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  1. Thanks
    kohlenklau reacted to CarlXII in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    A big loss for the CM community. I hope you will be back ones again someday in the not to distant future.
    A big, big thanks for all your work and inspiration over the years...
    THANKS ! 😎
  2. Thanks
    kohlenklau reacted to Damian45 in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Very sad but you will be missed my friend, thank you for all you have done for the CM community!
    Cheers Phil, thank you again.
  3. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Suchy in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    If you are a "purist" then you probably will not even enter this thread. What I do in my mods must disgust you or whatever.
    But if you are on the fence and might be inclined to play but just wish I didn't have to distort reality - then please follow this next paragraph!
    I came up with this idea a few weeks back to create an "SMG" filter for my French squads. It seems to work and I will explain how I do it. I have used it in 2 new scenarios.
    I will first show how I used the "SMG FILTER" in this yet unreleased FR40B SEDAN-GRAD. In the below screenshot you see the green tint of a terrain objective, an exit zone named as SMG Filter. The 3 teams are the AI group numbered "A Teams" from the 3 squads in the scenario. A3, A4 and A5. Just the A Teams. Deployed to that funny little holding pen. It contains all of the SMG's in this scenario and all 3 of the grenade launchers.
    My AI plan then progresses and when AI groups A3, A4 and A5 require any movement, the A Teams try to carry out the order, they are filtered away by the exit zone. I had some dash orders and sometimes not all 4 soldiers were exited. I was amazed. So, I added the zig zag and expanded the exit zone to better filter away the SMG's and grenade launchers.

    Below is another SMG Filter on a bigger scenario. The filter is again an exit zone this time lined with heavy forest tiles to slow down the soldiers. All SMG's and grenade launchers are removed from play!

  4. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from PEB14 in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Here is one in the works that should be fun! Almost done with the AI plan. 

    Torcy, France (a suburb of Sedan). It is 1620 - Montag 13 May 1940. A light wind blows off the Meuse to the north. A thick haze hovers over the entire area. The ground is damp. You are a zug-fuhrer in Infanterie-Regiment Gross Deutschland. 
    You have your 4 rifle squads, slightly depleted from the combat of these last 4 frantic days. Your men seem to run off soldier's humor and funny little pills from the medical staff. The sounds of a Sturmgeshutz approaching puts a big smile on the oberfeldwebel. 
    Opposite you through that thick haze of the battlefield are the remnants of the 295e Regiment D'Infanterie. They were pounded mercilessly by the luftwaffe all day and then by our heavy artillery. Even after all that, a few have decided to resist.
    The crossing of the Meuse did not go without losses. Finally we were able to eliminate several bunkers and build a bridge near Gaulier. The vehicles started moving across - but then several trucks were knocked-out by machinegun fire. Clear out those stragglers and get the trucks rolling again! You have 30-35 minutes.
    Take the "corner restaurant" (250 pts) and the "factory office building" (250 pts). Points also awarded for elimination of the enemy and keeping friendly losses below 30%.

