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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I have 2 somewhat parallel paths going on. 1. The one is to learn how to use Butschi's CMAutoEditor to help me make a CM map. 2. The other is how to best find and prepare the formatted data in *.csv file for the areas I want to make a CM map. https://gisgeography.com/free-global-dem-data-sources/ I thought I had found a source of the raw data but maybe it is just the tops of trees and buildings?
  2. Oh goody! LS is on the job. I will bow out and go mind my own business.
  3. I am sorry to you for my part in the thread getting off track. I think I CAN mod the tank commander position in Blender. I have done it successfully with other Shermans in CMFI.
  4. Thank you sir. You are very patient with the non-coder slackers you are making this tool for!
  5. ok, I had the code from github and it was in a folder IN another folder. I went ahead and placed the inner folder in C:\Users\Phil for my test of the elevation only version of CMAutoEditor the folder was called "CMAutoEditor-master" so, got to C:\Users\Phil and shift-right click to see a window with an option for "Open command window here" You get the black command window with C:\Users\Phil> The command window opened and I successfully changed directory and installed the requirements. cd C:\Users\Phil\CMAutoEditor-master then it shifts directory and you see C:\Users\Phil\CMAutoEditor-master> then type pip install -r requirements.txt It scrolls a bunch of code stuff as it loads things I guess it is done just once and you never do it again. @Butschi, correct Herr Doktor?
  6. no worry Tony. Gary will go check CMMODSIV. Thanks
  7. go see that other thread where you mentioned the skirts and Lucky said he saw TWO different named skirt files. skirt and skirts with an S. maybe that solves it! People want to see you with your new winter skirt!
  8. negative Ghostrider. I recommend to holler out to Tony the mod archivist @Erwin
  9. Thanks Nico! OK, I will go to my directory where I have miniconda3 and "shift-right click" to open a window to get my command prompt in the proper directory. I put miniconda3 in C:\Users\Phil Calling Doctor Butschi...I did something wrong. I am thinking (very dangerous) I must first get into this python environment by getting the command prompt in my directory that has miniconda3 and THEN do your entries for the extra stuff? But I got a dreaded syntax error. hmmm
  10. In this same thread, as a parallel path to this effort to learn the Butschi CMAutoEditor, I will also explore how to use Google Earth Pro to extract data to feed into the CMAutoEditor.
  11. For the Windows 7 issue, here is the "archive" for finding the older versions to download. https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/
  12. @Butschi Hi Nico, I watched your CMAutoEditor tutorial video and at 2:35 or so you have the Command Window but I cannot see exactly what you type to get the additional packages from anaconda powershell. The letters are so small and hard to read. I am in the countryside and have a bad connection. Maybe other folks do see it perfect but not me. Could you please give me those several entries here in this "CMAutoEditor for Dummies" thread? Thanks! I know this low level of my knowledge probably amuses you as a programmer. But I feel the audience to best utilize this effort of yours might be guys like me that need instructions at a very basic level. Or maybe I am the only dummy. hahaha
  13. I have LukeFF on my ignore list for 10 years or so I think. My comment was aimed at Cassio Lima studios. They get part of my money to make vehicle models as I understand it. Something calling themselves a "studio" should have some better QA I would think. In other posts I have carefully stated how I appreciate the "regular bubbas" beta testers and the difficult job they have. But the bottomline is if issues are spotted by beta testers but somehow do not get corrected. We often hear from beta testers, "yes, we saw that and reported it" -- but somehow it gets back in the game? Sprockets do not turn, guns slew in odd ways, legs stick out, gun blast comes from the wall of the bunker, etc. The bunker gun blast was like that for several titles over ten years until a non-beta forumite looked into it and fixed it. Attack the person reporting the issues or trying to discuss it doesn't help solve the issue. If this forum seems to get hot headed, imagine how the greater steam community might view and comment on a game where sprockets don't turn or the gun blast comes out of a wall? I don't play CM on steam. It is just a game. 2 weeks until Christmas! Best wishes to everybody. ~Phil
  14. For the Windows 7 issue, this is the version of the exe that I found in the conda archives last night...it installed with no errors and I have a python environment. Miniconda3-py37_4.8.2-Windows-x86_64 dot exe (not a link, just stating the version filename)
  15. Don't worry at all Butschi. This thread is just showing folks my journey. I think I can get there eventually. Today I am outside building a roof so tonight I will continue onward.
