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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yep, totally agree about using circular cover arcs. I only use circular arcs except for pointing turrets in a different direction than the hull and then I create 180 degree arcs - well close to 180.
  2. Calling artillery onto your own position as you withdraw, or not, is a time honored tradition.
  3. What did I do we should just call him a whambulance and let him go back under his bridge after treatment.
  4. But this just shows you don't get it. No real person is aware of all things inside their "vision radius". CM tries to simulate that reality. The fact is people miss stuff. You are wrong to think otherwise.
  5. No, good post. There are no perfect pixel troops just like there are no perfect real troops or people. This game shows you what your imperfect troops have registered is there. It is a mind set we need to get into to truly appreciate this game.
  6. One possibility to make it work, in addition to the idea of offering chunks of the game, would to load the next turn in the background while the current turn is being viewed. Just a thought but I suspect the work involved and the priority will mean this idea will not come to pass. Still a cool idea though.
  7. Well more great advice, I'm learning plenty here. Thanks guys. Bil, good point about being seen everywhere. I had not though of that. You are right I should have planned to make some noise every where. I had not thought about the different in noise level between quick and hunt. I mean I knew if would be different but I did not consider it. And I was planning to move up the road at roughly the same speed as through the forest but the mines messed that up. It is actually interesting to see the contacts he sees. It is not often that you get to see what you'd moves look like to the opposition. Ken, yeah further not father doh! You are right I should have begun moving another team or two of engineers as soon as I saw the hedge hogs. And smoke yeah I will likely need that. I usually forget about infantry based smoke. I will check who's got if and who doesn't.
  8. Yep, Bil the short time is why I picked an attack plan instead over probing first. I still have options of switching forces between my two routes. Interesting amount of spotting going on. I see you have lots of advice what I was going to say has already been said. Question about the AT gun, does it have an armour '?' icon where the tank is?
  9. Yep breach the hedge rows and join the woods advance. With thousands hedge hogs up there breaching is in my father one way or another.
  10. Well, I was going to say nothing at all but I will leave it to this: you reap what you sew. No one jumped on the OP of anyone else here because the OP asked a reasonable question with a reasonable tone. The threads that get heated get that way when demands get made and unreasonable people jump on board to restart their personal axes grinders. Note I am not talking @delliejonut in any way. Just talking about the pattern that some people insist on repeating.
  11. Don't worry BFC's stated policy is to let the gear behavior be as it should be and allow the points and sometimes rarity offer some kind of quick battle balance.
  12. Apparently for some vehicles yes. There are one or two other threads on the subject where you can find better lists. But basically the top end vehicles like M1, M2, T90 and BMP3 for sure are better staying buttoned. With the BMP3 needing the squad leader on board to take advantage of the commander's sights
  13. What the trigger can do is get an AI group to spring into action and start their orders.
  14. Well my guys are taking aim and the German is just waiting for the world to end I have a feeling he is paying more attention to the road given the ruckus my guys again making down there
  15. Minute 28-27: Pretty uneventful turn: The engineers reached the mine field, the injured scout has been looked after and evacuated. The platoon in the woods has moved forward. Figure 32 Engineers reach the mine field Just as the turn ends my men in the woods spot an enemy solider through the trees. Figure 33 Deep in the woods He is tucked away in the bocage along the road past the jog in the road. Figure 34 The lone enemy solider that has been spotted Here is an uncluttered view of who can see him. Figure 35 An uncluttered view Minute 27: Orders Orders are very much more of the same. Move forward in the woods and along the road (but carefully there). Figure 36 Moving forward in the woods Thankfully my engineers did not move into the mine field so I changed their orders to mark mines. Figure 37 Marking mines
  16. Minute 29-28: Not much happened. The scout team got past the mines and a following team moved up to be positioned to do the same next turn. In the woods no contacts were made and the platoon moved forward. Figure 28 View down the road Minute 28: Orders After looking at what the MG could see from its original location I realized that the MG could probably protect the majority of the road’s left bocage row if I just moved the team a small amount. So the MG team and the ammo bearers move over. Notice the target tool (drawn from the original location instead of the selected way point) shows clear LOS to the bocage lining the road. Figure 29 Repositioning MG Since the scout team got pass the mines fine I split the follow on squad and each team will follow the pattern that worked for the scout team. Figure 30 Skirting the mines Continue the advance in the woods now moving the tanks up behind the infantry. And I also noticed that my tanks were all buttoned up. I forgot to change this – now I have all tanks are to unbutton. Figure 31 Moving up in the woods
  17. Well before they try to play the new turn yes. ?? :confused: what do you mean?
  18. Yes. A variation is to make a copy of the whole install and patch the copy so you can play games with the old version and the new version of the game. That allows you to coordinate between multiple opponents.
  19. Or go a different way and go to battle with a handful air controllers and a bunch of UAVs, 15xmm artilery and attack helicopters. Rock paper scissors the guy. Use the UAVs to find out where his men are and kill them with air support and artillery. Never bother crossing the mine fields.
  20. Excellent. So those AT guns showed themselves in the first turn. I was concerned that the setup zone had little or no cover. Yikes.
  21. You can tell if an area terrain type is impassible - you will get a ghost buster symbol when you hover over the area. Only water and deep marsh is impassible for infantry but vehicles have more that are not passable. However barriers that are impassible cannot be detected with the move tool. Here are some that you might come across: Medium and heavy tanks: Fully tracked vehicles cannot drive through bocage or high walls. They can drive over low walls, fences and hedges. LIght tanks, trucks and Half tracks: These vehicles also cannot drive over low walls but are still able to drive through fences and hedges. Infantry: They need gaps to be able to go through bocage and high walls but can jump over low walls and fences as well as are slowed down by hedges. You have a bunch of responses on bocage vs hedges but here is a summary. BTW if you look way back in my post history you will see me being confused and asking for better differentiation between them is one of my first posts. Nothing has changed except I figured out how to tell them part. High bocage: Not really difficult to notice. It has a berm and a really tall bush on top - it looks formidable. Low bocage: A lower version of the high bocage. However I find the berm seems lower too and I often cannot find it at all. Quite frankly I still think this guy looks like the ugly unkept hedge at my previous house. My personal desire is that this guy get taller and wider (including making the high bocage wider too) so it does not look like you could just push on it and get through. Hedge: A nice square manicured little bush that looks like you can almost step over it. If there is hedge around suddenly the low bocage looks nasty. But without the hedge as a counter point I find my self thinking "this is no big deal". Without hedges around I tell the difference by the way the graphics look - as Ken said - if it has sticks, it is bocage. The low bocage also does not have that nice neat square look it has stuff sticking out at all angles. Looking for gaps: I do it by getting down at camera level 1 and moving the camera parallel to the bocage line a short distance away. Watch the berm for spaces - you will see them. Note if you are looking at the low bocage chances are you will see the odd phantom gap too. These seem to be places were the art work has a bit of a space and not a real gap. Sometimes the only way I can tell is to swing the camera around and watch what happens. If the gap seems to be there no matter the angle it is probably a gap if it disappears then it is probably not. Many map designers put dirt terrain at the gaps to make it look like people have travelled there on a regular basis. This makes spotting the gaps pretty easy.
  22. Yeah, there is no way to tweak a game in progress. But you do not need to go making the changes your self just use the tweeked version I posted that @Vinir Ausf B linked to.
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