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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I have never heard about something like that. Do you have a saved game or test scenario available? You can PM me a link to a file in drop box or other means if you do.
  2. Welcome to the scenario designer club. Glad you have feedback already.
  3. Well there ya go. I just passed over that one. That's not a fair statement, every army will have an ROE in place. I am sure we can argue about which is better and why but nobody will have free reign and yet every side will accuse the other of using unrestrained force. Whatever way you slice it the real loosers will be the poor folk who live in the areas where the fighting take place.
  4. Excellent you found me. I put myself in as the company CO. I an tucked into DMS's order of battle too. Thus doubling my chances of surviving.
  5. I will guide that golden egg basket as best I can - since I'm in there too you know.
  6. My opening position is to never do it. But I have when something nuts happens. Like if I order a unit through a gap that I think fits but does not and the unit goes off into harms way I have in the past redone the orders. Frankly it has been a while since that has happened - I guess I play a lot. And I really don't save often enough any more for that to happen be really effective. My logic goes like this if the tank commander or squad commander can tell they cannot fig or there is no gap and the order is to get to the other side they would do so in a way that was not just blindly driving off willy nilly. They would consider the alternatives and move to a place where they could see better and make a plan to get to where they wanted to be. Now if they are making the right moves and all hell breaks loose and they redirect themselves to a bad place: well that is just how things go. Never according to plan. Success is not when your bidding is followed and nothing bad happens. Success is pulling off the objectives even after all kinds of bad has happened. Indeed. As has been said for training purposes re attempting a specific moment can be helpful. That is my opening position but as I said some times when the pathing does something totally insane I have in the past replotted movement orders.
  7. My in game experience is that if you make the call with three rounds you will at the very list get an M kill on an M1 if not more. I dropped a lot of precision Russian rounds on M1 tanks during testing and I do not re call one getting away. Could happen but pretty unlikely. The one thing that I did just notice is that if a tank moves after the mission is called it will miss. The lazer designation seems to only happen on calling the mission. This does not seem right to me - but I am no expert. If the process Ken is talking about is accurate then the game is not quite doing that. Anyone have a source on what the limits are on target movement after the round is away? Obviously there have to be limits on how far from the original aimed location the target can move. And I suppose it could be any movement but that seems wrong. I has to be. Also don't forget trees are a bit abstracted too some of those leaves could really be big branches. Or really passing through trees will have some non zero chance of triggering. It could even be a chance of 1 too beats me.
  8. I am going to have to read more when I am back at a full sized monitor but I pledge to do my best to help the men under my command accomplish their mission mind you I have pledged the same for DMS.
  9. That agreement was an excuse to kick up a fuss not a true impetus. Economics is not a zero sum game. So a stronger Ukraine economy does not hurt Russia it would be good for Russia because it would make them a better trading partner. This argument over the economic agreement some how being a threat is just an excuse to sew additional distrust and fear. Someone used the example of trying to pull Canada towards Russia and how would the US react. LOL some US politicians already think we are close to Russia . But I know the answer, in general it would not bother them one bit. No one in the US kicked up a fuss over our recent free trade deal with the EU. Nor did they care about the similar one recently with China. The US knows that trade is good and closer economic ties are not a threat. Heck Canadian companys have been doing business with Cuba for years with only a minimum of complaints from the US. Now if Russia started missing with our political parties or our elections or moving troops across the borders that would be a different thing all together. Because that would matter. I can sure you no one in the EU wants to take over Ukraine or some how threaten Russia it is a silly manufactured thought that serves only a handful of selfish people.
  10. Are we reading the same thread? I suppose that I could have missed something but I don't get the impression that anyone is saying Russians are evil. This is about the Ukrainian ROE in a game where they are facing off against Russian forces. One thing I know is that basically all soldiers are just looking to get their job done and get home safe no matter who's soldiers they are. Sure there are some that do bad things but we should be starting from the reality that most guys just want to make it out in one piece.
  11. Yeah, having setup zones with LOS to each other will be crazy. There do seem to be some hidden areas. But smoke wouldn't be bad.
  12. LOL A polite way of saying RTFM Oy! You couldn't be more wrong. Sure if the frame work they are using already supports tooltips then the implementation would be fast. But I don't think they have a third party framework - I think they wrote their own. I could be wrong about that though. However the tooltip issue is way bigger than that. Lets say you are right and the devs get tool tip support added quick or heck lets say I am write and it takes them weeks. It doesn't matter. Who is going to write them all? And then get them translated. And support and extend them for all time. Yeah, for all time. My impression is that Steve looks at that and looks at all the other things he has to do and has decided to do other stuff instead. Yeah, I don't thing that is a fair statement. Steve has said in the past that he knows they need to make improvements and he has also said he does not want to try to fritter around bit by bit but instead do some serious work on it at some future date. I did not spend the time finding his post on the subject - left as an exercise for the reader. Regardless I think one day UI improvements will be coming. But don't hold your breath on tooltips for all kinds of unit info and equipment capabilities - 'cause you might die.
  13. I use FRAPS too and am happy with it. I noticed that the newer NVIDIA drivers include a screen capture feature that is probably worth checking out if that is the video card you have.
  14. Sounds like @PelicanPal is on the right track I am sure others would have a look at it to if you can provide a link.
  15. I agree with the advice of not buying an AMD card, sadly I have owned al lot over the years. Their continued issues with not supporting Open GL well keeps tripping players of this game up. Since it is pretty much the only game I play I switched to Nvidia with my last computer upgrade.
  16. Oh right. I was focusing to much on the delete the 101 brz file.... You are correct. And worse, my suggestion would caused the wrong maps to be there at the end.
  17. Yeah, great post. Just to clarify in game behaviour: once your air asset is empty / landed they are done for the duration of the game.
  18. Yes, so before patching make a copy and patch that. Now you can update games as needed and as you coordinate with your PBEM opponents. Only some mods are actually effected by a patch. The ones that effect the UI are more likely to, vehicle and uniform skins less likely. The advice is to remove them and make sure that the game plays properly and then add them back. That way you know that you start from a good place. I ignore that advice the one mid that is widely known to need a new version with patches is Vin's animated text. So I actually install that mod in my game's install directory and not in the my documents directory. That way each version of my CMBS game has the matching animated text mod and they share all the other.
  19. Yeah but if he wants to get the original QB maps back he will need to do a fresh install of 1.0 One thing you can do is install 1.00 in a new directory and then have both versions.
  20. Yes, you designate a folder for each opponent at least. In WTII you tell it about each game you play. It can handle multiple games using the same shared folder but each game needs to be added to WTII separately
  21. Oops sorry man. I didn't remember even writing that earlier my bad. The modern ladder should be sorted out now at the Blitz (we had a server configuration problem)
  22. Join a ladder - it is not flake proof but self limiting. See my sig for a link...
  23. LOL the opposite problem I usually have where I want to take video and I think the transparent walls ruin the video and I wish I had a toggle to make them solid. I would love to have a toggle to show walls as solid / show walls as transparent when units are inside. And then they should always be transparent for you.
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