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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. This storyline seems to me to match up better if it WAS back in 16 December 44 for the initial shock of the Bulge. But this is January, 1945 in the comic, right? The war will be over by Valentine's Day, get out of the tank with no sprocket and head to the rear son! Hopefully butterbar will just am-scray back to the Sulaco and Nuke the entire site from orbit--it’s the only way to be sure
  2. BarbaricCo is a true professional graphics man I think. He has pumped out tons of new images to add more wintery goodness to the CMRT Winter Mod. Top quality looking stuff. My results are like I am an old peasant in a back room with the sharp edge of an old metal spoon and 1 light bulb. Nope! A candle... But it is a team effort. Thanks Stjepan!
  3. I think the difference between La Ferme and here is that LT Lawrence is so obviously losing and Leutnant Warner seemed to generally be doing well or holding his own. It was a steady battle. So, seeing LT Lawrence talking while his men are getting plastered is a bit disconcerting. Where is he? Having coffee and talking to some nurse at the aid station? This isn't scripted but maybe Lawrence should have been named as 1LT D.E. BACLE?
  4. This the 5./II/PzRgt11/6th Panzer-Division, 1st Zug-fuhrer's tank. He claims 4 kills but the soldiers joke it was a jeep and 3 donkey carts.
  5. Where are all the modder wanna-tries? Come on fellas...don't be shy. This the 5./II/PzRgt11/6th Panzer-Division, 1st Zug-fuhrer's tank. He claims 4 kills but the soldiers joke it was a jeep and 3 donkey carts.
  6. @kevinkin Coming along nicely....you agree? This the 5./II/PzRgt11/6th Panzer-Division, 1st Zug-fuhrer's tank. He claims 4 kills but the soldiers joke it was a jeep and 3 donkey carts.
  7. Ian, thank you for your professionalism and giving screenshots here in Hungary even when so busy over in Belgium.
  8. Hold on! ...hahahaha....I see the plot. There is a bank in this town and they need the Sturmtiger to blast open the vault? Lang And Tanner and LT Lawrence will soon walk down the street to confront the German crew...only 18 SturmKitties in the world and Hauptman Von Leslie routes one to this "of no importance" backwater? I smell gold bars. ...and while the caffeine is surging through my arteries, I hope that butter bar LT Blanchard gets KIA real soon for his weaselly, disrespectful comments towards the CO. Either man up and say your piece to the old man or zip it and fall in line to support the mission, soldier!
  9. My video is crap production value and I should be fired as director but the mod itself is the star.
  10. Exactly! My "(and other variations)" also included a [snow muddy] so I would have control over that issue. I set ground as muddy on purpose to try and simulate bogging in the snow that is just visual. One odd thing I am getting is that when my testers load my mod but also have mods by Aris who packs his mods with 7 or 8 different turrets each numbered.... I have had to match his number of turrets with whitewashed turrets or the game slips in one of his turrets on my hull or vice versa. But now I see a graphics card issue or something where one of my snow whitewash turrets is displayed in an odd dark grey pattern with like a photographic negative effect on any slogans. Seems to only be when I have a large number of the same model tanks on map.
  11. 150, wow. I am using [snow] (and other variations) as an imported modtag so the winter camo vehicles and terrain and uniforms can be summoned forth in CMRT. I still have to learn that photoshop pattern technique....
  12. @grunt_GI Hey Jerry! Shoot me a PM if you want the download link to get cracking now...VIP Club pass.
  13. Explanation of game name choice may involve darts, dartboard, game name options attached to sectors of dartboard, beer and someone throwing darts to choose game name.
  14. @kevinkin Is that a screenshot from "Happy New Year Major Bake"...? I will pass you the whitewashed Panzers tomorrow.
  15. Ian, Do you need some transport? I have these 2 Opel Blitz for sale cheap. Give me 1 case of Schnaps and they're yours. Oh, the VIN doesn't match the registration but hey...this is wartime!
  16. I finally learned how to do normal maps so we can do that quilted look up above!
  17. Not sure what thread you prefer to be in... If we stay in that other one it would be the 3rd battle of Dommelen!
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