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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Well there is a lot of talk about this - it certainly seems like a popular subject. Drones that size can carry up to 2.3 Kg so it is at least theoretically possible. I don't see any high quality sources talking about it. That could mean its real but no one has written a story about it yet. Interesting.
  2. OK. There ya go. I'm still having trouble with this. I had heard that booby trapped drones were being used to fly explosives to targets but I had not heard of them dropping stuff. So for me this the first time hearing about this. I get that they are stabilized - very true. Stabilized does not mean that a sudden change in weight would have no effect it means the effect would be mitigated and smooth instead of sudden. I saw no camera movement. Then there is the question of explosion size. Is that an expected size of explosion from a 40mm grenade? I'm no expert but that seems pretty big. The issue of dropping something with that level of accuracy is something I wonder about as well but it can also be explained by saying that they just publicize the ones where they score a hit so OK I can deal with that . I'm off to do some internet searching and see if I can find any evidence this is a fake.
  3. Welcome aboard. Lots of people will likely chime in to help you out. Its what we live for Not such that they coordinate with each other. You can select multiple units and issue move orders to them all simultaneously. This is very useful and you can also go back and tweak way points if you want afterwards. When moving multiple units together you have to be aware of which vehicles are faster and add pauses as needed. Also traffic control is important and making sure that there is sufficient space when vehicles that need to cross paths or go through a choke point is a bit of an art. Yes, you can. What you describe is the right way so I am not sure what is up. There are two ways to do this, depending on if you want the passengers to dismount before the vehicle moves or after it stops: To get the troops to dismount and move off after the vehicle stops: Give the vehicle move orders to where you want to drop the soldiers off. Give the soldiers a move order to where you want them to go. What should happen is the vehicle moves off, stops at the end of its orders and the soldiers jump out and complete their move. To get the troops to dismount right away and move off separate from the vehicle: Make sure the vehicle has no move orders. Select the soldiers and give them a dismount command and then the move order you want. Give the vehicle the move orders you want. What should happen is the vehicle waits for the soldiers to disembark and then both units move off on their own orders. No there isn't. The manual contains information about the various vehicles. The formations are based on historical information so you could find information on the internet that matches up to the game. However the easiest way to go is probably some experimentation. Once you have put a few formations into a QB (select the battalion and delete everything but one company so you can see things better) and had a look at them you can eventually transition to just selecting a formation and expand it in the QB force selection screen and get an idea of what the force looks like. It is not easy but I have found that I learned it by experimenting.
  4. LOL well you don't *have* to adjust everyone, every time But I get it it is tempting. You can skip over minutes where not much happens by fast forwarding through minutes that don't have a lot going on. So you can actually save time - if you like. Nope. It come up every now and then but I really don't see any appetite to change that. This also comes up and is very much something that is thought about. Hopefully some day it will rise to the top of the to do list.
  5. Are we sure this is real? Does it not bother anyone that when the ordnance is released the drone does not even flinch. If these are supposed to be small drones then releasing a bomb of that size should cause the drone to rise up. Something does not feel right with that video.
  6. It is actually. Good one @sttp I personally would second @niall78's point though that does not negate how good the older scenarios are just because new content has the opportunity to be even better. Well it is step one. There will be no scenarios with the new AI plan features for CMBN without releasing a version of CMBN with those features Which would be cool - I think the battle pack idea is a good one. We haven't heard an update on BFC's plans for any new ones as of yet.
  7. Correct there are multiple cases that arise and, once reported, get fixed. I have not seen the code and am not qualified nor even permitted to make any official comments. The way it has been explained is that there are corner cases that players run into and they need to be looked at individually - hence the need for saved games. In my opinion bridges are interesting because they create path opportunities for units that are not part of the basic terrain. Path finding is a challenging area for AI and bridges interact with that. In fact team splitting and pathing issues is another area where corner cases popup and have to be looked at on a case by case basis. So in summary there is no singular bridge bug there are many bridge bugs. When the get found and reported fully they get fixed. At this point there is no way to fix "bridges are broken" reports. If people want bugs fixed they need to provide saves.
  8. Good - glad to year it. This can be a bit confusing. Image editing apps have a fair amount of code to handle various file format variations - and even some of them have trouble with certain combinations. Games though, frequently assume that their collateral will be of a certain format so they can just load the image instead of spending CPU cycles and IO examining the file to see which version it is. Which makes total sense. Those of that mod have to pay attention to that and get used to it. This feature is the most customer facing image feature in the game and is bound to trip up a few people.
  9. Begging??? All you have to do is request an account. Hardly begging.
  10. I'm not sure it has. Seems like a good idea actually.
  11. I suspect that the file format is the problem. There are various variations on the BMP file format and the game is picky about what format it wants.
  12. Wow, what has all that got to do with the fighting at the front line? Even if some small amount of that is accurate, which I doubt give how much BS you guys are posting, the bottom line is still that Putin's government is responsible for the invasion and occupation of Ukraine and the Ukrainian government should be able to resist that invasion. Pointing out imperfections in the response is not really the business of Putin it's the business of the Ukrainian people and government. Putin Bot? Sure looks like it.
  13. Hence the term "Putin Bots" was coined to cover just this type of behaviour.
  14. Wait we have agreement on the forum? We should talk about apples more often then
  15. Yep. Except you will not be automatically prompted you have to run the Activate Modules link that should have been installed.
  16. Cool question I have no idea if crew acquired .50cal ammo would be used by the tank's mounted .50cal. Sounds like an interesting experiment. There is a good chance that the current tank's stock pile of .50cal would have to be exhausted before any crew carried ammo would be used - if at all. I'll be interested to hear if that can work.
  17. You have your vehicle answer. As for licensing it is simple and works like it did before the v4 engine upgrade. Once you buy the pack you use the license to activate it. In summary you use your v4 key to install the upgraded game and then the keys for each module and pack that you purchased to activate them. That is the new simple licensing scheme. The problem / confusion comes from moving forward from the place where everyone had to install things in steps. You need to make sure the upgrade installer is run over top of a fully patched 3.12 install. If you buy the v4 upgrade you can also download the v4 all in one installer which is bigger but it includes everything - the base game and all the modules and packs. If you installed using a recent v3 all in one installer and you patched it to 3.12 then you can use the upgrade installer for v4 and just activate the v4 upgrade and any new modules or packs you bought. If you installed v3 bit by bit from v1 or v2 then I would recommend just going straight to the all in one installer for v4 and either leave the old install alone or delete it. The new licensing scheme works well if the install is all there and complete. It does not when there are bits missing.
  18. While the original format does not, newer variations do. So, CM uses a version of .bmp files that do support transparency but many editors do not support saving to that format. Sounds like @sbobovyc has pointed @weta_nz to a solution.
  19. Do you have plans to upload to the scenario depot? If not please consider it.
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