  5. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from PEB14 in CMFI Crete 1941 mini-mod project   
    I gotta tell a funny story of modder's frustration.
    Yesterday I sent a revised link for a few folks along with some scenarios. A few changes fixed some Char's not appearing properly. My buddy texts me and image of his screen and the tanks are now invisible. INVISIBLE!!!???
    I almost threw my PC out the window. I then took a few breaths and thought...ok, he and I are playing a PBEM right now, all weekend really, I wondered...
    Did you put the new mods into z and RESTART?
    uhhh, no.
    OK, that fixed it.
    It is always something. It can be found. It can be fixed. 
  6. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in CMFI Crete 1941 mini-mod project   
    I gotta tell a funny story of modder's frustration.
    Yesterday I sent a revised link for a few folks along with some scenarios. A few changes fixed some Char's not appearing properly. My buddy texts me and image of his screen and the tanks are now invisible. INVISIBLE!!!???
    I almost threw my PC out the window. I then took a few breaths and thought...ok, he and I are playing a PBEM right now, all weekend really, I wondered...
    Did you put the new mods into z and RESTART?
    uhhh, no.
    OK, that fixed it.
    It is always something. It can be found. It can be fixed. 
  7. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in CMFI Crete 1941 mini-mod project   
    I know you are trying to say nice things. I appreciate it.
    I am definitely taking off for a few years to focus my energy elsewhere. I have a 24 foot ceiling dining room to finish, a 700 square foot house for my son, rebuild and repaint the pergola I built back in 2008, several other big projects on my 10 acres. Get back in shape. Dry out and regrow the liver.
  8. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from GhostRider3/3 in CMFI FRANCE 1940 BRONZE PACK IS RELEASED!!!   
    I am having a blast modding this FRANCE 1940 project. I am not sure what Bootie will do over at CMMODSIV. I hope he uploads the BRONZE release. 
    Take a look at this.
    Yes, I DO have some texture things to fix and Blender is kicking my butt for some things I need to do on the model.
    But I changed the UI branch and portrait and silhouette. AND the floating icon.
    Dang...and I still gotta edit the e out of Sturmgeshutz. hahaha

  9. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in CMFI FRANCE 1940 BRONZE PACK IS RELEASED!!!   
    Maybe I am the jack of all trades, master of none type! The community has folks with awesome talent that outshines anything I ever cobbled together. I do hope that MORE folks try and be brave and "create content" with scenarios and campaigns and mods and such. 
  10. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Sequoia in CMFI FRANCE 1940 BRONZE PACK IS RELEASED!!!   
    Swing by the other thread lads to grab the dropbox link and to have a look at the readme!
    Or use this wormhole...
  11. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Bulletpoint in graphic problem Firefly commander   
    To me the initial point is that BFC ships the game with the 3D model having a Tank commander too low. Agreed or disagreed? Why does it get out the door like that?
    Anyway, so, we are the customers and see a problem. We report it or try to. BFC or a representative such as Ian @IanL who we do appreciate, says it is now on a list and will be fixed some time as they select due to their limited time. 
    Forum folks are trying on their own to fix it and make an effort. Somebody notices the customer fix has ramifications. We report the curious ramifications up the chain to BFC.
    Maybe the words "BFC must do something" is not exactly intended. Maybe it is more like.."Wow, this is interesting. A mod that slightly fixes a 3D issue SEEMS to have combat results impact on getting sniped. Any comment from the developer?"
    Maybe we could expect.
    a. it is an illusion. your data cannot be correct. TC is hard coded as "X exposed no matter where he is during "Unbuttoned"
    b. uh oh, don't mess with it. wait for our 3D fix.
    I am not sure if I am correct but I think I am. @laurent 22 N'cest pas?
    EDIT: in some high stakes tournament it is possible somebody could or definitely could(?) take advantage of this and win a PBEM unfairly. I guess it depends on who loads first? Ian feels this issue is outside BFC's role. Cheaters are out there.  BFC cannot have counter-measures in place to stop every form of cheating. But they should be aware of every issue. 
    so, a new one.
    c. ok, issue acknowledged, we have no official reply except, be careful of cheaters!
  12. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in CMFI FRANCE 1940 MOD now in progress   
    I just wanted to reach out to CMFI players that I am working on this mod. Anybody who wants to be involved can PM me. We can always use modders to help or folks who want to write scenarios for France 1940.
    I am keeping progress posts over in the general discussion mod tips subforum.
  13. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Suchy in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    FR40B SILVER PACK HIGHLIGHTS (tentative for the 10 May release)
    FR40B1 [muddy-crossing]
    FR40B2 farm flavor objects 
    FR40B3 Charb1bis
    FR40B4 Brazil as Senegalese troops
    FR40B5 French 75mm gun
    FR40B6 Panhard Armored Car
    FR40B7 PzIVD
    FR40B8 [rubarth] scenario special mods
    FR40B9 [corpsfrancs]
    FR40B SCENARIOS (current list)
    FR40B DROLE DE GUERRE                                    by PEB14
    FR40B DER GIGANT                                               by kohlenklau
    FR40B FIREFIGHT AT ANNELLES                          by kevinkin
    FR40B RUBARTH'S RITTERKREUZ                         by kohlenklau
  14. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Artkin in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The panzerwaffe awaits the map anxiously.

