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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. There are two separate things that are similar. The first is the driver turning the hull while the gunner is trying to aim and therefore never getting a shot. This has been fixed. I think it was fixed in 3.0 but I forget exactly when. If you see something like that please save the game and report it. The other issue is what @Hilts describes where the crew seem to flip between executing thier face order and targeting the enemy they just spotted. I actually don't know if this is even reported, mainly because I never experience it any more. I never give vehicles face commands now. I make sure their last move order is along the direction that I want them to face. Doing that eliminates the problem. Having said that it is a bug and if anyone has a save lying around please share it. Lord knows when I'll get around to trying to reproduce it.
  2. Oh yeah I forgot about the corner peaking. To late now though. That would have been a better idea.
  3. I call B*** S*** on that. Your skin is way to thin and you jumped on the sarcasm pretty fast. You are not one of the people who keeps the discussion on track. And before anyone else points it out I let my sarcasm out way to fast too. The difference is I don't claim not to
  4. I'm not allowed to say anything but I can ask questions. That's OK right? When have BFC ever released a new game or module with out a beta AAR being shared before hand? Second read the OP and Steve's post earlier in this thread to make sure your expectations are in line with what is likely to be coming out. Just so you are not disappointed. Oh wait that was only one question...
  5. I don't understand the question. CMFB ships with various quick battle maps. The Blitz really is not a scenario repository - there are a few that you can download from there but mostly we link to the scenario depot or the BFC repository. So, what quick battles are you trying to get? Feel free to PM me at the Blitz (I'm A Canadian Cat over there - same avatar).
  6. Yeah those guys got scary close. I actually thought the way I positioned the way point that the would stop between the barn and the shed and be able to shot at them last turn but they decided the didn't want to be out in the open I guess. They seem to be undetected - which is amazing. One of those great moments. Who know who is there is going to matter big time because that German team is two soldiers and one of them has an MG42. If my guys see them first things should be OK but if the Germans know they are there this could end badly...
  7. Minute 3:25-3:24: 1st Platoon walk slowly around the mines before breaking into a jog to form up next to the road. At the farm to the left of the road two scouts from 2nd Platoon sneak up on the Germans. Fo Co is moving along both sides of the field now. Minute 3:24: Orders More orders for E Co to deal with the enemy contacts including a tank to help dislodge the stubborn enemy in the bocage. The other contact is the position that the scouts are about to surprise. Surprise! Further advance on the left flank. The lead elements are about to reach the far bocage. When they do we will see what kind of resistance we meet.
  8. Minute 3:26-3:25: The lead elements of E Co come under fire near the farm. This team is tucked into a farm track flanked by bocage. Here is a higher camera angle showing where they are. The enemy fire is coming from the bocage to the left ahead of their corner. Meanwhile F Co keeps pressing forward with support. They have not taken enemy fire for a while now. Minute 3:25: Orders 2nd platoon E Co moves up to bring rifles to bear on the new enemy contacts. One see in the picture and one further to the left off screen. At the same time 1st platoon continues to withdraw from the road block. F Co moving forward.
  9. Oh I hate it when that happens. Sometimes when you try to drop a way point close to an existing one it will change the existing one into whatever type you have selected instead of dropping a new one. To have that be the reason you loose a tank sucks - we have all been there and done that. In general I agree with @Wodin but I will say that some times a quick battle with the AI where you just rush your forces forward can be a hoot. Plus they are a good way to experiment with a tactic or a type of unit or to practice coordinating movements etc. I would hate to break the FOW on a scenario for testing.
  10. Yep. As a Canadian the debate has been about the $. That and the sole source contact for them in the first place - although no irony is lost on me that our current government cancelled the F35 purchase due to cost (as promised during the election) and then was "forced" to sole source a contact for new F18s because they felt the time line for replacing the current F18s was to tight for a full competition. Gotta love politics. Note: if the previous government had had conducted a competitive bid process this could have been avoided and if the F35 was still too expensive they would at least have had a second place bit to look at as a starting point.
