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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. MikeyD gave an answer to that back in the CMBN forum. There will be both random signs (for QB's?) and specific non-random signs for the major tourist destinations....
  2. @mjkerner I figured out my error just now. NEVER MIND, THE EAGLE HAS LANDED!!!!
  3. Yes, I think you know how to do it. Please give it a try for CMRT. Try to sub in the FJ helmet for the normal German helmet. I have the FJ smocks on everybody. I have the FJ chinstrap. I have the FJ helmet skins but stretched over the shape of the normal German helmet. Something is screwed. Maybe I had a corrupted mdr file or something.
  4. Now it is also stuck in YOUR HEAD... and......it's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG!
  5. I have a few folks who have offered to load it on their PC's and drive it around the block. We've seen an issue with Aris mods. He offers so many turret options, numbered up to 7, 8, maybe 9. Even with my snow modtag, the game engine will instead reach and grab his numbered options and plop a non-white turret on my white hull So, my plan is to see his bet and raise him too! I will have to make available extra turrets to close the "turret gap"...! Of course I shouldn't just copy and rename the same images. I should make some new turret images for the numbered options. So, standby.
  6. It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG! ...while folding laundry: It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG! ...maple syrup coming out of the bottle onto french toast: It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG! ...at the supermarket, checking out the check-out girl: It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG! ...sitting on the toilet: It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG! ...only solved when game releases: It's the FI-NAL BLITZ-KRIEG!
  7. Perhaps I will finally snatch the pebbles from your hand oh wise master? Can you do me a snowy version of your CMRT horizons? My birthday is 22 December if you need an excuse. EDIT: Please!
  8. Hi folks, Maybe I need a second set of eyeballs on this one. I usually have NO trouble doing a simple mdr file rename and shazam it is a success. But I have tried and tried and something is going wrong. I grabbed my FJ helmet mdrs (main plus 5 lod's) and renamed carefully to be the regular coal skuttle helmet. Renamed my bmp images of FJ helmets to be the coal skuttle bmp file names. Did the mdr rename for the FJ helmet chinstrap. I am getting the FJ chinstrap to show fine. I see the skins for the FJ helmets with luftwaffe eagle BUT it is stretched over skeleton for the ol' coal skuttle helmet. What the fudge? HELP! Can somebody else try and see if you get it to work.
  9. I wonder if that big hatch ever just slammed down on the guy's hand. He yells: "Awww, govno! 2nd damn time today....!!!" Beautiful screenshots!
  10. I know MikeyD was locked in the basement until he finished all the whitewash paint schemes for over 100 gun and vehicles. But I personally am excited to get my hands on some of these vehicles to lay down my own style. I don't know if Aris will go hog wild for the winter schemes. And I know my skill set rides the little school bus. But I am still excited!
  11. FYI. Chappy's "charge of the light brigade" with those 2 tanks was meant to coincide with an RAF Typhoon attack (2 planes) but something went odd with the arrival of the planes.
  12. Hey Sam. How goes the college life? Have a good holiday break! PM me if you want to test drive the mod.
  13. Mark, Your annotated screenshot of wounds to Detmer's Jagd said PIAT. Nope. It was this bugger...!
  14. We interrupt this AAR for another short lesson from... The T-34 is riding over Triticum Kohlenklauscum. T. Kohlenklauscum is resistant to most blight and fungi as well as HE, AP and springs back very quickly after a tank rolls over it. It makes an excellent vodka.
  15. Bird grog! OK, Harry, remind me later and we will put you on the sound mod team with Waclaw to have the proper Siberian red feathered tit mouse chirping in the background... then the sound of a shotgun blast and a squawk? Or perhaps the Norwegian Blue?
  16. Harry. I will PM you with the link to download all the current folders. Paste them in your CMRT Mods folder. There is also a small teaser battle. And a snow.txt mod tag file so you can import and make your own winter map designs (gluten-free?)! Standby sir.
  17. I love the new CMRT Winter Mod logo that Barbaric made. I gotta paypal him a little gift for his holiday merriment... I think we make a great team and I appreciate the efforts he has done to improve the project.
  18. Harry the wheat grog! I think we can get you off our backs by just using the tall yellow grass. OK? This is called getting wrapped around the axle.
  19. The CMRT Winter Mod is expandable and collapsible and very flexible to the looks you personally desire to see. I am Barbaric's opponent and used some different files. I had gloves on his Soviet troops, helmets were green. Barbaric said he used umlaut's frosted axis greatcoats for my defenders, which should show soon in his continuing AAR. Maybe it is rye grown as a winter cover crop for advanced Soviet agricultural thinking? Definitely the map making process should be carefully done to optimize the Winter Mod visual result. Most of what you see is exactly what came from CMFI GL so the winter look there is not much different. Barbaric did some original mods such as frosting up the haystacks and some bark on the trees. I have just done a Beutepanzer T-34 with German markings that plays in game against the actual Soviet T-34's. This Winter Mod has great potential and I encourage everyone to PM me so they can download the current packs and have some first hand stick time.
  20. OCOKA TERRAIN ANALYSIS? Maybe we should call you "Barbaric Bil" Screenshots look great, makes me want to have hot cabbage soup and some vodka. Are these screenshots you took during our battle or you are watching the saved turns and taking them fresh?
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