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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. There are three (no idea what they are really called). Pause, either pauses the currently selected unit or cancels an existing pause order. Cancel, which deletes all orders the selected unit has Evade, works as discussed. They are all useful at times in WEGO but Evade is the most useful by a long shot since it is the only one that cannot be done by other commands or keys.
  2. There is a chance, a small one, that I will regret doing this but I'll bite since some of what you have written is just so far off base that I would hate to have someone read it and think that there was any kind of agreement. I should start by saying, clearly you are frustrated and clearly things are not going well for you when you play. I hear your frustration. In my opinion your experience has more to do with being frustrated by not being able to be successful rather than the game. I am well aware that you will not like to hear this but: this game is hard, the AI and any human opponent is trying its best to kill your guys, this game is unforgiving, the fog of war causes confusion even with our god's eye view and things like relative spotting and realistic spotting can be very hard to understand (and sometimes take). Give your self a break it is hard. Having said that you have to learn to play better and get better at killing the other guys men. I'll comment on each of you points - but heavily clipped just so people can orient themselves to your original post but not need to re-read it. Expectation setting here: CMFI v4 upgrade is delayed but is going to be the same game engine as the others. If there end up being some additional fixes they will be bugs not whole sale redesign. So, don't think that CMFI v4 will play differently, be easier, be more forgiving. That is absolutely *not* true. The AI is bound by the same 1 minute turns just like you are. You can see this if you play in scenario author mode you can actually watch the orders that the AI gives to its troops - just like you. What you are seeing is the Tac AI which controls the men during each minute of WEGO (and during the execution of orders in RT). That Tac AI, which is the same AI that is controlling your men does react to what happens. Sometimes orders are even abandoned. So, in summary you give your orders, the AI gives its orders and then the Tac AI controls all the troops as they execute those orders during the nest minute. Your orders get the same treatment as the AI's. During the turn your men can react, interdict the enemy, fail to execute, abandon orders just as likely as the AI's troops. There is no AI advantage. None. If you think you are seeing an advantage its because you are perceiving things incorrectly - frequently called observation bias. We tend to remember when bad stuff happens to our orders and fail to appreciate the times they went right or the times our guys got the better of the enemy with equal weight. Or the other possibility is our orders suck We have all made bad choices and given poorly thought out orders - and paid the price. Summary: not even real. Yeah, that can happen occasionally. I have to admit that I have see that happen but I play a lot (5-6 PBEM turns per day plus testing vs the AI) and this happens once a month or so. When it does I take responsibility to adjust things. I have a couple of additional thoughts: On not being able to see what you thought you could: Yeah that is a game limitation. What is happening is the target tool shows what your unit can see from the selected way point based on the stance of your unit now and based on a summary of what can possibly be seen from the centre of the action square. For example, if you have a unit that is currently hiding in a tall grass field they are currently prone. If you then plot a way point across a field to a wall and then test what they can target from there you will find they can see nothing. Once they complete that move they will likely take up kneeling positions behind the wall and be able to see and target into the next field even though the target tool said you had no LOS. Or in more complex terrain once your men actually pick their locations in the action square they might not be able to see a target that they could have seen if they picked a different spot. This is the kind of thing that can result in what you are seeing. I now you think that is bad but really choices have made and that is the design. Over the years people have cooked up various proposals for controlling the source height of the LOS too and the target height of the LOS tool but the problem is it makes things to complex and creates a UI that is hard to manage. When you play you have to be aware of this kind of stuff and learn the times it is more or less likely and learn how to tweak orders to get what you want. On not automatically adjusting position to achieve LOF to the enemy: LOL if our units automatically moved even 8m from where we told them to let along further there would the cries of the game is broken. OMG my men exposed themselves to enemy fire when I didn't want them to. Summary: limitation. The micromanagement and UI manipulation requirements to make this "better" are way out of proportion to the benefit for such a rarely encountered problem. Also not going to change. Yeah so. This is our god's eye view making