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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yep most of my opponents and I follow similar - we don't bother limiting the size of artillery - let the points do that naturally.
  2. For the record I am with @Erik Springelkamp. I have yet to remove my mod folder before upgrading or installing a patch. The one vital exception are to remove mods that are known to conflict with new versions. The only one I use is Vin's animated text - that mod is version specific and needs to be tweaked pretty much each time a change comes out. I have never touched saved games at all. Don't be afraid - just go for it:D
  3. Good summary Ken. We should all link to that post whenever issues with DRM come up.
  4. Hee hee that was me. I posted a link to in above in post #7
  5. Check out: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html and: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ch.html Scroll down to the section "People and Society" click to expand it. Under there they have a break down by age range.
  6. Oops so I messed up your aesthetic did I I it is easier to follow your description with the plan map visible.
  7. Its not my forum, so I could be slapped, but most people who post AARs start one thread fro each one. That way the discussion stays in the right place.
  8. BFC are smart not to commit to a specific date. As soon as you do you set your self up for failure one way or another. Their "when it is ready" attitude is the right way to go. The do have a track record - pretty good one in my opinion. Here is my usual statistical analysis of past releases and how it relates to this one: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1563958&postcount=16 The above is based only on publicly available information and has nothing to with any inside information I don't have anyway
  9. No worries. I wanted to see if I could see the same result as you - when this warning thread went up I removed all my UI mods before updating to the patch. Glad to see you are still going. Strange issue though, very strange.
  10. One thing I see the setup routine do occasionally is add an additional "Combat Mission Battle for Normandy" to the end of your path when you tell it where to install too. Is it possible that when you selected your path to the existing install it, instead, installed in to a directory under that called "Combat Mission Battle for Normandy". If so it would explain what you are seeing. If you are up for it have a look in the directory where your game is installed and see if there is a folder with that name in there. If all of us helping you is not helping then go to the pros: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  11. If @Jerry's advice does not pan out log a help desk ticket. They will help you get it fixed - they always have for me... http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  12. The best thing to do is log a help desk ticket: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ BFC will work hard to get you guys sorted out. They always have for me.
  13. Yeah, I hate it when I lose it. Indeed - help has always come through so I am glad of that.
  14. LOL brilliant - crazy what some people think they can get away with. Did you tell him the key was printed on the back of the box? Had you ever heard of that game before?
  15. Wow, very interesting and enlightening. Thanks for the demonstrations guys. I am feeling less holier than thou that usual:D
  16. Yeah I have to side with @Raptorx7 on this one. DRM is by design meant to add friction and be inconvenient. Of course BFC wants to make the process as painless as possible for its customers but some poor customer will always get nailed. Today it was @Wolfseven and given that he has had issues in the past he went from calm to pissed in 5s flat. The comment about DRM inconveniencing customers and not pirates is valid too. It may not be happening to Combat Mission products but many products out there get cracked and then the pirates get versions that just work and the customers get a version that some times causes them problems. Wait that's backwards!!!! Don't get me wrong, I totally get why BFC is using a DRM. In fact it seems to be a pretty good choice too - it is the most reliable I have experienced as a customer and it does not have silly requirements to be online every time you start the game etc. So koodos to them. However if a customer who legitimately paid for the game can't play he has every right to complain no matter who's fault it is - in my book.
  17. Yep that is exactly what can happen. It is probably a good idea to test it out for you self to get an idea of how much is too much. I personally still need to do that so I cannot really comment on what you can and cannot get away with. What I can say though is you cannot drop stuff so if your guys grab too much they will have to walk back to the fun:)
  18. OK I tried this out - using the decal test scenario. I had no issues before adding Juju's mod nor afterwards. In other words I cannot reproduce your problem. Can I ask what kind of machine you are running the game on? i5, i7, something else, note book, desktop, what graphics card too.
  19. Heck, Canada is capable of deploying a brigade sized force and the CF is teeny tiny compared the the UK armed forces. Adding Canadian forces gets my vote - but I am pretty biased
  20. Is that your way of lobbying for French forces?
  21. Oh I think the premise that people on both sides of the current conflict will be playing this game and possibly commenting on this forum is entirely valid. Highly likely in fact. Even though you correctly point out that the back story and even the available units in the game do not look like they match up exactly, there will still be heated discussions here that skate on the edge of the line.
  22. It should not. I believe you will find that the DRM stuff is tracked separately from the game itself. If you end up in trouble with activations though BFC support will be of service - they want to make sure you are as happy a possible and play the game.
  23. Ack I totally forgot look at that last night. Back on my todo list...
  24. Hey, I resemble that remark - at least part of it. I do put some effort into offering feedback - when testing scenarios and on the Blitz scenario pages after a game. The kicker is the time between downloading something an playing it can be pretty long. I try to keep track of were scenarios comes from but the lazy part of me often screws that up. The idea of charging even $1 could theoretically help with that. Right now I dl everything as it arrives in the Repository announcements but I do not play them all and those I do it takes a while to get to. However if I had to stop and pay I would instead only dl content I was about to play. That would reduce the likely hood that I could not connect the dots back to where I got the scenario from. It might help. Of course the point is mute since as @sburke points out that is not actually doable.
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