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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yikes that does seem suspicious. Nice icon mode BTW. I need to update those to support flame throwers - I included an icon for flame throwers but I was just guess on what the file name would be. Seems I guessed wrongly.
  2. Not just the casual player IMHO. I see that @Vanir Ausf B has already given you a differing opinion but I believe your evaluation is correct I am curious about the effect on being in or out of C2 though. My experience has been that in Elite I have lots of situations where my units appear to be able to see each other but have a delay in establishing C2. Unless he has already tested this, and he might have since it creates lots of interesting tests, this could be worth looking at. Probably a pretty low priority.
  3. And how do you know if there are conflicts? Well one is pretty much guaranteed to be a conflict: Vins animated text. Other UI mods can some times cause problems. It is also possible but much rarer that a vehicle mod will cause a problem - I personally have not seen that one. What I do when I instal something new is create a copy of the working thing as @Womble suggests, go delete Vins animated text mode and then run the install. If something in the UI looks wonky then I remove any other UI mods and see if that helps.
  4. Looks right. Here is a link to the official page: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/128133
  5. LOL someone could create a mod to display text like that.
  6. I actually looked at my mod list and Juju's was the only other one* that modified the UI so I removed it. And had no problems. Now that you have done the hard work I'll put it back and see if I can reproduce the problem. I have an Nvida card so it will be interesting to see what happens. ---- * We already know that Vin's animated text mod but is only compatible with a single release of the game.
  7. LOL no that was a good move and a good movie. Sigh, indeed. The Tiger was immobilized dueling with IS2s so the tank commander gallantly decided to stay and fight while the infantry in the woods withdrew to fight again. I knew there was infantry coming and had a call in for mortar support to protect the flank of the tank. You can see the spotting rounds falling in @Fallout's video. Sadly it was to late.
  8. Sure understood. I like your idea of automatic password saving. Sadly it would probably be a bit more work than BFC would like - at least compared to the million other things they really want to do too. Good, let me know what you think. Green as Jade certainly beat me out with the public launch of his CM Helper and he nearly has the entire share of the "market". As he should - good product + out on time = winner.
  9. Bummer - I recommend posing on the tech support forum or actually opening a ticket. It will get you help faster.
  10. Good point. Make a movie instead and post it to You tube, then we can all enjoy it. ^^^^ this is a good way to go. I use the notes field in Whose Turn Is It? to record my passwords.
  11. OK this sucks. I am able to reproduce these building problems and have been working with Phil to fix this damn bug. I will PM you my email address and I can see if I see the same problems. BTW I tested every build Phil made with the Monster Mash scenario (where I first saw the problem) and a test map I made based on the work of one of the original reporters - he found that the order of buildings being added to the map mattered. I am supremely bummed that you hit this.
  12. It is hard to tell form those tiny tiny screen shots but it the name strings all messed up? Some UI mods cause this because they need to be updated with every release to work with the new strings file. The one that I have and have to remove every update is Vins animated text but there could be others too.
  13. LOL I look forward to it. Indeed my friends and I use that excellent example of "reductio ad absurdum" on each other all the time. As I think I said earlier, or at some point, in the end you guys will make good decisions about how you spend you time and what you put into the game. Or at least you will annoy all 1000 of us with our pet requests but at the same time create a game that 999 (there is always one crank that rage quits) of us absolutely love and keep playing.
  14. I don't know, dropping a printed manual in the toilet is a lot less upsetting than dropping a tablet or phone in the same place. http://www.cnet.com/news/study-19-percent-of-people-drop-phones-down-toilet/
  15. I love watching those things fly. The time while the team is aiming is agonizing but once the rockets fire up it is a thing of beauty.
  16. Sweat, that is good news about TCP/IP play.
  17. Yuck, how tedious. Is it a particular vehicle or any vehicle? I tested the patch on an install without mods so did not see that kind of thing. I don't plan to install the patch until I have discussed things with my PBEM opponents so I will be a bit behind you... Let us know what you discover.