  16. Nothing is ever easy that will be worthwhile! I am getting an install error for miniconda "Failed to Create Menus"...so let me go and see how to resolve that. EDIT: OK, I had Windows 7 on the PC my son built me for my 50th birthday. Almost 58 so it is an old system! I had to go to the archives for a version that might work for me. I picked one that seemed to STILL be python 3.* but a few years old. It installed with no warnings. I went to the command prompt for the first time ever in my life and it says I have a python environment. What an accomplishment for tonight! I think I will call it a day and this week I try to actually get the CMAutoEditor to run...
  17. Step 1 is to go download some stuff that supports Butschi's python script. The script can only run in a "python environment"... I will go to conda.io to grab miniconda3 for my windows 64 bit OS. Got it, I think. Installed I think. Now I go to github... I must go and study the simple running of the script in python environment. I honestly don't know how to do it yet. Give me a few days.
  18. As a service to the community I have gotten Butschi's thumbs up to post this thread and you all can see me struggle or whatever to try and successfully use Butschi's Map Elevation tool. Butschi calls it "CMAutoEditor" but I may tend to call it Butschi's Map Elevation Tool, sorry! Butschi already has a second tool in the works and he has a thread on that as it progresses. I think I have seen his continued discussion. I will post links to the forum thread. So to be fully clear, I am just gonna tackle the first tool that helps set elevations in your CM scenario/map. I have a few hours now and will put out some effort to get the juices flowing. Let me go grab the thread links. Butschi's initial post where he mentions developing the map elevation tool. He gives a great sample right there in the first post with the real data, the CM elevation grid and then the screenshot IN the game. It looks stupendous. 7 hours of a machine cranking away is no worry. "CMAutoEditor works while you sleep and dream of your completed map served with coffee in the morning!"
  19. Gosh. The commander is not even in the turret for this model. I only know what I "normally" see. It seems the QA is trending poor and a few of these 3D models ship out with errors.
  20. Visually it displays different but I did not recall any definite tests of the difference. "Perhaps" the game code just has some small die roll modifier chance percentage anyway no matter what we see or do. A big table of values for all different values that Charles and Steve sat around and defined? Buttoned up = 0. Crew Exposed = .666? <No idea.> It seems more likely that the 3D modeller part of the flow chart "goofs up" and the hardcode value stays the same as all other Shermans they established values for. So I think it is fine to tweak the visuals of "goof ups" towards normal expectations of where he would sit. Right now I am running a sale on tweaking the TC height in the turret...VISA, MC or Diners Club? The Brazilian Cassio Lima 3D studio that BFC hires for this...I think maybe they get young shift workers from the soccer ball factory, they then come over and put in a shift at the 3D studio. Those 8 year-olds can goof up once in a while and enter a z-value wrong.
  21. Alright, here is my fictional backstory to all this... As CMFI was being developed, 2 "high-level" members of the BFC team and their wives took an expense account summer trip to Sicily for "onsite terrain research" and after a few bottles of the local vino they were running around in a vineyard, chasing their lovely brides and the rental car got stuck too. The rest is history. EDIT: These modern vineyards have a wire or wires stretched down the length. 1943 vineyards I cannot imagine had such wires. But oh well... EDIT 2: well, maybe a large-scale vineyard DID have such vine support wires in 1943 but maybe not the Mom and Pop backyard vineyards? I was NOT on the "onsite terrain research" boondoggle trip.
  22. I have a few Barbarossa scenarios so maybe you refer to me? No worry. I desired to lower the firepower from the "real timeframe" of CMRT and CMRT F&R. My best result was the stragglers (rifles and MP40 only) and a separately purchased LMG34 (not LMG42) team in various combos 1, 2 or 3 "squads" under a platoon leader. I tried also to not have panzerfausts. That used to have a dropdown menu in old CMBB to make it zero but now it is random and hard to totally eliminate. 1 sneaks in somewhere it seems. I think that is incorrect. You have a better option. What I use is the "Recon Company 43 (Divisional)" and the squads are just 6 man and you have rifles, SMG and maybe an STV but no LMG. Sounds pretty straggler-y to me. If I had my fantasy, CM would have a "build a squad" or whatever they'd call it to be able to be more granular and field what you want for the vibe of the scenario.
  23. Tres excellent! Tenacity pays off.
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