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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @Bud Backer Happy New Year B! Any new comics on the horizon? ~Phil
  2. My opinions. cost is 2 centavos. You shouldn't delete them! Hang on to them and then someday fire them up and play them as you will have forgot what units were in it and it might provide some fog of war. Plus as time goes on you can analyze your initial efforts and feel proud as you have developed and improved. best wishes to you for 2023 ~Phil
  3. Alright, I hope you follow my analogy. No disrespect, I am not a Catholic - but I respect a good organization with a clear chain of command! I think we got this CMAutoEditor training running like the Roman Catholic Church. Nico Butschi Herr Doktor Herr OberCodenFuhrer is like God and maybe then I am the Pope? And Sorry Jacob, @Aragorn2002 you are just a Cardinal. I will send you a red hat and cloak. Best wishes for 2023 to all forumites ~Phil
  4. @Aragorn2002 Give this a go when you want. Report back if successful. Show screenshots please. Good luck!
  5. I have been neck deep in a construction project and have not been able to come through as promised for some new scenarios. Doing fascia so roof contractor can start in January... Plus I have a damn abscess tooth! Going to the V.A. dental on Monday at 0730. Root canal here I come. I am almost at a point I am able to get back to the CM projects and belatedly get them out... I got a super cool surprise coming in late January or early February. hee hee hee
  6. @Aragorn2002 Maybe hold off for after this weekend. You and I jumped off the bridge with the bungee cord but Nico stayed back there with his girlfriend. hahaha
  7. THIS IS WHAT BUTSCHI SENT ME BY PM WHEN THE "PIP INSTALL..." DID NOT WORK. So, the problem is that "pip install" just doesn't work for the rasterio package... conda install works but the mixture of both causes trouble. Ok, let's try this: Please download https://www.dropbox.com/s/aaks9o1wzidqz01/conda_list.txt?dl=0 and put the file into your CMAutoEditor folder. In the command prompt do "conda install --file conda_list.txt" (answer yes asked if you want to install upgrade, downgrade, whatever a number of packages). With luck this works. I did a test install with python 3.7.6 (your version afaik) and in worked on my machine. Since you are on Windows 7, this might not work. If it doesn't, try: (Btw. paste should work with right-click -> paste, I think?) conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels numpy conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels pandas conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels pyautogui conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels keyboard conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels rasterio conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels pyproj conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels matplotlib conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels tqdm conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels scipy conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels scikit-image If that fails, too, try: conda create -n py37_cmautoeditor -c conda-forge --override-channels python==3.7.6 --file conda_list.txt conda activate py37_cmautoeditor In this case you'll have to do step 2 (conda activate ...) each time you run a CMAutoEditor script. But... actually that is one of the nifty things about conda. You can have different environments, which is useful if you have different such tools and don't want all the libraries etc. mixed up.
  8. it should not have shown that. hold on. I can find one of MY screenshots with commands. standby EDIT: ok, I don't have THAT specific screenshot as I made it through that part ok. in your black window you should see just this C:\Users\Jacob\CMAutoEditor-master> then after the arrow you type this command line pip install -r requirements.txt and hit enter
  9. Be ready to post sreenshots of what you see on the screen otherwise it is very difficult to understand what bumps you hit
  10. Post your operating system so Nico can know where you are coming from. You had the black command window open?
  11. We can move on to Case 2. This was Ost Prussia. Schirwindt seems easier versus Goldap. @Aragorn2002Do you want to be the test dummy alongside me? Can you do Steps 1 and 2 to get tool installed? Nico holds my hand and I hold your hand and we all bungee jump. @Butschi That Polish site...I went there but didn't see how to grab a big tif that encompasses Schirwindt and Goldap... It seems Case 2 is really just Case 1 with free tif versus buying tif data from Hungary. I think.
  12. Herr Doktor, or his new alternate title, Herr Oben Coden Fuhrer, has held my hand in numerous PMs and my 656m x 464m Buda map is now cranking away on my screen. It has been going hard for about 18 minutes andddd....done for elevation. Thank you Nico! @Butschi
  13. Here I go... Not owning CMCW...and being an amateur "Blender-ette" and file snooper, I figure MAYBE the uniform mds file references the weapon *.mdr and not the gear *.mdr. I am pretty sure it could be easily edited. Maybe a few minutes of effort. The pistol in a holster is probably positioned at the anchor point adequately but a naked pistol without a holster seems a bit offset from the body. Does the Soviet officer have a nice holster? THEN the holster mdr is functioning. Or I am wrong and it is in the game code which then is beyond me... ~~~~~~~~ I have never been invited to be a member of any BFC beta team. Maybe it was that nipple shot of Kate Upton I posted years ago? Ooops But if I WAS in charge of said Beta test team I would assign each dude a sub-specialty to check various stuff. Reminds me of the opening scenes in "The Green Berets" movie. "I am Sergeant Kowalski, I am the weapons expert and secondary trained in communications!"... somebody gets vehicle crews somebody gets sprockets and vehicle parts somebody gets weapons ...and then **try** to "in house" correct it with some semi-capable "Blender-ettes" in the beta team. Fix it before it goes out the barn door. The feedback loop to Casio Lima studio seems to be clogged with time delays. Or maybe that is wrong. Maybe the cost to fart out a patch is like X dollars of Charles' time and therefore a LOT of things need to pile up before a patch is cranked out? I have just finally gotten on STEAM. A company makes an ASL type game called LnL and they respond constantly with tweaks for issues. Kind of makes BFC seem unresponsive. Maybe it is the code complexity? What do I know... If 3D modelling fixes wait for a patch that needs Charles, then maybe a new system should be adopted by BFC and an official intermediate solution can be offered as a dropbox link. No need to make a new version number. Just fix it and put it out and IN THE NEXT big "Charles had to be involved" patch, you roll it into the new brz files. RANT COMPLETE, OUT.
