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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Not that I am aware of but increasing brightness would be outside the scope of what a mod can do.
  2. Sometimes a cosmetic thing can actually make the game experience better. I personal put this mod in that category: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118072-vins-mods-animated-text-geometric-icons-easy-vis-ui-bases/?p=1607165
  3. It is possible I missed it but I do not re call a single poster making a claim like that. Many posts indicate that if some one did say something like that it would not receive much support. And a history lessons is always good as long as you don't use it for future ill. @BlackMoria said it about as good as you can:
  4. Yep, the can be made to appear any where the designer pleases.
  5. Thank you. Indeed, those monsters will always be there. The rest of us make things better by resisting them. Some more then others. If we give up then we only let the monsters win. With tears +1
  6. At some skill levels the supply is distributed to your soldiers and there is no ammo dump. I forget where the cut of is, you can look it up if you want, but play on Elite and you will see the ammo dump.
  7. Thank you. I am glad you like them. Just to be clear my FOW icons are just modified version of the original icons. What I did was keep the symbol - solider, vehilcle, etc and put it in a frame to match my force icons (its a bit bigger that the original icons). The other icons are totally of my own making for the WWII titles and based on a Mill Symbol font for the modern title.
  8. OK will do. I'll keep that in mind and we will see if some one beats me to it.
  9. I think that @MikeyD and @Vein are spot on. Plus if you find CMFI interesting then it will increase your fun. As @MikeyD said it is not which to buy but what order to buy them Oh and @iluvmy88 is quite right about theBlitz. PS. That's no wall of text just wait until you see what some people write Welcome aboard.
  10. I don't care about the year thing - that's not it. In the UK the existing police services are hiring more employees. Admittedly they will have less training and less authority but they are still going to report to the existing civilian police service and be hired by then, run by them, be uniformed by them and do as they are told by the existing police forces. The example quoted by @sburke says this new "force" will be formed from a political party using political loyalists. They will be uniformed by the party. It sure sounds like they will be controlled by the party. That just screams "Brown Shirts" and sounds very different from the UK service you are comparing it to. I'm not seeing these as similar organizations at all.
  11. Not even close: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_community_support_officer To be close they would have to be members of the Conservative Party and wear a party uniform while patrolling the streets.
  12. You can only edit your posts withing a certain time window. I am not sure how long but its hours not days. I believe the rational is to offer a time window to correct errors but not allow whole sale messing with the time line of a discussion.
  13. Sounds perfect. I'll file that one away for the next design effort...
  14. Right. And I would not want there to be any implication like that towards you or your friend either. Absolutely not my intention. Any time a discussion comes up about big cats, it reminds me of that game and I just wanted to share the story. Now I think it is slightly humorous. Fair enough. Once you get some traction there you have a scenario or two to try it out for real on. I like your idea of an armour based open AAR. I don't have time to start one now but later! Or perhaps there is someone else who would take it up.
  15. Oops sorry I missed that. I admit I have not seen friendly casualties from thrown grenades either. It does seem like a strange thing to code though. It could be modelling that fact that friendlies are told when a grenade is thrown and therefore keep their heads down for a moment.
  16. Yeah, doing well. I like the plan of drop mortars in the AT guns and move up spotters to see the results. No sense in driving tanks up there to see if they get holed. Especially as you said they are really taking your eye off the prize. That is quite the mess of wire the enemy has setup there at the entrance to town. Good luck!
  17. Hummm. The master installer is at the latest version but I think it would require a new install. Can anyone say for sure - can @Hoops71 use the master installer to upgrade an existing install? If it turns out the master installer cannot upgrade an existing install using it might actually be the best way forward. The process of patches and upgrades for CMBN was pretty crazy before the master installer came along. I know that a fresh install with the master installer will be straight forward and do the right thing.
  18. I like the ideas here. I would think that the play testing would require at least some kind of draft of the scoring - even it if was a few objectives - otherwise the players testing would not know what to attack for and what to defend.
