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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yep. OR Ken says you can make a copy of your current 3.0 install and name it "Ken was here" and then upgrade that one so you have two separate installs. That way you can enjoy the new vehicles and still keep up with your existing PBEM games.
  2. Ken's secret goal is to get his name on everyone's computer some how...
  3. @Ithikial_AU is link challenged:D. This will work better: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51696551/Combat Mission Victory Calculator v1.1.xlsx
  4. In fact a face command at the way point is enough. That is if you cannot find something else to shoot at
  5. So first of all (and least important) you are talking about Target Briefly right? I don't want to be missing some cool new command Also note that Target Briefly can be adjusted by pressing the hot key again. You can actually easily make Target Briefly last a really long time doing that. It is worth checking that you have not unintentionally added additional 15s increments to the command.
  6. Just speculation on my part but I would suspect is to help you see that there are two or three squares being highlighted.
  7. This effects one story buildings and only occurs for some people with certain intel processors and NVIDA graphics cards. It is *not* common. Also no soldiers can enter the building at all.
  8. Some good advice here. Something else that helps is setting more way points - that is shorter movement legs. Yes, I know it can be slower but when the movement orders are long the teams naturally fall in lines behind each other. If you have shorter orders with pauses at some of them (your guys need some rest anyway) they will start out spread around and gradually start to from lines and then stop at a way point and spread out a bit again. Repeat.
  9. For the record I too would really like to see a return to North Africa - just in case Steve is counting
  10. There are mods that change the background sound including one that effectively turns them off. Someone asked about that a few weeks ago so doing a search should find it. I recommend that you use Google's site:battlefront.com command in your google search instead of using the forum search.
  11. I call b**l s***t Oh it is true that there are many of us who are very supportive of the game and we have many spirited discussions but every single one of those you might accuse of defending bugs as features has found real bugs, discussed them, disagreed about them, reported them and had them fixed. Every single one of us. What people fail to realize is that the vast, and I do mean vast, majority of "this is not working the game is broken" posts are just plain wrong. Period. <attempt at humour>Oh, wait, wait did I read that right? Are you saying the game is working. Excellent another one that supports the game in the face of obvious bugs excellent we could use more help. </attempt at humour> Back to being serious. This is true when stuff that seems mysterious happens having a saved game and screen shots is gold. At the very least it can lead to you learning more about the game. Every now and then you might even start the process of finding a bug. Indeed - very common to look back and say oh yeah that makes sense. But at the same time don't forget that even if you have figured out all the angles and positioned your unit perfectly the other guy is trying to do the same. As long as you both hold your ground some pixel troops are going to become casualties and it still could be your perfectly positioned guys that loose out. That is just the way the ball bounces and you have to roll with it and keep going. I actually think this is the number one reason people get frustrated and start trying to find reasons the game is broken. They just cannot accept that even the best plans can be thwarted and the best troops can loose the day. Excellent advice indeed.
  12. You can install a separate copy of the game - and don't upgrade it. Once you have both copies installed you can take one of your PBEM turn files and open it in the unupgraded game. Once you have watched the turn save it during the orders phase and switch to the upgraded game and open the saved game and keep on going. With each of CMFI and CMRT multiple versions will share a series of directories under my documents folder which means that they both are looking at the same files. The new game will see the turns played with the old game but the old version will only see its turn files. It can be confusing but since you are only doing this to update a game it will likely not be an issue. CMBN installs to not share a directory structure from turns so you will have to manually copy the saved turn from the old game's directory to the new install's directory. Don't freak out if there is a loud airplane sound for the first minute - it happens occasionally and will go away.
  13. Predicting software dev schedules is hard - really hard. It is not like a house where after you have the plans and the foundation is in you can no longer add rooms. With software "rooms" can be added later - it takes great discipline to *not* add features and even more to decide that actually we really need to make that big change to make this release work. My other theory of schedule predictions is if you put the conservative numbers out there people just pack a few more things and chew up the extra time and then when challenges happen you end up missing those predicted dates too. As a customer I would put more emphasis on the list of what they are working on and any implied order to it that they give us just so we have something to look forward to and then just enjoy things as they come.
  14. True, but I hope they do keep up with the upgrading - I really like having the older games get updated with support for the new features and improvements that are added.
