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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. yeah, could be. Or rummage through to see what was planned for R2V but never was released. Shine it up and send her out. In the military we called this being "voluntold"
  2. Hey Steve! We saw Ithikial bust out of the gates to talk about his CMBN BP. The Cold War shop is also firing up the discussion for CMCW BORE. BOAR BAOR But was maybe your mention of a future CMFI BP a...uh...senior moment? Nothing posted at all in the CMFI forum...yet. On our other discussion, ok, I agree to change your casting for the BFC Hollywood biopic to Chris Hemsworth. Nix Russell Crowe.
  3. I don't own CMCW. I am not saying it is the greatest thing since sliced bread but has anybody tackled into a winter mod for CMCW? I checked CMMODSIV but didn't see anything. I thought I saw a @37mm screenshot but who knows. It has its limitations and issues to mod it over to CMCW. Fake snow. But in my experience the REAL 1980's CMCW snow (not Miami Vice cocaine) is realistically many years away - with no jab meant at the guys driving the bus. Maybe I should lay down on a couch and talk to an attractive female therapist with her top button hopefully unbuttoned but as soon as I see CMCW I somehow start thinking to make CMCW Yom Kippur and as soon as I heard of CMCW BAOR I am thinking to make CMCW Falklands. It is my mental issue I guess.
  4. New possibility; Steve accidentally said CMFI BP and no such CMFI BP was in the works. The guys are scrambling up something.
  5. The elephant in the room: I mean no disrespect in going down this path of conjecture. I always got to have some humor in it as well. I think the bottleneck is Charles. All the talk of limited development time and opportunity must be a code (pardon the pun) for Charles having a real full-time career/job elsewhere from BFC in the coding industry. ANYTHING that involves Charles for BFC must stack up like flights coming into Chicago airport. When does the poor guy have to all of sudden crank it all out? One weekend a month? A few hours on Sunday morning while Mrs. Charles makes the pancakes? Maybe the code is so "Charles" that nobody else can go in there or they will eff it up. He must be in his early to mid 60's by now. Somebody said they saw him in the Ukraine thread. Wow. How many man-hours can the guy plop down on Kohlenklau's desires. The survey says...Goose egg! The introduction of any new content is also harnessed or enslaved to Charles' availability because of the patch being a code and DRM concerns I guess. Back a few pages I TRIED to propose a place holder CM Early War with no real content by BFC...but as somebody reminded me, that is STILL Charles' involved. The big money military/government contracts are the priority. Charles and Steve maybe fly to shake hands and press the flesh with DC beltway, London or someday Kiev contracting and procurement officials. Give a dog and pony show and blow away the competition. High Fives all the way back home on business class. It would make a great Hollywood movie. Russell Crowe as Steve? Woody Harrelson as Charles? I am not a casting professional. Somewhere in there maybe some trickle down economics occurs and the "little people" get some of the results in new "features" that UK MOD or whoever wanted. <<Flares over the battlefield anybody? Or is that all a thing of the past?>> One weekend a month or so and Charles is available annually for about 20 man-days of total effort. Basically 4 regular weeks of production effort. He has a list of things to do and attacks them the best he can. Then interspersed in those spread out over a year 20 man-days is the testing by BETA guys to see if it is ok. Or they waive that and send it out as a release and hit a snag here and there. Charles' REAL job has some paid time off and Mrs. Charles had big plans for them all to go to the Bahamas and here is Charles with this proposal..<raise your hand if you ever had to do this one!> Go on ahead honey, I will just do these few things for Steve and fly down to join you...Hotel Suite has that couch for you to sleep on Charles. Mrs Charles can hear the keys late night clacking on your work laptop... Steve is the CEO of BFC and must make all these ugly decisions on what Charles does for those 20 man-days. Steve also has to be the frontman and take the heat Harry Truman style. Every year Steve sends Charles a 1099 for his taxes! File now and get your refund before April.
  6. Alright, CMCW is announcing their module for BAOR. Ithikial is on it to show his CMBN BP. Here in CMFI we so far have nothing. Not even the shoulder shrug and "domani, domani" and "tutto posto"... I really wish the BP was "Ariete in Libya" or "Folgore at El Alamein" or "The CSIR in Ukraine". I can dream can't I?
  7. Dang, oh yeah, that was after my 2015 heart attack. 7 years ago. Time speeds by. I edited my post to add it in and also the CMRT Kholm Mod. Modding is the game within a game. It has been a blast and I have worked with so many talented guys. If just had a few little things from BFC we could take it to a higher level. Little things to me but an excessive deviation off course to BFC. Such is life.