  11. Ah yeah, I don't know about that. While it is possible that a rocket engine expert could spend time talking to himself about flying spaghetti monsters and still have sensible stuff to say about rocket engines. It is far more likely that anyone talking about flying spaghetti monsters is not really making a lot of sense on any topic. Or at the very least is not equipped to tell what is good information and what is not when reading other sources. Edited to add: Hah ninja'ed by @sburke. What he said. I long ago put John on ignore because after wading through his posts there was very little of significance in the reams and reams of words and then it was clear that the vast majority of it was just tosh. I decided that I wanted that time back but since I cannot get that time back I decided to not spend any more of my time reading it.
  12. Well that is just not fair. Those all seem like good ideas. I have a few thoughts and concerns about how the details might look and what is more important. What I don't get is how BFC accomplishes them. That is the job for double or triple the size of the current company. Now you are just trolling. Just because people disagree with your thoughts does not mean people aren't willing to discuss them. I'll skip taking the bait.
  13. Yeah, lucky them. We cannot do that I have no idea why.
  14. How about a campaign? http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/BattleForNormandy/Campaigns/Amiens Tonight.html Or you can get involved in this: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forums/cmbn-highway-to-hell.396/
  15. I am sorry you are hard of understanding. No one disputes that other companies are successful using Steam. I am sure BFC would be too. Yadda yadda yadda. They have a working store and distribution system (I am well aware of the imperfections in both - I said working) and are maxed out creating new settings, improving the engine and creating content. They have an acceptable revenue stream. Why would they put that in jeopardy to do the work to be sell-able on steam? I fail to understand why this is hard for people to get - they are happy and making the kind of money they want controlling their own destiny. I am seriously having trouble understanding what the fuss is about. Steam support is a massive red herring. Lets fuss some about how to get the word out and get the fact that this game exists in front of more people who are interested in war-gaming.
  16. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the December Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB Baraque de Fraiture CMRT Battle Royale The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  17. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the December Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB Baraque de Fraiture CMRT Battle Royale The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  18. Sure I can do that. I am actually a ways behind in my write up and have a couple more minutes on deck. I'll get to a new summary screen in a bit...
  19. I have to admin I am slightly mystified. The example @rooibos gave of friends who will not buy the game or play the game because there is not one click install one click get an opponent feature are, in my opinion, just not going to ever be regular players. My point is a simple one: it is not hard right now to purchase and install and find opponents. True it takes more effort than click, click done. But it is frankly not that hard at all. I can go to the Blitz or TFGM and get a dozen opponents by the end of the day. I just do not accept that that is the root problem holding the game back. Having said that yes visibility is a really big issue. I only discovered this series 10 years after CM 1x started. I would have played these games for a decade longer if I had known they existed. But the question then is would I have found them faster if they were on Steam - nope. If we are serious about wanting the game to get more exposure and more players etc then the right way to go would be to get the game reviewed, mentioned in more media sources. If BFC don't want to promote the game more than they already do some of us could. But coming here and doing things backwards (trying the tired old argument that release on steam = panacea of success) is not really going to work. And since this is rapidly turning into a steam argument instead of a promotion argument here is Steve's summary of his thoughts on steam the last time he closed a thread because people could not behave themselves:
  20. Given what @panzersaurkrautwerfer is saying - that we don't have a clear picture of the capabilities or what is actually going to be fielded I am sure he is right The in game T90 variants already have capabilities that were predicted / imagined, so, the two sides already have hypothetical near future capabilities. I'll pass on a pack of fantasy vehicles thanks. Unless something actually gets fielded for real (not trials) and we can get some kind of idea of what their actual capabilities are I see no point in turning the game into a total fantasy land.
  21. Just for fun I was watching CBC news this morning on the attack on Mosal and that footage was used while discussing the ISIS defence. I could not find anyone claiming the video was fake but I personally still have a problem with the fact that on release of the grenade the drone does not shift up at all. I know they are stabilized but stabilized means smooth and reduced reaction not no reaction. But I can offer nothing else to refute it.
  22. Ah, thanks for the clarification. On map would be cool. Can you imagine the fun of direct targeting a building form 200m out with the full rack of rockets. Probably totally a historical but cool right!
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