  19. Obviously I don't speak for Pete but the way I read his comments was that this kind of meeting engagement game does not reflect the way the Allies really had to deal with the big cats. I think your point about it being like a training exercise is valid but the lessons learned might not be as applicable to a more realistic confrontation. Oh, now I am rooting for you even more Small story. One of my early games on the Blitz, while I was still finding a cadre of good reliable opponents, I played a guy who rage quite the entire game (not just our game but CM totally - at least H2H at theBlitz anyway) because I KO'ed his Tiger. It was brilliant! I know it makes me sound like a griefer - really I'm not. At the time I was really annoyed because it was a good game and my winning was by no means a foregone conclusion. It was a huge meeting engagement with no restrictions on cats - so I knew what was likely coming. I picked up a mechanized infantry platoon supported by a 105 equipped Sherman (or two I forget) to rush for the objective and give him something to deal with. The rest of my force was companies of infantry supported by Sherman and M10s. It was brilliant. His main force ran into my "rush for the objective" force and his infantry died to my 105 mean while I flanked his attack and even got so far as to attack his main force almost from the rear. I should not make it sound like a romp for me because it was not. The game ended prematurely when I KO'ed his first Tiger with side snots form an M10 and rear shots from a vanilla Sherman. It cost me 7 tanks and tank destroyers to do it. I also took out several Stugs and a PzIV too so not quite 7 to 1 but heavy losses. I had confirmed two more Tigers and I certainly did not have 14 more tanks and tank destroyers left plus the surprise was gone so it really was anyone's game but he rage quite with some comment about Tigers being under modelled in the game. He never logged back into theBlitz and never answered a single email from me after that. Like I said at the time I felt cheated because it was an exciting game. But now I think it was pretty funny. I will suggest Huzzar as a fun scenario to play head 2 head. It was one of the first ones I played and still ranks as a favourite. You start off with recon forces before the main attacking force arrives and "small spoiler"
  20. I don't think that is the case. I have seen guys get hit as they were in the process of throwing a grenade and having the grenade fall at their feet and cause additional casualties to his own team.
  21. Correct you would have had to order it to be done and no they would not grab stuff on their own. Sounds to me like there is a unit out there where the PIAT guy starts with 9 rounds. No big surprise to me I don't spend time looking at ammo counts for each and every unit. Honestly I am not sure what @JonS's point was and I certainly don't see how you have shown any evidence of an axe to grind. I don't think he meant to get in your face, I least I hope not.
  22. Just be careful of two things: a) make sure you have the passengers selected when you issue the dismount command - you can also get the crew to leave their vehicle but that is not what you want in this case. the vehicle the passengers are riding in must have no movement orders otherwise the dismount command will be disabled. And BTW your squad can get back together by giving bot the scouts and the remaining squad a move order to the same location. Once they both get there they will form back up as a full squad. As for question 3) yeah that is exactly what is happening. When they are walking they can see the AAA vehicles and when they go prone they can no longer see them. You can try giving them move orders for a short distance and see if they engage the targets on their own. Or you can try this idea I just came up with and have never tried: give the Javelin team a 45s pause followed by a move order long enough that they will not finish it before the turn is up. That should have them standing when the turn ends at which point you can cancel their move order and give them a target order on the AAA vehicle. I have played that scenario many times and they will engage the targets on their own eventually.
  23. In terms of functionality, they all work the same way, so if you like the way things are done in CMBS you won't be disappointed. I don't want to detract from what @Bud_B said because it is a great overview of the WW2 titles and what he says about all the games working the same way is mostly true. However, Shock Force (CMSF) is a bit of the odd duck out. Not that there is anything wrong with it it just has not been updated in a while while the other games are all based on the same core engine CMSF is not quite there. By way of background CMSF was the first title created using BFC's new engine. They had lots of growing pains and did a lot of work to patch it and get it into a good place. With the introduction of Battle for Normandy (CMBN) they did a lot of work on the way the game was structured internally including the ability to upgrade the core engine as new features were added (although at the time they did not tell us about that). So when Fortress Italy (CMFI) came out some of the features were not Italy specific and were made available in a upgrade package for CMBN (target briefly, armour target arc, 2D map overlay to name just a few). Then they did the same thing with Red Thunder (CMRT) came out offering an update for both CMBN and CMFI too. But CMSF was never equipped to benefit from this kind of upgrade so it is still using the same core engine it always did. Just so you know and to add a bit of the background.
  24. Are you talking about adding graphical elements to the tactical map in the briefing? Like having a small graphics editor in the breifing window? Or are you talking about being able to draw lines on the real game playing map?
  25. I feel the same. No thank you to shorter turn times. Just like @sburke said a PBEM game against a human opponent takes a large number of calendar days to play and that would get longer and be less satisfying (I cannot imagine finding watching a 15 or 30s play back very satisfying) with shorter turns. Not officially. There are no official mod points to change that kind of thing. We can really only skin the existing models not really change anything. As @Muzzleflash1990 indicated our ability to react to what is happening on the battle field as if information flowed perfectly and instantly is not really very realistic if the 1 minute turn time tamps that down a bit then we are all better off for it. IMHO
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