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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. New England breakfast ale? Now we maybe know why things are often dragging along with BFC progress! (j/k) ~~~~~~~~~~ Your hand is at the tiller of the BFC ship and it goes where you think is best. Is your life-long buddy Charles a full-time programmer at another company and BFC is a side gig he timeshares his efforts to? Maybe you cannot confirm or deny. Is there a 2nd programmer under Charles' wing? Do you have life insurance on Charles? oh boy.
  2. I know the Barbarossa version appears correct when I view it. Those jerry cans were the CMAK2 version for the desert. Mods are very difficult to get all settled out. The fallblau version...yeah, it might need some love. But honestly, I can jump on it tomorrow and get it squared away. PM me and we can work together.
  3. CM has its faults but I love it and enjoy it and it has brought me great entertainment. Thanks guys.
  4. https://youtu.be/vM_6e_LGl1Q https://youtu.be/9LJL2K4bQDY
  5. I suggest you test try my scenario "BARB The Double Zug Hug" where you can see how the shorty 75 PzIV acts. if you want I had been messing with TRYING to make a PzII but got sidetracked. It takes time.
  6. I have it in a mod in my goody box where the PzIIIN with shorty 75 is replaced with my Blender creation of PzIV body and PzIIIN gun.
  7. EARLY WAR ORPHANS...mount up! OK, all is not lost. BFC has moved onward. We aint got no official help. We can still squeeze out some juice. We have to think outside the box. Sure, some of you would LOVE a TO&E but we aint got none. We CAN try for small early war scenarios with infantry, maybe some support weapons, MAYBE a vehicle or just an immobilized or KO vehicle. I got like 6 of you out there that seem to like this. So Steve is absolutely correct. BFC SHOULD move forward officially. I cannot help but keep diddling in the early war. Maybe not exactly "early war" but I am involved in a Spanish Blue Division Mod. I finally stumbled upon a Call of Duty Mod with Spanish voice mp3 files. I am converting to wav and renaming to match CM. What a pain. I will try to have something released in February 2023.
  8. Play hotseat against your wife. Offer a reward system of gift cards or you watch the kids. After a while, she'll probably do better than the damn AI.
  9. Personally, I just can't get a hard-on for CMCW, CMBS or CMSF2. Oh well. Is there a pill? WW2 is where my heart is at. I did buy into the "we'll work backwards from 1944" motto. I am working on a Spanish Blue Division mod "during my spare time"... I wish BFC the very best in their future.
  10. I guess I must go win the powerball and then give you a call. CMEW is a fantasy within a fantasy.
  11. A lot of good talented guys here would probably sign your NDA and help flesh out the mdr's for CMEW. Give them badges and deputize them sheriff.
  12. Work with me man! I ain't waiting on stinking TO&E stuff. Make it have a formation editor and the TO&E stuff can be hand entered and saved as part of a CMMODS scenario or whatever. Have a squad editor or at least a dropdown menu to dial in/out a certain number of panzerfausts, demo charges, bundled grenades, SMG, LMG, etc A new dropdown menu category is added to vehicles ok, immobilized, burning, destroyed and now captured and host nation on the purchase editor is assigned as the crew.
  13. I don't have a powerpoint presentation nor a flipchart but here is my pitch. CMEW Combat Mission Early War A war gamer kit. This is designed to snag that segment of the market using as little of Charles' time as possible. It will be a lot of "some assembly required" and a lot of "mods required" and fan content based. It can ship without any scenarios or campaigns. It should be based off CMFI as that title has lots of nations for each side. Cram pack each side with all existing vehicles and as many of what I call place holders as possible. Place holder Vehicles IN THE CODE to try and be the early war vehicles and match to an existing mdr but we could mod to be PzI, tankettes, etc. A vehicle with just an MG and light armor on tracks for example. The scenario editor would be used to mix and match sides as needed for Spanish Civil War, Winter War, Poland 39, Norway, Invasion of France, Sea Lion, Barbarossa, North Afrika. It would be designed to be able to try and replicate a wide range of "early war" confrontations AFTER modded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's called "THE ARISTOCRATS!!!" (famous end to a classic crude joke)
  14. Hi Steve, Maybe you have noticed some of the folks playing with Blender and messing about with mdr's. Question 1: We adjusted some tank commander positions in the turrets. It "looked better" and some folks are swearing that their tests seem to show better TC survival rates. Are we smoking crack to think that? Question 2: Can these mdr bugs such as Cold War sprockets not turning be fixed by a system of "official BFC mods" where the new replacement BFC approved mdr is posted for download versus waiting on a patch? Question 3: Will CMX3 use the same mdr files or will it use a "next generation 3D model"...? Thank you.
