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A Canadian Cat

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  1. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Wicky in Armata soon to be in service.   
    If BFC can develop the AI 'auto-driver' algorithms and demonstrate it in game then there might be chance of a contract with Russia!   Imagine Armatas testing in Vermont driven by a virtual brain in a jar

  2. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to poesel in Armata soon to be in service.   
    Oh yes, that would be a cool feature for CM!
    Oh, wait, you were talking about the Armata...
  3. Downvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to L0ckAndL0ad in Armata soon to be in service.   
    You continue to amuse me, Steve.  
    /me says "vid shows that it's possible"
    Then says
    Should I even say anything here?
    So is it already happening, possible or impossible? And what are these repercussions?
    Never said I see it as vendetta. I do see a certain psychological pattern in some posts around the internet, this forum included, however. And it gets boring. /me yawns
  4. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat got a reaction from GhostRider3/3 in Flamethrowers & Russian antitank grenades   
    Yes, the Russian soldiers have them and they use them.  The RPG43 (I think that is what it is called) is not explicitly shown in the equipment list but when your Russian soldiers get close to an an enemy tank have a close look at the grenades they throw you will find some of them are big cylinders and pack a bit of an extra punch.
    Those are demo charges and they are pretty heavy so you would not be throwing them long distances but they will use them to destroy a tank at slightly longer than 8m.  This is an abstraction of close assaulting tanks.  Infantry with demo charges do better than those without them but if they have grenades they will close assault a tank.  It will not be easy and some men will die, you have to decide if it is a sacrifice you are willing to make
  5. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to sburke in Armata soon to be in service.   
    Ken did you miss the report where the U.S. tobacco industry came up with a soft kill APS cigarette brand? The object is we export a ton of cheap cigarettes to Russia, they develop a nicotine habit and die in droves before they can launch ATGMs. Cancer studies prove it to be effective.