  14. I am definitely a small fry when it comes to scenarios and maps so in the immortal words of Snagglepuss I will now exit stage left! Best wishes to all budding scenario and map makers!
  15. the freeware program paint.NET is very easy to use for rotating your s.e.o. and resizing and drawing boxes.It is not as robust in capability as GiMP or Photoshop but it does support layers. This can be used in a bigger map image to try and define and create and save your final s.e.o. As an example, in an upper layer you could create a perfect square box (x pixels by x pixels) that could be 1km by 1km (as per the scale of the BIG map you have down in a lower layer) or whatever size you wanted as long as a known dimension. Then you use a drag tool to move it around as you see what parts of the map you want in your s.e.o. Then you could rotate a bit clockwise or counter-clockwise to get a majority of your key roads/rails to be "more tame" in 0-45-90 degree angles. Then you carefully copy that final box and save as a new image which is your s.e.o. We're all here to help you learn to fish versus giving you a fish. The old biblical phrase.
  16. I think that a lot of early thought and analysis is best before you actually nail down the "box". Like @Combatintman advised, you sit back with a cup of coffee (or tea?) and decide if it is best to "rotate the world" and "tweak reality a bit here and there" to make the process better/easier/faster. "ROTATE THE WORLD" this allows the road angle limits of CM to show up better in the final product. You CAN use the special editor overlay to make a tiny low effort experiment to see how this works. GeorgeMC has also said he does rotation decision early in the planning so map creation efforts don't go in the trash as wasted man-hours. "TWEAK REALITY" This might be where you purposefully move something "outside the box" so you do not have to create it in CM. Maybe some fork in the river or an odd but not so important little cliff, I don't know. ...one other thing is that sometimes it can be useful to go "map hunting" or "map shopping" and find an EXISTING map to copy/rename and gut out what you don't want and change and recreate into what you want. To me, sometimes it just helps my mental workload as I see the EXISTING map in the editor and it really has so much ALREADY done. Delete the landmarks and objectives if they are there. Master Maps are fully intended for this purpose and nobody really owns the maps. If you feel the need, tip your hat in your designer's notes with a comment "I used a map from forumite yada yada, his scenario yada yada". Just another way to get your scenario completed. That is the goal!
  17. @Aragorn2002 For you or others training purposes. I made a few quicky scenario editor overlays for Schirwindt. a bigger 2km x 2km and a smaller 1km by 1km of "northwest Schirwindt"... I used the old Wehrmacht(?) maps that @Combatintman had shown in another thread. Try one at at a time for training & practice. You would need to rename either to just "scenario editor overlay" and put it in CMRT z folder then restart CMRT. If you then open a new scenario in the CMRT editor, you must change the default starting map size of 320 x 320 to match either 1km by 1km. or <<gulp>>, the big mama 2km by 2km. (I made a little text notation on each image to remind the trainee! 1km x 1km and 2km x 2km) Use if you want, no worry if you don't. It is in my goodybox so others can also try it to see how it works. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yzv4xicma3fkeik/AADxelz4rtznppiuTUy3uOsXa?dl=0
  18. oh good. I DO try and type python commands accurately so I sure hope the "test dummy" is not living up to his title too much! I find myself TRYING to cut and paste the text which is a windows OS capability I suppose and I cannot drag my mouse and copy text in python command window. Oh, but now that I think of it, it is NOT a python command window, this is the DOS command window? Are there any secret shortcuts for text command lines I can take advantage of?
  19. next is conda install -c conda-forge gdal BUT it already had seemed to work without errors so I will try requirements again
  20. I have 4 grandkids in the house for the holidays ages 10 down to 6...so I will give the various things a try later and send a full report with screenshots.
  21. I deleted my old folder and I have the downloaded package as show here. EDIT: I did keep the merged_ddm.csv for use in making buda.csv
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