  15. I think the CMAutoEditor will improve through the normal process of making it better. @Butschi For example, the first version took inspiration from the movie Aliens and Nico had you sealed in a pipe and you had to crawl 188m to get to the remote terminal to do the Python code. We have come a long way since that version of his tool.
  16. Back on topic! Beutepanzer: the other image seems too old to copy and display...so here it is https://i.imgur.com/PGqXoLR.png
  17. My opinion: for mdr swapping, you can go 2 ways which have their own + and -. The @Suchy system is you go ahead and bring in the actual opposite side's weapon. Think of a water-cooled HMG being used by modded Hungarians in CMRT. Use the editor side switch trick to purchase it and bring it with a Soviet guards crew onto the axis side. Then you do get the actual performance of the weapon. You can use [guards] modtag to maybe get their uniforms looking like Hungarians. You then must decide to not worry to hear a little Russian. The shell and host system is where you get the visual appearance of a beutepanzer T-34 over the actual internal workings of the PzIV. In this case you have a German crew and all is well there BUT you must accept the performance of the gun/turret rotation/ammo choices/etc. is slightly askew. EDITORIAL: Many modders burn the midnight oil and put in so much labour of love. We're hamstrung. Think @NPye. But the actual BFC person with the keys to make awesome things happen seems to me to turn off the lights promptly at 5pm and head home. I suspect it is worse than that, as I think his BFC related efforts are extremely tight on an annual basis and he has a main job. He must be nearing age 65 to claim social security and maybe retire from that "main job" and might delve more into CM coding and new content for CMX3. My fantasy. Best wishes to him. This is not personal.
  18. Not true. Empahsis on thought of and tried but not claiming it was satisfactorily accomplished https://community.battlefront.com/topic/118887-operation-hercules-the-invasion-of-malta-wip/#comment-1595700 From 7 years ago...my ambitions always outraced my abilities. Stil dorking around here and there to get stuff to line up better and weather it a bit. I ain't no Aris. Yo no soy un "Aris"! No puedo. No tengo el mojo. http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y398/retiring2texas/Beutepanzer2_zpsyosqcuat.jpg
  19. oh, the dreaded file name is too long error. You can maybe test that as being the issue by taking the roof bmp and just slapping it higher up the chain so to speak. @37mm You do good work buddy. Thank you.
  20. Hmmm, maybe it is a regional tag issue? Is this a scenario with a certain region and the modtagged version of that roof bmp is AWOL? Try changing region and/or timeframes and see if it appears and disappears.
  21. @ViperAssassin26 I don't own CMBS and am not a modern war knowledge guy but have in my goodybox a master list of all files in all the games. Courtesy of @Kevin2k My coffee cup in hand analysis says it MIGHT be in folder v103 and MIGHT be called m4a1_thermal.mdr
  22. Me neither. I do know flat, itty-bitty, big, floppy, jiggly, saggy, ski slopes, plasticized, perky, cross-eyed, mismatched, flapjacks...
  23. @Blackhorse15A Thanks for the participation! I hope you have a great 2023. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I guess that closes it out as the 2022 Christmas Scenario Challenge. Thanks to all who chimed in with a "scenario present" under the tree in the spirit of the holidays. See you later this year for the 2023 Christmas Scenario Challenge!
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