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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Makes eminent sense @Michael Emrys. What ever way you slice it you will need to move in order to be able to fire on the enemy and ger the needed fire power advantage. Jason seems to enjoy taking whatever anyone writes in a way that allows him to declare them wrong and his point of view correct so he can remind us again how we are all wrong and that his is the one true voice.
  2. The actual hardness of the steel would not change with weather. The temperature would need to get a lot hotter to change that. But surface rust could make good measurements difficult. Rust actually expands the metal too so thicknesses measurements would be affected as well. So measuring any of this would need to keep that in mind. I don't know how a hardeness measurement is taken so I am not sure what effect, if any, paint has either. I am sure @Amizaur will do his resach and tell us all about it. Looking forward to it.
  3. That sounds good. I also make sure I take into account the terrain too. I make sure that if the scouts spend any time in a location their covered arc is big enough to cover near by hiding spots. Nothing is worse than having the enemy show up behind a near by wall and fire in my scouts only to realize that location is just outside the covered arc.
  4. Covered arcs *are* how you tell units to hold fire. When i play scouts and FOs often get a 50m circular arc so they will defend themselves if the enemy get close but they will refrain from giving away their position. I don't think there is a way to have your men hold fire until fied upon.
  5. They definitely do loose leaves and disappear all together. There could be some need for tweaking if some one creats a test the shows some of the reported observations as being repeatable.
  6. My experience matches more with @Bud Backer than @rocketman wrt to trees. I see them disappear often and I have not noticed any gun crews with an unhealthy obsession with shooting trees instead of their intended target. There could be some conditions that cause this to happen like anything else in the game. Do you have game saves of your tree obsessed gun crew?
  7. Yeah, great battle. My big memory from that battle was your classic use of artillery. You stopped my main force just long enough to drop the hammer. It was brutal.
  8. Indeed. Glad to hear it - joking around is fun
  9. LOL WTF is more like it it. That means Why The Face BTW for those that don't know Weird comment - your are basing a measure of poor efficiency based on the number forum posts some one makes. Guys, come on, haven't BFC shown us a track record of doing quality work? Haven't they shown that when they release a game it is good quality? That takes time. If the just released it when you guys think it should be ready then you would all be complaining about the poor quality. SIGH I have no idea why people keep posting that they cannot name some game or another. Thank you @sandman2575 for working to put a stop to that silly meme. The rule is not advertising another game or posting links to them. There is plenty of opportunity to compare and contrast any game you like to CM - just make sure you make some modicum of sense- please.
  10. Oh I thought you were kidding around. OK here is the story. A while back I played a lot of Magic the Gathering and I wrote a program to help track cards and design decks. It was called Wizard's Familiar. I had a bunch of clip art and graphics of various black cats around to make an icon. That guy was one image that I did not use for that project. So, when I was looking for an avatar I picked that from my HD. Then I used that avatar and the name A Canadian Cat on YouTube and theBlitz as well.
  11. What are you implying that you are superstious and my crossing your path?
  12. The discussion about support for Open GL is more about facing the facts and recognizing that NVida has done better than AMD not trying to get the card manufacturers to change. I seriously doubt that BFC spends their days trying to get the video card manufacturers to change their direction. As for stopping the use of OpenGL don't forget two things: Mac support and rewrite time. I am sure there is a plan / research / thought experiments around what platform / engine to move to next but they also have to balance that with actually putting out more content to keep the money flowing in. None of us should be expecting CM to stop using Open GL any time soon. And the fact of that governs what we can expect in terms of performance from the computers we buy.
  13. I meant you can setup a test scenario and try it out. I don't think anyone has. At least they have not reported on it. Yeah, that sounds wrong. Where is it deploying in a building?
  14. +1 to that. The fact that this place is mostly sane and well moderated is why I spend time here. I have visited a few forums that were just so poisinus I have never bothered with them.
  15. @panzersaurkrautwerfer pretty much covered that from a why is it that way and @LukeFF pretty much covered the how you can get your answers. I'll only add that crew training level does make a difference and that I think the setup times will not be identical every time - there is some randomness in there. I have not formally tested that though it is just my impression. Let us know your findings There are lots of variables there for sure also what kind of concealment the ATGM crew have. A crew in a wheat field will be harder to spot than in the open grassy field and one at the edge of the woods will be even harder to spot. They are definitely not bulletproof from the top. They are very tough though. If you get a 155mm hit you will make a mess of it and possibly destroy it. Misses can definitely cause system damage and immobilization. No you cannot change it. Well actually you can tweak the balance a bit by giving one side a few more points but you cannot pick a point value. It is a feature that is requested often - a personal favourite of mine. For quickest it depends on who the information is coming from. If a squad an enemy then a tank under command of that platoon will get the information the quickest. If the company FO team spots something then a tank attached to the company CO would get it first. Honestly I would recommend you place a tank under the lowest level that they are going to be working with.
  16. I hear ya. I might find it more fun to watch, read, listen to but in the back of my mind there is a little voice that says "don't forget there are total space cadets out there who actually believe this made up stuff is true". At that point I feel sad for humanity and the story is not fun any more.
  17. I actually think the response is usually proportionate to the way the question is asked. If people start a thread with a question or observation: "this happened to me, why is it my guys cannot easily see the enemy" or "this keeps happening to me, is that the way things really happened" - then they get a good discussion going and get good answers. However when the start their thread with "I lost a tank again because it cannot see this game is totally broken and unplayable" - then they get a here is the worlds smallest violin type of response. The one time I see that is a drag is when someone asks a question or makes a reasonable request and others jump in with the age old "this aspect of the game is totally broken and should be fixed now" posts and the poor OP's discussion gets derailed. That I think sucks. But frankly I know who I blame for that - hint I an't taking any of that blame. Perhaps I have become a grumpy guss over the years and am prone to over reacting. It is possible. But I doubt it - GET OFF MY LAWN
  18. Glad to hear things are sorted. Happy gaming.
  19. ^^^ Interesting I was thinking that the posts you already made showed the sun and heat really well. I like the B&W as a way of showing the flash back. BTW doing a flash back does kinda give away that our main character survives. Not that I think that is a problem or anything. Although after watching Legends a while back perhaps not...
  20. Oh man that sucks. So for step "1-Installed BN base" what did you install? Was it the 10Gb installer that comes from the v3 upgrade? If your answer is yes then you are past the level of help that the self help section is going to be able to give and I would advise you to open a help desk ticket.
  21. Actually no it is even easier than that. The v3 upgrade installer is a full stand alone install that lets you go from nothing to fully up and running in one install step + n activations. Forget all the older installs and patches and upgrade files you have lying around - there can be only one.
  22. The reinstall blues should be a thing if the past for anyone who upgraded to v3. The v3 installer that anyone who bought it can access has been updated to be the latest patched version over time. Last I checked the current one is 3.11 but I would expect 3.12 will be there at some point. So, if you ever need to start over it pays to go get the latest dl available to you under your v3 upgrade store purchase.
  23. Excellent news - another scenario designer is born. It has a few quirks. I am sure you will have a list of suggestions after a while. But all in all you are right it is very powerful and not to hard to get started with. One thing you will likely discover is that as you use it you get better and better at using it. You learn techniques that make better maps and techniques that make better AI plans, such that once you are a few scenarios in you will think your earlier work needs to be redone to bring it up to your current standards. Have fun.
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