    Meanwhile my company just decided to cut my salary by 50%. I however really felt I needed a new car for my mid life crisis so I went out and bought one I could barely afford under my old salary. I don't see any problem with that financially. By not having money for food I will ensure I stay slim. Chicks dig me now though I feel a bit too weak to drive.
  6. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Armata soon to be in service.   
    The difference is the LOSAT was capable of sufficient speed to be designed to function as a kinetic energy weapon.  It was a missile that traveled fast enough to bypass any APS or jamming systems of the day, and ignore ERA, that fit on a HMMWV.
    The 9M123 on the other hand, is just a very fast conventional missile that's still subject to APS, ERA, and the like.
    Re: APS
    The rose colored glasses went out of style some years ago.  Need does not indicate capability.
    Re: The economy stupid
    It still boggles my mind.  The limiting factor to Russian military ambitions has been economic.  The Russian economy is doing poorly and the Russian government is cutting into stuff it shouldn't to maintain the semblance of functionality.  The fact this is occurring somehow magically doesn't apply because it's the Armata!  The Armata cannot fail because it's Comrade Armata!  The Armata could very well meet all standards and the like.  But it will be at the expense of something else, and Russia's running out of it's children's futures to burn.
  7. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Glubokii Boy in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I think the way BFC does this is rather good...
    Oboiusly i would prefer to get everthing,  in one package...NOW !
    But since we can not have that i think this basegame-, module kind of approach is the best alternative...Atleast we get something new to play with with regular intervals (not having to wait 3, 4 years with nothing to do while BFC is developing a MEGA-game...)
    The fact that the Bulge-game will be a new basegame and not a module might not be the perfect solution for us costumers but after all...BFC has to get paid !
    If the bulge was a module instead of a basegame  most of us would already have some commonwealth- and other troops and equipment to play with in the bulge setting (and perhaps not need to buy all the forthcomming modules)...
    With a new basegame we will need to by new modules again to get a wide variaty of units but i really don't se this as a big problem...Atleast not moneywise !
    What BFC are charging us for these products are in no way a large amont of Money...For example...When my buddies and i decide to go and see a movie we usually like to eat something as well (restaurant) and  maybe also have a few beers .
    A night like this (kept at budget level) will easily set us back as much as BFC are charging us for a basegame...A movie gives us 2 hours of Entertainment...A basegame will most likely give us more then a hundred...
  8. Downvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Lacroix in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    i dont see how this is relevant. nor important. shes just a comic book character, and keep in mind, i criticize myself for that to some extent, and you will never do that (criticize yourself)
    or if you want, i am a retarded nerd turd sexist maniac  who hates everyone, but still, how is that relevant to this thread?  (i didnt break law at least , so sorry to dissapoint you , i wont be punished)
    besides thats  ad hominem, not that i am 'feeling unsecure and bad' because of those  attacks, i just dont see it how it helps you in your argument
    i was talking about you
    your tendency to subtly support murca more than other countries when it comes to ' whos less evil' 
    that is relevant to this thread,and i think i saw it in this thread aswell.
    problem is that this field  is like a jungle, you can say that saying X in thread Y is not what i think it is ... i know its trench warfare
  9. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Difficulty level in H2H vs experience   
    LOL that's what I feel about Iron. I would prefer that the extra information not be available when you click on the enemy while playing Elite but I do like the simple infantry icons.
  10. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat got a reaction from Reiter in Flamethrowers & Russian antitank grenades   
    Well there are no time lines.  Steve has only said that they have not yet implemented fire burning stuff down in the game yet.  He gave no indication of when or even if (that I recall) for when that would happen.  I am sure that it will not be a patch but since it will be a new feature I would suspect it will be in an engine upgrade if and when it comes.  As for a brand new game engine there has been very little discussion about that.  They have years and years of work for games using the current engine: the Bulge, eastern front, Italy plus any more modern stuff they have to do.
  11. Downvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Odin in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I've tried to be as polite as I can Ian, but damn you test my patience. This is not a 'silly' thing. To me it is a fundamental issue which shows BF are willing to drastically lower the bar in terms of the content they offer in their titles - which is a longterm issue. Sorry I bore you by not jumping up and down over Bulge, but to me this is a fudamental issue about how BF treats its longstanding customer base. 
  12. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to ASL Veteran in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    That's probably a good policy because there is nothing inherently wrong with Odin's stance.  His opinion is his opinion after all.  The only relevant question is whether he will personally purchase the game or not and why he feels that starting a discussion about this is accomplishing anything of value for the community.  He is stating his opinion and he is no doubt attempting to influence someone or something - perhaps he thinks that he can get BFC to add some of the unspecified things that he thinks would make a purchase worthwhile.  Of course he would have to specify what a value purchase would be for him before he can make that case and it is much easier to simply say 'there isn't enough there for me' which makes a worthwhile discussion difficult.  Especially when he refers to 'the community' and 'customers' or perhaps even 'the collective' instead of just speaking for himself as an individual and what choice he intends to make as an individual.  He doesn't just want to say 'I don't want to buy the game because I don't think there is enough content for me to justify a purchase.  Nope, because
    "to me (Odin) this is a fundamental issue about how BF treats its longstanding customer base"
  13. Downvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    And I am old enough to remember that kids my age were killed while they were playing/fishing/bathing in the stream. I am old enough to remember what it meant when someone from your family was sent to Kosovo (not from my family, but I will never forget the look on women's faces when their husbands/sons/brothers were sent to that hellhole). You sir chose to look at one side of the story and then you shut yourself of from it. To call this a historical revisionism a-la Holocaust never happened is an insult to reason. Shame on you. The only reason I posted here is because you people still think we are modern day nazis, parading with dead children stuck on spears, raping and pillaging. People who did that are either dead or are in prison. AND EVERY SIDE OF THAT CONFLICT HAD THOSE PEOPLE, you just chose to ignore that so you can feel good about yourselves. You know, making positive difference in world, doing the moral thing.... I am sick and tired of moral people.
  14. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to womble in Can you order a unit to hold fire.   
    This is not a true statement. Whether it's an inaccurately worded expression of a true understanding, or a misapprehension at core, I can't say, but infantry units* maintain 360 degree awareness regardless of their facing, and Target Arcs determine facing and orientation (for determining choice of position within the AS to achieve best cover/vision), not the "focus" of an element's attention. The primary function of a Target Arc is to restrict the unit's fire to spotted targets which are within the coverage of the Arc. Facing (and thus orientation) is a secondary function, and it neither restricts nor gives an advantage to spotting without or within the area.
    It is true that a broader arc creates "...more possible situations..." when your troops may open up, but narrowing your TAs gives you more chance of the enemy popping up or moving quickly outside the coverage of the arc. Yes, there is a time for narrower TAs, but it is far from true to say that circular TAs "...only (my emphasis) make things harder for you...". There are many cases where restricting fire to a tight arc can get you into trouble (by preventing your troops from responding to an unexpected and existential threat) or make your ambush fail entirely because you made them too narrow (maybe the enemy didn't quite enter your TA this turn, but you got spotted and don't know it -  the opponent can order the surprise reversed and you could continue holding fire, hoping for a better, closer initial volley).
    * all units would like to maintian 360 awareness, but most vehicles have vision ports restricting which way they can actually see; facing and TAs change the way these bear, and so do change the spotting abilities in a given direction.
  15. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to GhostRider3/3 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Battle of the Bulge has so many interesting what if's as well.  But even with the what if's in mind, the historical battles alone are epic.
    I cant wait for a FOY scenario taking straight out of "Band of Brothers"  where is Capt' Spears!
    Price.... I hate talking about price... If you have to ask how much, then you cant afford it.  I love playing Battlefront not only because the games are very well done, but the forums and the entire battlefront family if you will have always been helpful, informative and well, pretty damn cool. 
    Semper Fi.
  16. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Placebo in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Odin,  I am taking a different view, I hope Battlefront put in plenty of new content to warrant the full price game tag.  Info is still quite sparse on the game and they have a history of not commiting to anything until it is definitely making into the the game so I would wait and see.
  17. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Fizou in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I dont think BF will disapoint and I think its sad when people jump to that conclusion given BF track record.
  18. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to sburke in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    I am pretty sure you didn't mean it quite as all encompassing as it sounds but I have to ask.
    Would that mean it would have been out of line for folks to criticize the development of National Socialism in Germany in the 1930s?  How about the Saudi gov't catering to Wahhabist promoters?  French persecution of Gypsies?  American Slavery? South African Apartheid? You get the drift.  I am pretty certain you will make exception for some of those.  So where would you draw the line?
    As an American I am pretty used to people telling me what is wrong with my country, and sometimes, even frequently they are right.  Earlier in this thread someone reverenced George Bush Jr as one of the stupidest presidents ever.  I wasn't about to disagree and I don't take offense.  I don't have a problem with folks criticizing my country.  Sometimes I'll agree, sometimes I won't. There is certainly nothing about a national border that makes their observations somehow irrelevant or unhelpful.
  19. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to agusto in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Well i dont see anything wrong with telling them what you think is wrong with their countries. It only becomes crontroversial when you start to actively deny them the freedom to live they way they deem appropriate for them.
  20. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to delliejonut in Bad Luck in CMBN   
    My experiences with Panthers have been similar. It seems like anytime you're fighting from a hull down position or the Allies have higher elevation than you your main gun gets knocked out. I'm perfectly ok with this- I've also taken a 290mm heat round from an AVRE and survived. Those Panthers are tough as hell.
    I think part of the problem you had according to your post is that your using your Panthers to get initial contact. While this certainly works because of the high quality optics those tanks have, it's not optimal. There's always a chance you're not going to spot in time and get blasted. I think what might have happened is those ATG's got sound contacts on your tanks rolling up so they knew where to look. If there was enough time before your Stugs got there C2 could have informed his tank destroyers of where your tanks were.
    So you always have to keep in mind how much noise you make. You always want recon units to spot for you, and you want the contacts they see to show up for your attacking units. If you had already spotted his units and your tanks had "?" signs on the contact when you clicked on them, the battle might have gone the other way.
    And ATG's reload realllllly fast compared to tanks.
  21. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to slysniper in Does CMBS (Modern) Require shorter turn timers?   
    Practical is the real word for this decision. making it less than a minute just makes it impractical.

