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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. It is funny but many of these voice files for the WW2 titles artillery fire mission set of voices use a modern crypto synch tone and squelch at the end of the transmission. Hahaha of course that is totally inappropriate for WW2. Some seem to NOT have that and if I do the Alan Parson stuff to try and improve the South Africans I will NOT have the modern features. Maybe our beloved BFC is like a cook who has chopped onions or whatever handy from before and uses them blindly in many dishes in the restaurant. Like modern cheetos dropped on top of your Civil War army recipe?
  2. seems they ARE there but some issues remain...here is my report in another thread
  3. Maybe try this...at this stage I just have a small test arena scenario but will purchase like a couple dozen of the subject tank to see if there is any random display going on. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER to shut down and restart the game as you make changes so it loads the new version. sometimes when I am frustrated with a "missing image" I go ahead and put big red X's all over a test version of the filename. helps spot it when you fire up your test arena scenario is your custom skirt modtagged?
  4. IBM PC... I am now hearing SOME SA voices but I have a folder in CMFI Z with Frenchy's fixes and my freshly corrected filenames AND NUMBERS for the 9 artillery voice slots. So, it seems NOT a game engine or some code bug. Das ist gut. Some voices are totally muffled out during the game. I hear them activate but it is just a several seconds burst of noise. The 2 voice actors that did this. One guy who does the English with an SA accent, apparently he recorded it in a soft whisper perhaps while his baby daughter and wife were sleeping in the next room. The other guy sounds right out of a Johannesburg pub, a little bit more oomph and all in Afrikaans. But you hardly hear his files used. 0 to 6 seem to be whisper-man and 7 and up are wild-man. Or basically 50-50 for file quantity in a category. I see something odd with the file details of quite a few wav files. A title number that normally I do not see. I can try and resave a few and drop that title number. See if it makes it work better. Wild-man seemed to have more of these type oddities. Also, there are sound file types I have NEVER FREAKING SEEN before. For example south african casualty 0.wav yep that seems normal, seen that lots of times but south african casualty from flame 0.wav and south african hand to hand
  5. Thanks Dave. I will try during the holidays to do some amateur Alan Parsons project sound engineer stuff. If I need to just change some settings using audacity I might be able to pull that off. I have managed to accomplish such small tasks when introducing new voices for mods. But if the South African troops are not properly coded to activate their specific voices then that would be an issue beyond my level of knowledge.
  6. No sorry is needed. You probably explained very well. My brain is old and it takes me a while to understand. I did just do a small scenario where I DID hear the south african voice wav files IF IF IF if I modtagged the scenario and purchased British artillery and British forward observer team using the british artilley set of voice files with modtag [southafricans] @BFCElvis I don't know. Elvis is a great guy. If he says he hears the intended South African voices then I trust him and am baffled. He has a ton of issues to deal with. I salute him as a hard working guy of BFC. I will now have a sip of Calvados
  7. Dang. Bummer! ok, well, I will try to figure it out. I guess BFC tried to fix it after R2V main release but somehow it just did not work even with a patch. If at last resort we can maybe have a CMFI South Africa Mod where we modtag the British voice files to be South Africans using modtag [southafrican].