  15. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from laurent 22 in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The panzerwaffe awaits the map anxiously.

  16. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from laurent 22 in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    This is "BACHILLES" from FR40B DER GIGANT

  17. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from laurent 22 in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Rubarth rides roughly on the river in his rubber raft!

    German Assault Raft. Blender mod as a flavor object in the drum series. With paddles borrowed from the Schwimmwagen! 
  18. Thanks
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in British helmet mk3 instead of mk2?   
    ohhhh....no wonder. That uses a different form. British Army Requisition Form B A 2 Zed Null stroke 6
  19. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from PEB14 in Confused about AI initial placement   
    I best enjoy writing a scenario that is only playable as human on one side because it is easier and quicker to write and you can focus your efforts for the other side AI pan.
    HUMAN PLAYER SIDE: write briefing, make TACMAP. Use all 3 colors for set up zones for something cool to control the human.
    AI side: no briefing required. no tacmap required. AI Plan 1 gets tested and then maybe AI Plan 2 and 3 are just some variations on what happens.
    The various points are always a hassle for me to make end perfect.  
  20. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in British helmet mk3 instead of mk2?   
    You must file a British Army Requisition Form B A 2 Zed Null stroke 5. 
  21. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in British helmet mk3 instead of mk2?   
    You must file a British Army Requisition Form B A 2 Zed Null stroke 5. 
  22. Thanks
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in British helmet mk3 instead of mk2?   
    I can walk you through it if you want...
    for both the Mk2 and Mk3 you want to:
    Gather from CMBN brz folders the raw files. the main mdr and usually its mates (some several lod files). 
    <EDIT: Gather this in a folder in your CMBN z fodler, named whatever you want>
    gather the texture files and normal maps, the numbered set 
    the chinstrap too. is there a single one or 2 different? I don't know.
    ok, so we are going to trick the game to think it reads the mk2 but it really just shows the mk3
    make copies of the mk3 mdr and rename as mk2
    make copies of the mk3 textures and normal maps and rename as mk2
    if the number of mk2's offered is less than the number of mk3's, then you will need to past additional as needed
    then slap it all in z and fire up old Bessy
  23. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Artkin in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Rubarth rides roughly on the river in his rubber raft!

    German Assault Raft. Blender mod as a flavor object in the drum series. With paddles borrowed from the Schwimmwagen! 
  24. Upvote
    kohlenklau got a reaction from Artkin in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The scenario starts with just a forward observer and you call in the Stukas to hit the bunkers. Then the rafts hit the other bank and the real fun begins...

  25. Like
    kohlenklau got a reaction from pag7 in Confused about AI initial placement   
    a few additional thoughts...maybe not all applicable but I wanted to puke it out for the record
    For scenarios where it is "playable in all modes", the human wants to have flexibility to position HIS troops as he desires. Allies or Axis side. Some players get all angry if you limit them too much. oh well. The 3 different color set up zones can be fun to try and allow some flexibility for some units but not have a big gun up forward too far for example. You can have discontinuous usage of the 3 colors. 2,3,4+ big reds in the back. 2,3,4+ oranges mid way. 2,3,4+ pinks up front. same for the blue side.
    The AI does what it is told. the little yellow dots and you face the unit with the green dot. 32 groups now I think and 5 AI plans. LOTS OF DOTS.
    in the editor make sure all the stuff is in the proper colored set up zone(s) that match to the yellow set up dot of the AI plan for that group...OR IT GLITCHES.
    I think I rattled that off correctly.  
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