    Just be grateful you have RT for those of you that cannot stand a minute of time without complete control.

    As a leader of real units, you hardly have any control. So a minute time frame to give new orders is still way to much god like power in truth.

    But a minute adds just enough out of control situations to make it fun.

    Leave a good thing alone
  22. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Sublime in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    the US govt may have shamelessly used 9/11 to further their own ends after the wsr. but to say the US gov.t had a hand or to say the FSB guys got caught and yours didnt is laughably silly and nonsense abyway. just lost a lot of respect for yohrintelligenc
  23. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Vanir Ausf B in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    The 911 truther crap had been so thoroughly debunked that anyone who still gives any credence to it either doesn't know much about it or is delusional.
  24. Downvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Lacroix in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    i think theres no way i could convince< people who think that intervention was a good thing ,  > that intervention was not a good thing. 
    i ll say again
    0% first hand experience
    0% of understanding of the  conflict
    Sources: wikipedia,Cnn,fox ,bbc (poor sources)
    and to some extent some of  you are biased since you live in america or Nato countries (that region) .i am starting to think that serbians are not that bad after this thread.  i thought you people from west were more reasonable.seems like you are just like serbs, just didnt have a war to experience.. and war to make you more violent/nationalistic (unless you count overseas counter insurgency and meddling in other countries affairs)
    i will refrain from responding on this thread since its pointless, whatever i say you will just say: ' serbian ability to kill'  + ' intervention was needed' + ' some personal stories you heard' + ' cnn news broadcasts' 
    repeat again and again, baseless 'stories' and you mix  it with 'logic' 
    you opened my eyes a little bit
  25. Upvote
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Thank you for this. I mean it.
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