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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Major Morningwood returned to XXX Corps HQ to work on his memoirs and shhhhhh don't tell anyone but his Daddy says he is up for a knighthood!
  2. Let me check with my secretary.... ...all clear! Call anytime.
  3. EDIT: Bad news. That aint your plane you just heard... Hang tough! You should have the 120mm heavy mortars now, oui? Between 1210-1230 you will get an air mission (Kittyhawk fighter-bomber HEAVY mission with bombs!) and you MUST use your FO to direct him to the enemy "panzer lager". ...and with that air mission you will get a battery of 25 pounders and a towed 17 pounder. The ATG arrives at the church. Maybe have some smoke ready from the little 2" mortars to provide cover while it sets up? The 17 pounder takes 3.8 minutes to deploy! An agonizingly long wait. Often the bren carriers have a 2" mortar in there for anybody to grab and use! Look around. This is a tough battle.
  4. Well I did think I recall seeing an advertisement for some Indian movers out on "MG Road". Is that Market-Garden road? I guess you better stay clear, sounds like Hell's Highway to me....but check with Baba Jee. Italian movers pack the kitty litter WITH the latest turds. Take a smoke break while sitting on your coffee table. Around noon they all sit down and give you the sad eye and wait for subway. Only damage I had was outbound from Napoli. Japanese movers automatically kick off their shoes as they approach your front door. Automatically put shoes back on as they depart. No moves since 2007. Hopefully no more ever.
  5. @mjkerner Hey Mark, give me a call if you want to help write a scenario for FJ's on the Ost Front. Working title "Frozen Fallschirmjagers" They arrive to bolster the defensive line...right before a massive multi-wave Soviet tank-infantry assault. Of course!!
  6. Ken, You can save a lot of money doing the wrapping and packing of the kitchenware. After a dozen military re-locations I also have a recommendation to have some good tunes playing as you and Mama wrap the glasses and such...
  7. It has now evolved in my mind due to thinking about the 6th SS Panzer Army attack in Hungary in 1945. I will not debate it at all but now the song for CMFB in my head goes... It's the second-to-the-last blitz-krieg...Du Nuhhh NUUU NUUU Du DUNN DUNN DUNN
  8. It is with great sadness that we announce the death in battle of Hero of the Soviet Union Starshina Mikhail Safonov. Struck down by the fascist murderers, his team was riding a T-34 when an enemy aircraft dropped a bomb and destroyed the tank along with all riders...
  9. @Snols Baneman has finally finished his defensive set up and passed the turn to his opponent. He apologized for the delay.
  10. Bake's tank will be a white washed Panzer IV Ausf G with red Roman "II01" as Battalion Fuhrer I think. The other tanks can be red 512, 513, etc. with other model white washed Panzer IV's. All with the red XX of 6th Panzer Division.
  11. What is the proposed date of the action? New Years Day of 1943 correct? On 1 June 1942, Bäke was promoted to commander of II./Abteilung of Panzer-Regiment 11. After the encirclement of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, 6.Panzer, was sent to Ukraine to join Generaloberst Erich von Manstein's Army Group Don, currently struggling to halt the advancing Soviet forces. The division arrived at the front in December 1942 and took part in the abortive attempt to relieve the 6th Army: Operation Wintergewitter. Bäke commanded II./Panzer-Regiment 11 during the withdrawal to Kharkov. On 11 January 1943, Bäke was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for his efforts during these battles.
  12. Hey Kevin, Get this! Today is the anniversary of Major Franz Bäke's death from injuries sustained in a car accident on 12 December 1978. He was age 80 at his death. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. He was a dentist!
  13. That is very nice of you Kevin. I do not have any testers lined up. Perhaps you can go to that Proving Ground website at FGM? It allows you to upload the draft scenario to obtain feedback. Point the tester towards the mods by link or just as text instructions. I am working on Bake's Ausf G right now. Some from website but some from my imagination UNLESS you have a photo or art of his tank?
  14. I wish the half-tracks had land mines you could acquire and then deploy. I mean the art randomly shows the dang mines there on the rails waiting to be grabbed! Ian drove right up that sloped road and would have blown away at least one half-track.
  15. Hi Kevin I also looked at winter modding a few QB maps import the modtag and slap some extra term on the end of the filename (winter?) and resave. I will probably release all that I have on 16 December 2015. After that anything modded can be separately uploaded. That was the strategy. About a dozen folks have had it shoved down their throats to be my testers and of those that took the time to play it, they said they think it is good. Other than that the lack of response or interest is quite bewildering. I also offered to help some forumites learn some basic modding and had 1 taker. Maybe it is my breath. The heart medicine? No? Oh...the garlic. Got it!
  16. The Pak38... Many of the axis units that ended up sent to the Ost Front HAD enjoyed a wonderful time stationed in France. Back in bel France, the orders to prepare for eastward movement had come as a shock. Many soldiers sadly could not pack their little berets or the oil paints and canvas and that big easel. All left behind. This Pak38 crew was green. I mean they looked green! Because they had brought some Camembert cheese with them and it had gone bad but they still ate it. Then the Leutnant told them to be on an "armored target arc" but they thought he said "amour" and only looked for French girls. They are now up there in heaven talking like Maurice Chevalier.
  17. I am making some small new scenarios to allow some fun with the Winter Mod but also thought I will take my older CMRT scenarios and add "Winter Modded" at the end of the title, import the snow modtag and tweak the map for use with the mod.
  18. 58 posts to go to match CM Touch. It is Friday. We can do it by midnight probably.
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