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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Yeah, that is my great-uncle on my mom's side. Hans-Jurgen Kohlenklau, he was in the Waffen-SS. No, not the big Aryan dude, the short guy sleeping! Slept through the whole war, never once fired his Kar98. jk
  2. Dozens and dozens were fresh art from photoshop. Yes, we modded snow foliage on trees. And fences and flavor objects. And we did many snow roofs. I never even downloaded the VM winter mod. I didn't even see it being busy with other stuff. I do remember seeing the white version of the normal CMRT Soviet uniform. I didn't personally like it but that is not due to the modder Vincenzo, it is just I saw that before on US greatcoats where a modder just made them white with photoshop and it just didn't look good IMHO and we made them optional in the CMFI GL Bulge 44 mod. I've got the Telogreikas and the Soviet Greatcoats. I am thinking of doing a Soviet snowsuit when CMFB arrives and I can borrow some of the new skeletons and bmp art. Tracks and wheels snow dusted is easy.
  3. Job offers rolling in! ...and he never remembered his friends once he was a zillionaire...
  4. @Aragorn2002 @dragonwynn PM me and I will give you the VIP club dropbox link to download and be playing tonight! Includes a few small battles already sided up and ready to rumble. Call now! Operators are standing by and you get a 2nd juicer-slicer absolutely free!
  5. UPLOAD STATUS TO CMMODS3: 12/15/15:3 packs of the terrain bmp image files modtagged as [snow].This also includes beautiful new work by BarbaricCo with flavor objects, Russian fences, etc. sprinkled with frost and snow.12/16/15:Folder of Axis Winter Uniforms (Greatcoats and gloves and snowy whitewashed helmets).12/17/15:Tried 3 times to upload 160MB Snowy Roof Files RAR but some server error keeps happening. Uploaded BarbaricCo's Stug!Uploaded BarbaricCo's Tiger!Uploaded Egger's IS-2 early!Uploaded Egger's Panther A! SLIM kindly uploaded Snowy Roof Files to cmmods on 12/17/15. Now I upload Telogreika RAR file.
  6. Pretty much nobody but 1 guy wants to learn even a tiny little bit about modding from me? OK. Maybe it was my presentation? Not polished enough... The offer still stands but as the new year starts I will be very busy and have less time to dedicate. Still some time but just a lot less. PM me...
  7. I think doing a 2nd install of CMRT and loading the winter mods to the 2nd install's z folder might be a good idea to solve a few issues. Your first install could keep all the usual Aris mods that have 7 or 8 turret options and CAN pop back uninvited into the winter mod even though not modtagged [snow]. Any thoughts or opinions on that? I think it is the basic install and activation and then the one patch install. Correct?
  8. I like the black lines. Reminds me of early 60's Steve Ditko style. This is a comic and not just screenshots....
  9. Uh oh, call the art department...Code Blue on a bmp file! What is that khaki thing on their neck? Some funky 1960's shirt?
  10. Really? Dang. OK, let me start uploading it to my dropbox and tomorrow I will give a link to anyone who PM's me. This way I can see who is interested and how many people are downloading it. That is fair, right?
  11. Just my humble opinion: The CMRT Winter Mod is coming over the horizon towards you all. It is fairly massive and cumbersome to get uploaded. Uploading is in progress. I have some helpers. <Thanks guys!> Everything we have should be uploaded to cmmods by Christmas. But in all seriousness, this is actually a great opportunity for scenario authors to start writing CMRT winter scenarios using the mod. Start now. It represents a head start and they should confidently know that even if with the drawbacks of the mod..well, eventually the real deal BFC official module will show in a year or 2. I think their scenario work done prior to module release will be easily adaptable to the module. Just clear the modtag, perhaps revise the map here and there, adjust the weather, the date. Revise purchases but assign the same AI group number to match the AI plan. All I can do is put the guitar, amp and "how to play the guitar DVD set" under the tree for Christmas. Becoming Jimi or Eric or Jimmy or Stevie is your job. If the mod is a flop and I don't think it will be but it is self correcting and all this will drift slowly to the dark older pages of the CMRT forum and subforum. But meanwhile, my head is dizzy thinking of some cool Ost Front winter vignettes. For all of you who are not Bulge fans and have no intention of buying CMFB, this Winter Mod is really for you to enjoy. Once CMFB comes out we will borrow some new uniforms and such to add to the CMRT Winter Mod and it should be even more flexible for portraying late war Hungary and such. Get the juices flowing! I was even going to hold another scenario contest and give away some prizes. Nobody even entered the last one!
  12. In all seriousness, this is actually a great opportunity for scenario authors to start writing winter scenarios using the mod now. It represents a head start and they should confidently know that even if they scoff at the mod..well, eventually the real deal BFC official module will show in a year or 2. Their work will be easily adaptable to the module. Just clear the modtag, perhaps revise the map here and there, adjust the weather, the date. Revise purchases but assign the same AI group number to match the AI plan. Just my humble opinion.
  13. In the words of JFK.."ask not what your forum can do for you..ask what you can do for your forum..." Go for it and start up a scenario idea! I bet you would make an awesome one.
  14. @Marco2marzo Send some HQ team to do buddy aid at the destroyed tank. Maybe the radio was heavy duty made for war use!
  15. Is Gluckstreffer a suitable German phrase for "Lucky Strike"...like a "lucky hit"?
  16. I hope you get another Lucky Strike. Where is Poesel the German Language Polizei? The dreaded GeLaPo! @poesel Glückstreffer!
  17. Yes! It is from an actual IS-2 camo scheme per Egger. Egger knows his way around the vehicle camo discussion and only targets actual stuff.
  18. Hi Takoda! You gotta download the mod and get playing and post YOUR screenies... 3 terrain folders are uploaded, axis greatcoats uploaded, snowy roof files now uploading as we speak. I will get to the vehicles today or tomorrow!
  19. That is not how it works Justin! You gotta download the mod and get playing and post YOUR screenies...while my team and I take a well deserved rest and do vodka shots all night.
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