. JM
  11. A good Idea I have some pic already this will give a good aspect to NPYe Berlin...
  12. Thank you @Aragorn2002 this is a good motivation. I try to give a little atmosphere in CM with abandoned vehicles soon more. JM
  13. Some News flavours objects wrecks bn or rt drum3 drum4 good and ready to drive same trucks but with some problem drum5 flavours objects bs eventual sf or and cw also on group old truck with some textures problems bs more are to come hope will be helpfull Voili voilou JM
  14. A'll this beauty become slowly monotone...joke nothing to say about your job "einfahrt schön"... Provide to let me a link that I can send you the ambulances models to added on time to your new maps and mod. Cheers for now JM
  15. Will send the vehicles and flavours objects and some explanations in about 2 weeks. Thanks to yours coop. JM
  16. Awesome job, very kind from @Lucky_Strike...news wrecks are on the way "see you" soon. JM
  17. Hi guys because everybodys know for the (101 time) that, I don't have BS... I will need somebody to test some mods of flavour objects, job will be available in 2 weeks included some street working machines! If interested just pm. JM
  18. in the past @LongLeftFlankWas making a good approach of Pacific theater Japanese included...taking on the lupe with light modifications from @Aquila-SmartWargames This one was created for CMBN but I think with a little attention and good hands it will be possible to rename some bmp's to be converted from BN to FI. I take opportunity to say thanks to @Artkin to let us live again this moment. Hope to see more help of you guy's me included to help them of this theatre... JM
  19. No sorry have only one in my mind and tjis is Plözensee and Spandau but if you want I can check it details later. https://www.google.com/search?q=prison+berlin+1944&oq=prison+berlin+1944&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2.14724j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 JM
  20. Well NPye is no more only love for Berlin but become to be an obsession and perhaps late a rabias... Very very nice job boy ! JM
  21. Erwin said all Really beautiful work. I spend time looking at the buildings and all details, I don t have time to play for now but soon. The atmosphere is on the top a good choice to represent the sky, and the desolation of destruction, sometimes we have to check really if this one is a part of CMRT FR or a sequence of another game c est trops beau. JM
  22. Exactly I saw the second link but I was thinking this is a Mac version or something else like pdf or only infos, we have to be always awake about notas of the creator, this will never more happens, thank you to yours explanation. JM
  23. Ah ok probably I missed a link !!
  24. Thank you very much @NPye for this wonderful detailed job... A question, you were talking about 5Gigas in a talk I think with Bootie, you were able to zipped all in a 3Gd file like now or a second part have to come later ? Thanks in advance JM
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