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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes, big changes that is true. It has been such a long time since I payed the 1x games I forget what was different about the camera movement. I only remember I like the new way better - well except the camera flies when the mouse goes to the edge of the screen - I still don't like that. I hope I am remembering this right but I think the space bar brings up a menu near the mouse pointer. I think that is similar. Ah, sure you can click the mouse and slide it and the camera moves in the direction fo the slide.
  2. Huh, what is it morning - rubs eyes. Sigh. No one is saying that Russians in general are stupid. I think one Russian in particular should consider what people are actually saying. With budgetary pressure somethings gotta give. You are quite right if project A is the most important thing then it has a high likely hood of getting funding. But if the budget is shrinking then some other project needs to be scaled back. And if the milliary budget is not going to be reduced then those projects that are scaled back or cancelled don't have to be military. All people are saying is somethings gotta give. It sounds like you are saying "no it doesn't we can do everything cause we want to". I'm sure you don't mean it like that - well I hope. What I could find from here (https://www.bga-aeroweb.com/Defense/Bradley-Fighting-Vehicle.html - warning I've never heard of these guys I have no idea who they are) was: So if it is true the production run of new vehicles was slightly over 10 years so something like 600 vehicles per year but that is an average. There has been spending on upgrades since 1991 that was just the last year new vehicles were ordered.
  3. No, you are stuck with the rain coming down. Careful not to pay with the smoke off - that leads to unhappiness.
  4. Saw the pic: Ouch. That is going to leave a mark.
  5. Absolutely gorgeous screen shots. If you want to embed full size images in your posts, once you have attached thumbnails you can embed the full size image in your post by doing the following: right click on the attached thumbnail in the full post editor and select "Copy Image Location" or what ever similar menu option your browser has click on the picture icon in the toolbar above the editor past the image url into the dialog box and remove the _thumbnail text from the file name press OK and behold the full size image Like this: Which creates the following in your message when viewing the posts mark up code: [img=http://battlefront.invisionconnect.com/uploads/monthly_09_2015/post-73700-0-61928400-1441859397.jpg]
  6. Ah, both actually. TC's don't just drive across dangerous ground or crash through obstacles. You said it yourself, if you could do it in game you would. So, BFC have decided not to allow it because if they did we would all be doing it frequently and as some actual former TC's have said they would not do that in real life as part of SOP. So no driving over destroyed buildings - because basements - and because BFC want to prevent us from commonly doing very uncommon things. Sorry man you are going to have to pick you way around in the city.
  7. I do not think that is the issue. I recall Steve has commented on this before (sorry unable to find link) and the issue is the amount of work needed (AI changes and animations plus more graphics) is quite doable but of a fairly significant size. So, when deciding on what effort to spend resources on this rare occurrence action that is expensive does not rise to the top of the list. Perhaps it will some day but there are so many things that BFC wants to do that we want them to do that are more important to more people... you get the picture.
  8. A target order that resulted in small arms fire would not hit the surrendering troops (they have a small arms immunity to prevent accidentally taking those trying to surrender. They are not however immune to HE so depending on what you target them with you can take them out.
  9. You cannot - because basements. And it is more a case of tank commanders do not want to risk that there might be a basement (how could they really know with out getting out and poking around). Yes. Make sure they have some pause time at the way points so they can actually line up the shot and get a round or two away. Nope not a bug. Your vehicles can become bogged and subsequently immobilized in various hazardous terrain, forest, mud ope field even. What are the ground conditions (Menu | Conditions) it is always possible to loose a vehicle to immobilization but the chances go up if the ground is muddy or it is raining.
  10. LOL I was ready to post my recommendation and you stole my thunder . I am happy with it though.
  11. It goes to show you that assumptions are bad. The tricky bit is recognizing when you have made one (or two). I did not realize that people might not know how Kick Starter worked. But obviously why would they. I'll have to remember for next time to point this out.
  12. Hey, I'm not judging anyone if you are having fun attack, assault, probe or meeting engagement then that is great. I just have not had many enjoyable attack games - even as the attacker.
  13. The original assertion was "whoever has the Bradleys wins". I suppose it could be interpreted as "whomever started with the Bradleys will win". But given the less than serious nature of this entire thread I prefer my interpretation.
  14. Unless they see the smoke forming and setup some area targets to locations that the can still see before the smoke screen becomes fully formed.
  15. The way Kick Starter works is it does not actually transfer money unless the goal is reached. So nothing happened. It is designed to help the seeker of funds to be able to get what they need without having to manage or deal with refunding things if they fall short while at the same time allow the contributor some level of confidence that they are only facing the risk that the project will fail not the risk that too few people will contribute. That added worry about "will the project get enough backers to have a chance of success" would keep some people form becoming backers. There are a lot of Eeyore types out there and to get them to contribute means removing sources of worry. Kicks Starter provides an escrow like service that allows the communication and merits of the project be the deciding factor - not concerns about what happens to funds if the goal is not reached.