  15. Hee hee and those paint balls don't have near the integrity or kinetic energy that shells and bullets do. Actually that is perfectly reasonable - you are missing two things: 1) the inside of buildings are abstracted. So you do not get to see that there are actually three separate rooms and filing cabinets, desks chairs etc. 2) life is not like you describe even in our happy civilian lives we miss stuff all the time: the friend you are meeting is one door down from where you were expecting and he has to jump up and down and wave his arms for you to see him. You step out onto the road and say oh **** how did I miss that car. The bicyclist comes of of no where right in front of you (of course so many of them are just crazy:-). You get to the stop sign and miss that there is another car stopped to your right - you both start moving through the intersection. And on and on and on. Forget about some perfect spotting world - it ain't going to happen and it would not be realistic if it did. Plus, look at it from the other guys point of view. The Kiwi soldiers enter the room and immediately spot your Germans on the floor and kill them straight away without ever being seen. WTF that should be impossible they were expecting them to come through that door at any moment because the covering fire slackened off. How could they not be seen running fully upright through the door when my guys are under cover and ready for them? It has to be resolved some how - this time it did not go your way. And guess what I won't next time either Keep trying and make sure you note times that it does go your way. Indeed - I think that this is what often makes us think spotting is broken when its not it is just human fallibility - even for those humans who are skilled at combat - that is being simulated.
  16. Yeah having your guys stop because the spot something a long way off can be disappointing. I prefer to chalk that up to - **** happens and your men don't always do things perfectly. I do not find using covered arcs a good solution because so often I end up sad because a threat appeared outside the arc I only use hunt either at the pointy end - when stopping as soon as you see something is actually what you want or at the end of a movement order - such as the last leg to the edge of the woods where stopping in cover is desired and you might as well stop when they see something. As for why it is so tiring I think it is because it simulates moving carefully from cover to cover. Like in the forest moving along, crouched, a fallen tree trunk. Sounds pretty good to me - and pretty much what I do too. Interesting idea. That needs testing in Hotseat mode so you can see what that looks like from the other side.
  17. Workaround: In extreme cases you can friendly fire (with HE) the area where the stuck guy is. I have to confess I have done that a couple of times.
  18. The auto URL detector did not work well there. This this link instead: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51696551/Combat%20Mission%20Victory%20Calculator%20v1.0.xlsx
  19. Oh that is cool - I have been doing this manually (without the actual points ratio and victory label - nice touch). Downloading now...
  20. Yeah having units jump around during setup was confusing when I first saw it. The second scenario I made I did not do any real initial deployment but used the AI setup orders to set things up. The first time I play tested I must have stopped and started five or six times before I let the game go forward and I realized that those first AI troop positions I was seeing did not really count. I am not sure what you mean by "terrain target". The way the AI plan works is you divide up your forces into groups (each platoon of your company could be a group or the whole company could be in one group) then you give each AI group a set of orders. Those orders include a destination (which you paint on the map) and time window for the group to execute the next order (i.e. how long they will stay in the current area before they move on to the next one. Using this series of orders for an AI group you can plan the advance to various terrain objectives over the route you want and in the older you want. Have you read @JonS's thread on designing a scenario? Check it out here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110294 it is extreemly helpful.
  21. Ah - the sinking bunker problem - I do know that one. Thanks.
  22. Oh, we understand we have all done that kind of thing. I sure have. It is not an exact science but here is a starting point: select the area target for the barrage then select harass or light (for a two tube barrage I suggest light for four you can do harass) then choose a length and here is where I have learned to choose maximum. That way I can cancel it when I do not need it any more. In this case the barrage will go for as long as the rounds last, which will hopefully be longer than I need to get my troops into position. Then I cancel it - be careful - canceling is not instantaneous and rounds in the air and some that are about to be fired will still be on their way. I choose to go with maximum duration for this kind of thing because it is so difficult to predict how long Long, or Medium are since it varies on the artillery piece and the number of tubes (I think).
  23. I am not sure what you are describing here. It sounds like you are saying you wanted to say that a specific unit must occupy a specific terrain objective. If that is so: you cannot do that. The way you describe units jumping around it sounds like setup / deployment is causing confusion. On the unit selection page you can click on a deploy command on the left hand side. From there you can setup your chosen units however you like. That setup becomes the default. But when you switch over to the AI programming you can override that default setup. If you provide setup areas for your AI plan this will override the unit's initial deployment. If you do not provide setup areas in the AI plan those units will use the default. And here is where things get a big strange (although it is explainable): If you have units with AI plan setup areas and you start the game in Scenario Design mode when you initially place your units you will see the AI controlled units in their default deployed locations. Then when you hit the BRB those same units will jump to their AI setup areas. Surprise! But you only see that when in scenario design mode. Normal players never see that. The reason, I believe, is that there could be multiple AI plans and initially the plan that is going to be used has not been chosen yet so you see the default deployment locations. Then when you press the BRB the plan is chosen and the units' deployed locations are changed as needed. But again I am only guessing with the above because it is not clear to me what you are trying to do. Please clarify if what I described does not help.
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