  8. I am trying to fix some broken stuff. Maybe it is not broken. Maybe I am hosed up. I try to never assume anything. R2V brought a bunch of new voices for Indian troops and South Africans. I have not so far ever even used those troops. Hold on. I did use Indian troops in a CMAK2 battle. I can't remember if I heard Indian troops. The South African voice files have both English AND Afrikaans. Chime in if you have heard the troops use the files. Please
  9. give it a new try, I fixed a few more things. I changed south african to southafrican like modtags for uniforms Also a filename was supposed to be check fire check fire check fire 3 times but in brz was only check fire check fire (twice) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ok27o6do3rwhzkd/AABYoaMiHfHBXlgCEfOgzTNDa?dl=0
  10. @Jace11 reported that CMFB has an issue with the behavior of the Flak36-37mm and the quick fix is to grab the properly working model from CMRT and put in CMFB z folder. Here it is... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qld7eupecob43ms/AAACURZMDyoVrQhkZcySqL22a?dl=0
  11. I had some small hope that the CMRT 2.12 "patch" would address the lack of DP LMG as a purchasable team for Soviet infantry and Guards infantry. The partisans have it but it was somehow lost along the way from CMRT to CMRT F&R. I heard through the grapevine that it was an accident at a high level. Nobody is perfect. The "Mother of all bottlenecks" (p.b.u.h.) now goes back to the jar (his day job) until he has 15 minutes of time to work on BFC stuff. Maybe BFC could take a page from the physical boardgame world and have a "pre-order" for a speculative game such as Combat Mission Early War. Before development even begins, they set a required minimum number of pledged investor-purchasers. Show that on BFC and see if the pledge/purchases roll in. Pay up now and get it for $50 or wait and later after it is developed it is like $100.
  12. @laurent 22 I discovered a while ago that the filenames were spelled as afrcican with an extra c. Not all but most. So I corrected the incorrect filename spellings. Get it here... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ok27o6do3rwhzkd/AABYoaMiHfHBXlgCEfOgzTNDa?dl=0 Please tell me if it now is alright. Merci
  13. What a great thing to contribute to the community. I am downloading it right now. Mille grazie Enrico!
  14. alrighty, [stormtroopin] it is I THINK I saw the issue when I went poking in the files. There is NOT a snow camo aka whitewashed PzIIIM skirt at all! Maybe hunt in CMMODS?
  15. Hey Gary, Hmmm. I suggest a special modtag maybe? You want ALL vehicles to be snow (edit: whitewash or whatever) for your specific scenario. Add this specific modtag to all your skirts, hulls, turrets. Then of course import that modtag to the scenario. You seem to know all this. Bur what modtag to use? Maybe this one... [detroitrockcity] Good luck brother, ~Phil EDIT: PM me if you need to. I am happy to try and assist you. I aint got no magic wand but I just stumble forward as best I can.
  16. A Norwegian Blue? Probably just shagged out after a long squawk...
  17. A little over 3 weeks to go until Christmas. I have a few scenarios at the almost ready stage.
  18. You know what? On second thought, forget it. Nothing personal against folks asking these things to be fixed. I did volunteer but now I have shut down the BFC bail out plan. I am amazed that these things are not quickly fixed in house by BFC. So, if there is a glitch, then let it stay as such.
  19. IF it is showing oddities when viewed from out at a distance but looks ok up close, that is probably one of the "lod" files. I don't own the game so if you want me to take a gander at it, please link me the folder for the suspect vehicle. There may also be some shared files to send. Shared among all Soviet vehicles....Soviet Gear and maybe some turret MG?
  20. CMFI R2V brz folder has filenames with errors folder fortress italy v210e rome to victory subfolder sound sub-subfolder additional voices numerous files for south africans are named as "southafrcican" with an extra c. My humble recommendation is the beta team should have SPECIFIC people assigned to check these things and spot errors not just play the game and look for stuff. Maybe I am not knowing that this IS done but somehow, some-effing-how, these goofs and oddities go right out the door on release. Nobody is perfect and these beta tester dudes just get to keep the beta version of the game as their payment for services rendered to BFC. Also famous partial bmp's such as the below. The CMRT one is very cool as it shows the uv map lines! Maybe these little goofs are minor and don't always harm the gameplay. But some South African guy did the CMFI voices and the filenames probably don't load for the proper voice to be played. I fixed the spelling error filenames and they are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ok27o6do3rwhzkd/AABYoaMiHfHBXlgCEfOgzTNDa?dl=0
  21. Me too! But we need a title where game code allows Shermans, Garands & BAR's to face off against T-34's, PPsH's, Mosins and DP's. No hands raised in the air...
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