  18. +1 to what you said about historical scenarios. -1 for saying that creating a matching point meeting engagement = bad First of all I don't think creating a meeting engagement scenario is bad at all and second I would use the points for creating an attack defend scenario too. Taking all those things you said about terrain etc. I would, as a starting point, pick the amount of points I would like to see for each side and create my forces accordingly. It is just a helpful aid. Yep, gotcha. I would prioritize a custom points option for QBs above points visible in the scenario editor.
  19. Nope the real, negative is you have to dedicate a block of time the play a scenario through and cannot play asynchronously. No offense meant in anyway. I am happy you like playing RT or WEGO connected directly. That is awesome. I hope BFC makes that way of playing better and better for you. But I also hope they do not do it at the expense of PBEM because that is pretty much the only way I can play against a human. With kids and a wife that is not a fan of game playing of any kind I would be out of luck if PBEM went away. So, do me a favour and ask for the features you care about, and the improvements you want but don't ask them to remove features that others care about.
  20. @Combatintman did an awesome job covering your questions. I only have a few minor comments to add. Starting with read the thread and document he linked too - it is very useful. On the subject of re-playability, as @Combatintman mentioned, you can create several different AI plans. However even playing the same plan again may play out quite differently. One reason is the new triggers feature that allow an AI plan to react to events on the battle field. The other is just the TAC AI. Units respond to defend them selves and that means that if they are attacked in a different way they will react differently too. Those changes can be subtle but under the FoW it can feel bigger to the human player.
  21. That would be really nice. I imagine that would be pretty low on their list of feature work though. This is another case where having some ability for third parities to hook into the game would provide an opportunity for the community to enhance game play. If the AAR screen also produced a file with status on the game, someone could enhance their PBEM helper app to allow for a rating screen to appear a the end of a game. As just one example. And one that I had not thought of before. Before this conversation my goal for a hook like that would be for automatically compiling a player's stats. This is a case where some work on BFCs part could be leveraged by others into many many other meta features to support their game. The repository has a sorting feature? I know it does it is just so bad my only real interaction with the repository is to download things that interest me when their announcement appears on the forum. Indeed, much better. One other place you can look is theBlitz.org that link is for CMBN but if you click on the Scenarios link under the banner and then find the Combat Mission 2x section the other games are there too. From there you can see the results for scenarios played on the ladder. Many have comments too and most have rating. I often use that when I am looking for a "balanced" scenario for H2H play. One of the purposes of the Scenario of the Month is to crank up the stats on scenarios that have not been played to often.
  22. My opinion differs - I would like to see points in the scenario editor. Indeed that would be excellent. I would like to see a custom points option along side the Tiny, Small, Medium ... choices so I could create a QB with 10 000 points or 20 000. That would go a long way to solving the problem of people needing to use the scenario editor to create QB type battles. I disagree. Even if BFC creates a custom points option for QBs I would still like to see points being shown in the scenario editor. I would find it useful for a first draft of force balance. Clearly any scenario needs to be balanced by testing and playing around but I could probably cut a few of the initial iterations out of I had a better rough guess of the initial force balance. However, has you said, BFC are well aware of the requests we make here on the forum and they have an idea of what direction they want to go. Hopefully they will listen to me in this case instead of you
  23. ^^^ I agree. One thing you can do in game to maintain C2 is have your unhorsed TC platoon or company HQ get into another vehicle with a radio and bingo your C2 is restored. So, instead of bumping a subordinate tank crew you can get your company CO into a HT with a radio to at least maintain C2. I have used this to good effect a number of times. All other crews head for the rear or a safe area.
  24. +1 for that. What you describe sounds pretty good. I would even settle for some command line options (see my sig) so that third parties could build a layer on on top for handling just what you describe.
  25. There is a small comment on the repository page that says the changes are cosmetic:
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