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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Correct. I am pretty sure that has worked for people in the past.
  2. I do not see any additional browser requirements on the announcement page. I am viewing them with fire fox - and they work fine. The announcement page http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=344&Itemid=606 and the direct link to the dl (not sure if this will actually work): https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share?cmd=d&id=sc7911c875b44fa68#/view/sc7911c875b44fa68?_k=wutgnc In case either of those help you. Yeah, any one listing supported platforms will have dropped XP since M$ did a while back. There is little point in mentioning and OS that is no longer supported it self. Once support ends there are no guarantees of how long new apps will continue to work but I think there are a couple of others using XP so hopefully you can get an idea of if CM will.
  3. Sure it can. Mortar team will not fire if they are too close to a building or under too much tree cover.
  4. I was sure there was a knowledge base article on the support site with those instructions but I cannot find it. I think @Dennis50 is correct.
  5. The release of the v3 engine upgrade for CMFI - whenever that was. The original CMFI was based on the v2 engine and was version 1.0 and the the GL module was 1.1 which was then patched to 1.12. When the v3 engine upgrade was built for CMFI it was given the version 1.2. My PC install does not say it is engine version 3 it only says the game version is 1.2. However @PhilM says that his says engine version 3 so I am going to guess that the Mac version some how got that tweak to the main screen while the PC version did not.
  6. Yeah it is a short coming of that scenario design. It is a good scenario but that one aspect can be really frustrating I lost a couple of trucks full of infantry. I am not sure if the exit zone is really needed or if a bit of a change to initial positions and labelling would be enough to fix it. In my case some far away MG fire (at a different target I think even) scared the truck drivers and they backed into the exit zone - Grrr.
  7. Are you saying that the web site is stopping you from browsing to the download page because your OS is XP?
  8. No worries just trying to explain / help out. Hummm. I made one colour icon for each of the US, German and Soviets for the WWII games. If you play red on red or blue on blue you end up with only one side using my icons and the other using stock. For CMBS I made red and blue NATO compliant icons. I never found information on what the US, Germans or Soviets used for enemy units. Perhaps the just didn't. I suppose it would be possible to create a CMRT icon pack that used the US icons for the Soviet side. Next time I am messing around with this I'll have a look because it could be as simple as a few lines in the build script to do some renaming.
  9. Which is why my suggestion is *not* to use hide when you want you guys to *do* something when the enemy approaches them. The exception is if the ranges are close and you have someone else further away that has a good view of the enemy approach. In that case you can leave the close guys hiding and unhide them at the decision of the overwatch team. Just be careful about timing during WEGO because you do have to wait a minute between each chance you get to make that decision.
  10. I answered with some specifics in your FGM intro thread. There are other places to find opponents too. Here is a thread where a few other places are discussed:
  11. I don't think there is a trick. One thing that might help is splitting teams (and getting non MG teams off that floor) - having a smaller number of guys on that floor might help find a facing where the MG will be the one firing.
  12. What do you think of the German symbols then? The Soviet mod has a key image packaged with it. My goal with those icons was to use the icons that were used by that army in that time period.
  13. Which the NATO icons from CMBS or the period icons from CMBN? I know the CMBN icons work - been using them for awhile. I never thought ot try the NATO ones. They might actually work.
  14. This will generate some new discussion threads - this time about the game too - Unless everyone is to busy playing to post for a while.
  15. It is the demo that is ready for downloading. Not the full release. Is this the first time a demo has been released before the full version?
  16. Actually if a sound was played whenever you pressed that button we could hear the knights saying it. Niche with in the niche request there.
  17. Yes, you were mistaken. Several people made assumptions that were then repeated a couple of times as if they were real. I tried to point that out but I lost the battle. While the web site work did cause various delays of various things it was totally *not* the case that CMFB was done and blocked by the web site work.
  18. Yeah that too. I was talking about iterating improvements and refinements during development... Yeah this. I am sure your work on the UI changed and improved during CMSF development. Probably true, with the possible exception of a person or two on this thread.
  19. Not to mention that the way to successfully go about any UI design really comes down to being iterative. Clearly some up front work (what Steve is doing now) to define the goals and the basic concept and constructs is needed. But anything that is designed will need refinement as and after it gets implemented. No design has come off the drawing board and into real life as a "go away and code it project". OK no successful design . I have been doing UI design and programming for years and when it works best there is a lot of thought up front to define the plan and then lots of trial and error to get the details right. The designer(s) and the developer(s) along with tester(s) work together to manage that process. I have never seen it work where some designer dreamed it, some developer built it and some tester verified it. OK again I have never seen that be successful. Sadly I see that kind of junk happen frequently. I think, and I hope, Steve gets that he sure sounds like he does to me. <ptich> Personally I am looking forward to getting my hands dirty as a tester in his process too. Usually I'm either the designer or the developer so it should be a fun change.</pitch>
  20. Yes, @kohlenklau is running several here. The Few Good Men site often has one or two going - not sure about right now.
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