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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I have two engineer teams moving up behind the infantry. So the plan will be breach left or right and get back in after.
  2. Minute 24-23: While the move up the road is progressing well. My men are no longer taking much if any fire from the bend in the road. They are still shooting at the last known enemy location though. Figure 84 Moving up the road The first supporting tank passed the mines without incident. Figure 85 Passing the mines Nasty Mortar hits this turn even as my men run away. The platoon in the woods has taken the following casualties: 1st squad has taken seven casualties and is down to five men. 2nd squad has taken two casualties 3rd squad has taken two casualties also Figure 86 Mortars continue to cause casualties My men who are not under the barrage continue to find targets. They are not hitting them mind you. Figure 87 Trying to hit fleeing Germans Minute 23: Orders The road advance is going well so it will continue. A platoon of men plus two tanks are not in the lane. Figure 88 Moving up the road In the woods the plan is to do nothing and try to stay away from the barrage or hidden in place. Figure 89 In the woods
  3. LOL - I know bad Ian. I have screen shots of my last turn and need to write it up. MG sent me the turn file last night so yeah I need to play. Trouble is I can drop in and write a short post here and there while at work and it is not a problem but they don't like it when I fire up a game and play. Something about the sound distracting everyone else
  4. Just to clarify for anyone reading that does not know already there are two ways to accomplish this: Option one give the team a Target Briefly order once (repeating the order ups the time count by 15s each time) give the team a 15s pause order give the team a move order to its new location Option two give the team a Target order give the team a 15s pause order (or any pause length - this is more flexible than option 1) give the team a move order to its new location (troops may try to continue to fire on your target as they move - this may or may not be a good thing) give the team a new Target order or a Face command (so they stop trying to fire at the original target) You can move MGs and Guns a few action squares without packing up and redeploying. I am not 100% sure of the limits but I have moved both kinds of weapons 2 AS worth without triggering packing up. This is to simulate small re-positioning type moves for short distances. This is a new feature of the v3 engine (as is the multiple target briefly commands adding 15s at at time).
  5. No not the z folder. New QB maps need to go in the Quick Battle Maps folder. Just like new scenarios go in the Scenarios folder.
  6. Since the game uses the maps that are there to build its list of maps if you deleted them all and add some of your own the game will be fine with that. Having said that deleting maps is not going to improve the game's performance at all if that is what you are hoping for. Also keep in mind that the various kinds of QBs you can pay (meeting, attack etc) have their map types so if you do not have any maps designated as meeting engagements then you will not be able to play meeting engagements. Why not add the new maps and then just play on what you want?
  7. Now that caused me to LOL but I"m telling all my operator friends that you called them weasels. Oh wait I don't have any friends who are operators - you are very lucky
  8. The very best thing you can do is contact support - a) because they should hear about this craziness and because I hear they have some alternate ways to get get you your goods. http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/and click on the blue New Ticket button on the upper right of the screen.
  9. LOL that's what I feel about Iron. I would prefer that the extra information not be available when you click on the enemy while playing Elite but I do like the simple infantry icons.
  10. Well there are no time lines. Steve has only said that they have not yet implemented fire burning stuff down in the game yet. He gave no indication of when or even if (that I recall) for when that would happen. I am sure that it will not be a patch but since it will be a new feature I would suspect it will be in an engine upgrade if and when it comes. As for a brand new game engine there has been very little discussion about that. They have years and years of work for games using the current engine: the Bulge, eastern front, Italy plus any more modern stuff they have to do.
  11. Yes, the Russian soldiers have them and they use them. The RPG43 (I think that is what it is called) is not explicitly shown in the equipment list but when your Russian soldiers get close to an an enemy tank have a close look at the grenades they throw you will find some of them are big cylinders and pack a bit of an extra punch. Those are demo charges and they are pretty heavy so you would not be throwing them long distances but they will use them to destroy a tank at slightly longer than 8m. This is an abstraction of close assaulting tanks. Infantry with demo charges do better than those without them but if they have grenades they will close assault a tank. It will not be easy and some men will die, you have to decide if it is a sacrifice you are willing to make
  12. But that give you just an attached thumb nail - which is nice and a good place to start. Next copy the link to the picture (in Fire Fox right click on the pic and select "Copy Link Location") and then use the little Polaroid button on the tool bar to insert the pic full size: Depending on how you get the image link you might get the full image link or the link to the thumb nail. If the file url you paste into the insert image dialog ends with _thumbnail delete that part so you will get the full sized image.
  13. This is not correct. Warrior level also has the realistic timing for artillery etc. See page 28 Skill Levels. It is Veteran level that has the shorter times.
  14. How likely is it that there is only one of anything? That is the question I usually ask myself.
  15. Its my fault I'm afraid. I only just sent him a new turn yesterday or was it the day before. Either way I made him wait for several days. I still need to write up my latest turn too.
  16. Yawn! I'm now tired of silly conversations about pricing - and the game is not even released yet. If you don't think it is worth it by all means don't buy it. I will now attempt to ignore all further pricing discussions around the bulge game. Wish me luck
  17. I "use" it every fraking day - yeah sarcasm. What happens to me is the screen will suddenly fly off in odd directions because I moved my mouse too close to the edge. I keep asking for this feature to be pulled but no joy so far... Yep, Steve himself does - so we have no hope
  18. Oh joy price again as a topic. I, personally, know nothing of pricing strategy but one thing that stuck with me talking to a fellow in the marketing department where I work about price was his statement "if there are at least some customers out there who decided *not* to buy because of price you probably have the price set correctly". I guess from the above recent post the price is still to low because @Odin still plans to buy
  19. I would suggest adding a number to the end of the file name. I don't know about CMHELPER but Whose Turn Is It will not realize the file is a turn if there is no number at the end.
  20. Well loosing the main gun on so many tanks is not usual (it certainly happens, there have been other posts about losing many main guns) but neither is having a Panther survive 47 hits especially if Fireflys are involved. I certainly have had tanks loose the main gun before but normally it is once in awhile. One factor that highlights the loss of the major gun is having a tank like the Panther facing off against an opposition that has trouble penetrating the front armor - eventually the main gun gets hit. Whereas a lessor tank would have died to one of the turret hits.
  21. By properly investing in infrastructure spending Seriously that's a lot of elevation settings. Typically to get a smooth transition between a bridge and the ground you want the ground where the bridge ends meet the ground to be at the same level for awhile back from the media place.
  22. You got your computer problems fixed pretty fast! That's good.
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