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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I saw it. Maybe it will make a good YMCA after the war. Summer time fun at the pool for the Hungarian kids.
  2. Bil, Please show American capitalist winter clothing if possible. Da? Red Army Liaison team assigned for handling German POW's.
  3. Good report! Maybe your ATG's will have some targets soon. Be ready with a plan when that 17 pounder ATG shows up! Any minute until 1230...Like an exciting Hollywood movie.
  4. Yep, I bought it. A bit more than your 10 cents but I bought it! Hold on to Liefrange or kill as many of them as you can before pulling out. Leave it a smoking moonscape too!
  5. But at 10 cents a copy..you'd get rich really quick. Maybe rich enough to buy a soda or a coffee! I'd buy every copy to just to proudly support you. Like when your kid is in the newspaper for the canned food drive or the hog calling contest. Right? ++++++++++++ Go Big Green! I love the turn of events and the way the spirit of the story has just picked up. My American bias is so obvious...??
  6. I am starting to think that Espana for CM vehicle modding is like Jamaica at the track competitions! Aris is from Spain and so is Egger who did these for the Winter Mod. It is great to have a mix of styles, yes? We have BarbaricCo the master of movie mode madness. Now Egger with the obscure and interesting Picasso/Dali type camo schemes? Plus ol' kohlenklau with his kindergarten style and maybe we put on the fridge so everybody can see it! I will improve I promise. One of you newcomers..yes you! There is a vehicle out there screaming in an Austrian accent... "Come on, what are you waiting for? Mod me!"
  7. My mod team is doing rush orders for the holiday season... Use promo code MOD-ME-BABY!! and get 10% off your purchase.
  8. Our folders are starting to appear at cmmods3! I will continue to make the upload packs (a preview image, some type of a readme guide and the rar file of all the files in that bundle of joy). If I get it all uploaded by 24 December then I figure it WAS a Christmas present under the tree for the CM community! That is my goal.
  9. I see! It hasn't happened in a while but I will try to remember to hit alt-R if it does. Thanks Mike.
  10. Ian, I had provided some images that can actually give some intel within fog of war constraints. In the below from several posts back...you are the yellow being attacked by the light green color. X refers to some number from 1 to 9. In this case vehicles of the type in the image. XX refers to some number from 10 to 99. In this case men in the unit type in the image.
  11. Maybe go and experiment with using dirt as it gives a nice blanket of snow. All in the eye of the beholder I suspect. No, it will be multiple downloads. You can upload the scenario to the site whenever you feel it is ready. Maybe go to the proving ground site to harness playtesters before final upload to the scenario depot. Scenarios and vehicles are not part of the mod but will be uploaded separately with some brief mention in their description they're designed to work with the base terrain mod. That is the current approach intended.
  12. This is initial alpha testing only, so don't start with all the negative waves Moriarty! Of course I will make them different tones and shades and shoulder boards.
  13. Hey you ! out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me
  14. This now reminds me of a new version of my unit's old song. Edited to not get me banned.... Heidi! Heidi! Cripes Almighty! Who the heck are are we? Whiz-Bang! Gosh-Dang! We're German Infantry!
  15. Hi Kevin I started uploading the terrain files to cmmods3. 3 folders sent up so far. Tomorrow: the buildings and the uniforms. Looks like you need the winter horizons! What terrain type is under the tanks right there in that screenshot? Do you like it?
  16. Your house might be the drop zone. Let him land at Newark and take the Parkway!
  17. @BarbaricCo Looks grrrrrrrreat! Tony the tiger? Get it? Never mind, USA joke. @kevinkin What Tiger unit is it for this scenario? Do we need some nice hull numbers and the correct Schwere Panzer Abteilung symbol?
  18. I have some other modders now stepping up to help! A guy from FGM, Egger, will do the IS2 and the Panther.
  19. Tonight? I think that is impossible. Heavy Cargo Airlift takes a while to arrange. Probably an Antonov An-124? Plus you don't even know where Kevin lives in New Jersey. I figure maybe tomorrow night, maybe midnight at the earliest? Kevin! Starting TOMORROW at midnight EST fire a green flare every 15 minutes aimed over at the Garden State Parkway. Stjepan! Kevin is exit 109 on the GSP. Have a lot of quarters for the tolls. When you get into Red Bank aim the barrel up at max elevation and toward the east. The Atlantic is about maybe 5 or 6 miles away and the HE shell should safely land out at sea. Fire off a round maybe every 30 minutes, keep an eye for the green flare and find Kevin's house. ++++++++ Do I got to think of everything around here?
  20. Hey Bil, If you have time for a question....We saw some new uniforms for the axis side. Any new items of winter apparel for the allied side of the house? Perhaps the officer's Mackinaw jacket or shoe-pacs or other? Can you comment on any new options in the "appearance" dropdown menu? Thanks!
  21. @kevinkin A little embellishment work to do and they are yours!
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