  8. OK, thanks Steve. I had made a lot of pitches and proposals and requests and recommendations. Onward and upward. JUST IN CASE YOU DON'T GET AROUND THE FORUMS MUCH...I (with the help of many talented fellow forumites) have used your fine product(s) and the inherent "modability" you graciously installed to do the below: CMRT WINTER MOD CMRT KHOLM MOD CMRT FINN MOD CMRT BARBAROSSA MOD CMRT ROMANIANS MOD CMRT ITALY CSIR MOD CMRT WARSAW UPRISING MOD CMRT HUNGARIANS MOD CMFI KRETA MOD CMFI AFRIKA CMAK2 MOD CMFI PARTISANS MOD CMRT SPANISH BLUE DIVISION MOD (IN PROGRESS) Best wishes, Phil
  9. dang. okey dokey. I guess we will wait for the announcement post...take care Ben
  10. oh man, I musta burned out my Santa Steve list with that I guess
  11. This is the first time I ever walked away from one of these bones threads feeling really unappreciated, looked down at, laughed at, etc. Maybe only the UK MOD type customers get the smiles and go out for a beer at the pub? When they ask for something, they have the money to pay for it I guess. COME ON POWERBALL!!!
  12. @benpark I am hoping that the CMFI BP mentioned by Steve will be Canadians at Ortona by you... Any comment?
  13. Ok. I just had a premonition. ORTONA CANADIAN CAMPAIGN! come on Ben...
  14. GL Raging Buffalo is already Anzio I am 99% sure. IIRC that campaign had the first big scenarios I could ever finally play with the awesome PC my son built me for my 50th birthday. 8 years ago. Still the same PC. Maybe I get a new one when I turn 60...? You could be right. No idea
  15. What will it be? Any good guesses? EDIT: I will add some analysis! CMFI is almost 10 years old or so. It has 4 Sicily campaigns. Conrath's Counterattack, Invasion at Gela - Advanced Training, Troina and The Fleeting Moment. The Gustav Line came out around 2013. 4 campaigns. GL Foiling Fustian, GL Monte Cassino, GL Raging Buffalo and GL The Corridor. R2V came out 2019 or so. 2 campaigns. R2V First Blood at Celleno and R2V Operation Encore. If they have to have a consolidated theme, maybe a Salerno related Battle Pack? Well, GL The Corridor IS about Salerno. Whoops. Maybe since R2V had "only" 2 campaigns maybe a 3rd was "almost ready" and will be spruced up for release and we will get a late war themed BP.
  16. Years back a fan used his skills to write a python code plug-in for Blender to import and export the CM mdr files. @sbobovyc never got around to succeed with mds files. Can BFC please allow mds file uniform modding by fans? Open a dialog with him to get his mds plug-in functioning...
  17. Some 3D model bugs were fixed by the fans using Blender. 1. Numerous titles had long standing unfixed error with Bunker ATG had firing blast from concrete base. Very simple error in the naming of a model component and fix was done. 2. CMCW sprockets on several vehicles not moving. Same issue as above. Model component named cylinder and not wheel. 3. Big ugly turret issues with F&R PzIII. Fixed by grabbing model from other title. Maybe your beta team can develop an house "repair squad" for these simple issues. Fix before game is released is obvious goal. If not that then post fix in forums as a link to an official mod for z folder versus waiting for a patch. THEN later roll that initial fix into patch brz. Here is where you must tell how the beta team does catch many errors and a few slip through. Of course. Everybody (should) appreciate/s the beta team. But these 3D errors got through...
  18. I don't know. But it is interesting that they were the only Waffen-SS division that fought exclusively against the western allies. Never against the Soviets. How lucky can you get?
  19. These are just the *.btt files that hold the core unit that you import for your campaign or "series of linked battles"...
  20. It is a saying attributed to the German knight Gotz Von Berlichengen. https://germansmakecomicstoo.hcommons.org/2018/02/17/who-is-gotz-von-berlichingen-and-why-is-he-saying-those-terrible-things/
  21. ooops, alright, train back on the bloody tracks! CMBN BP2 is looking sweet. CMFI BP news is MIA and the world wonders what it is about. Steve must snap his fingers and somebody will be in the CMFI forum telling us all about it.
  22. That was in Normandy? I stayed there also in 2001 with my Dad and son. It was a chateau that SAID that it had been a German Battalion HQ. We had a great time. "Calvados" is intense stuff. https://www.bienvenueauchateau.com/en/castles/chateau-dasnieres-en-bessin-2/
  23. The community can quickly pump out some unit vehicle mods for the "Licken Mein Arse"... division. If they don't already exist. I definitely will mdr import over the CMRT Schwimmwagen in place of the kubelwagen for this BP2 as I have a photo of a Gotz von B schwimmwagen somewhere. EDIT: it will not actually swim but still looks cool Do your maps need any custom road signs flavor objects? 4th ID patches on the jackets probably already exist. 101 and 82 already are modtags for their uniforms. @JM Stuff maybe has some cool helmet candy for use. You are a seasoned scenario and campaign author but if there is anything you think might spice up your BP2, please just ask and maybe the community can get with you. I remember playing with my son years ago on PS3 the Brothers in Arms battles and if you need a certain farmhouse look for Ste Come du Mont(?)...maybe there is a guy who has a name that rhymes with pie that can make something gorgeous. best wishes on your project...
  24. @JM Stuff Hey JM, what was that CMFB scenario you wanted to do? It had Free French forces or not? I forget
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