  16. LOL, I have played quite a few quick battles. What I have learned is that attacks and Assaults nearly always to go to the Attacker - unless the totally screw up. Probes can go either way. Sublime and I agree - not sure if I passed him that bit of wisdom or he learned it himself the hard way. It is not hard to figure out and why would he just believe me so I suspect he has figured it out himself. Same, as much as the OP's assertion is annoying this AAR is actually pretty entertaining. It just needs some pictures... Wait, did your T90 score both M1 kills? That would be a pretty good record, reminds me of "seven in one blow". Oh, man brilliant writing. Spot on. I think someone misunderstood what some people were saying earlier: no one said Bradley aren't good fighting vehicles. LOL and the trash talk continues. You realize that if you loose but KO all his Bradley's first the assertion "the winner will have Bradley's" will still be false
  17. I just checked other game manuals. The CM Engine Manual v3 that ships with CMFI and CMBN do not mention ammo dumps. However, the version that ships with CMRT does: The highlights with page references if you want to check my summary: pp28-29 says that ammo is distributed automatically for skill levels Warrior and below pp55. talks about the acquire command which can be used with ammo dumps but automatic sharing also happens pp59 talks about how automatic sharing works pp91-92 is about soft factors in the scenario editor and describes how to create ammo dumps. It says the any vehicle can be turned into an ammo dump. Also interesting is that it says that if ammo is distributed (at certain skill levels) it is "automatically distributed among units in the same formation". To me that implies that if you create ammo dumps from a heavy weapon's platoon's formation they will only distribute the ammo between the member of that platoon if you play on Warrior skill level.
  18. Yeah it is too bad - just go the other way around the building and he would have been with friendlies.
  19. Minute 10-09: On the left hand end of town my men continue to take fire from the church and towards the end of the turn one team moving up under the cover of a building ends up exposed to another enemy fire team between some buildings. On the right hand side of town entry is made into the first houses and no resistance is encountered. Figure 152 Firing Figure 153 Kicking doors Minute 09: Orders More orders continuing the assault on the town. On the left end of town that newly found team (same ones that we later learn killed Sgt. Jerremy) needs to be dealt with. They get some direct HE fire and closely followed by two fire teams assaulting them. On the other side of town more door kicking protective fire on nearby buildings and the rest of 6 platoon move forward. Figure 154 Dealing with the new threat Figure 155 Moving forward
  20. Minute 12-11: The other tank from Sgt. Jeremy’s troop makes good their retreat. The AT gun certainly tries to hit them but there are just too many trees between them. Meanwhile on the other side of town now that the artillery barrage has stopped the tanks in support of 6 platoon open fire on the town while members of 6 platoon spend the minute scanning the buildings for the enemy. Figure 143 Escaped Figure 144 Send in the tanks Minute 11: Orders 4 troop’s damaged tank has its crew back and the damage is not extensive but the main gun is no longer operable. They get orders to withdraw and head for the repair depot. 6 platoon with their supporting tanks form up a full on assault of the right hand side of the town. Meanwhile 5 platoon gets reorganized and brings support to bear on the know locations of resistance. Figure 145 Withdraw the damaged tank Figure 146 Assault plan Figure 147 Fire support plan Figure 148 Reorganized Minute 11-10: The assault on the right hand end of town goes off smoothly – it really looks like the enemy have withdrawn. Orders are to continue assaulting the town at both ends simultaneously. Figure 149 Covering the assault Minute 10: Orders I want to get eyes on the area behind the town as quickly as possible – but no quicker – to see if I can catch any more withdrawing enemy units before they leave the battle field. On the left hand side that means dealing with the resistance in the church and that AT gun behind it. On the right I need to get a foot hold in the front houses and see what kind of resistance is left in surrounding houses. If I can secure a group of buildings on the right hand end of town I can get tanks into key hole positions where they can see the enemy’s withdrawal route without being under the gun of that AT gun located behind the church. Figure 150 Move up on the church Figure 151 Gain the first houses
  21. Hee, hee, don't be fooled by statements, opinions and complaints - those are not examples of evidence. One would hope that those making them would find and present some evidence but unless I missed it I have not seen much at all. Indeed. If the main gun is still green then they can fire. They might not be able to share information about what they are shooting at with other tanks, or get ranging information and the commander may not be able to direct the gunner via the targeting computer but if the gunner can see it he can take some kind of shot. At 400m it would be hard to miss
  22. Yeah, my impression is that they *do* have an answer for all those questions. But you are right about things not being articulated well. I hope they regroup. If they do I'll be there. I'm not sure about that. I was kinda thinking they would have been going for a lot more money (like 100K) so they could actually have some full time staff working on things. I hope the volunteer workers can continue and get it to a place where they can show some things off. Mind you by then they will not need $ any more perhaps. Chicken and egg. This concept of show us what you have built before we fund you on KS is not what KS is about. If they could show us what the built then they could sell it. The point of KS is to get some funding to finish creating something that can then be sold.
  23. It matters because your units with '?' icons will spot the enemy faster than those that do not have any idea where the enemy is. Just like in real live if someone already told him there is someone near that barn you will notice then quicker as you move to a position where you can see the farm. Given that he who spots first gets a big advantage it can tip the odd in your favour.
  24. Certainly possible. High motivation can have unexpected effects. I recall one Red on Red game I had Elite fanatic Panthers (I know silly, it was just a fun game). I had one targeting a building when an enemy Royal Tiger appeared. But my Fanatic crew remained true to my orders and died an heroic death following my orders with their last breath. I am pretty sure a less motivated crew would have likely switched targets to protect themselves.
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