us think we should be able to things that just would not happen. Sure there probably were times when tanks and MGs fired into smoke but how effective would that have really been. This is just such small potatoes and again really does not happen game very often. Not to mention think about the real life orders the tank commanders would be giving. Their gunners cannot see anything, they never saw the retreating enemy even before the smoke arrived so the TC has to give them something to aim relative to. Not that easy really when there is smoke around. You are doing it wrong - don't stick around to see what KO's your tanks. Get them to take a better position while the smoke clears - they they will be the ones doing the killing once the smoke clears. Summary: is this even a real problem - don't think so. Sorry Yes it does. I have run into the same type of story you describe. I have found that applying HE to enemy positions is devastating. Forget suppression I usually kill the enemy. Summary: you must be doing it wrong - yeah more apologies Multi team squads spread out. They do. If you don't want them to you have to split them up. Teams look for the path of least resistance so will sometimes come out of the woods, ditch etc. head into the field and then back at the end. Here is what you do: split the squad. Give them move orders that are short and follow one side of the fence, ditch etc. then they will not wonder off (the odd guy might jump the fence here and there - meh). Summary: its how the game works - you can control it if you use different orders. Not going to change - you have to. LOL I wish my AT gun crews would do that when they get down to one crew member. Sure, it can theoretically happen and clearly does occasionally. This is not average behaviour. This is *not* happening to you every time. Heck it is not happening to you even remotely regularly. Summary: not even real Right. This is the way the game is designed. Sorry it bugs you so much. Summary: long standing way it is built not likely to change. Yeah that would be awesome. This has been requested before. One of the problems of course is that since TRPs are magically available for all firers and all callers. Adding this would be much to powerful. Which means it would need to come after a total rework of the artillery system to address your issues mentioned above. Summary: maybe some day. But don't hold your breath - because you might die
  3. @Erwin you need to throw in some simile faces: or
  4. Correct. No area fire happens if a hull down position is found or not. I would recommend only using the hull down command with an area target on its end point. That is the only way you can control how far the vehicle will move. The last thing you want is for your tank to drive across the open space right up to the location you think the enemy is or will likely be.
  5. It is. Very useful. Experiment and you will see it is helpful.
  6. Indeed it does. Not only that but it also uses the current stance of the unit. So, if your men are currently prone then the target line will be as if they are prone at the way point and if they are standing then the target line will be measured as if they are standing at the way point. On the upside when you get the reverse slope message it gives you a hint that if an enemy unit is at that location then it will likely be seen anyway. Depending on the stance / height of said hypothetical enemy unit.
  7. They with it is a bar. That should have been barn - fixed, thank you. Perhaps they will be lucky and find a stash of wine hidden by the farmer. Oh no, those quick moves are for the tanks. I use quick the vast majority of the time with infantry. Quick with pauses for long moves. If a squad gets to tiring I start thinking about where I'll let them rest. I only use fast to evade trouble or get help in place fast. That's about it. Yep, they are the rear guard now.
  8. I rather like @Pak40's technique. I would add that you can improve and refine your best guess by using the target command to ensure that your unit will have visibility to the area. Plot the movement based on your best guess and then select the final way point and select the target command. Now you can check approximately what your unit will be able to see from that way point.
  9. Because anything in those videos will be severely tainted by the message they are trying to convey. Attempting to reach conclusions about anything meaningful from material like that is inappropriate.
  10. Minute 3:29-3:28: Members of E Co hustle as they cover the final distance to the next hedge row. More of F Co heading into their next field while their tank support does its job. 2nd Platoon F Co carefully work to flank their last known contact on the left flank. Minute 3:28: Orders Now that E Co controls the whole field it is time to send two scouts to the barn to see if there are any enemy soldiers there. Members of F Co leap frog along the left edge of the field paying close attention to where the hedge rows of neighbouring fields intersect.
  11. LOL don't pollute your brain with propoganda videos. No nations propoganda videos are worth watching really but ISIS videos might be the worst. I don't think you can get any kind of accurate impression from any of that.
  12. Hee hee. Lots of people have that desire too. BFC have said in the past they have other properties than doing a 1980s game so no one is expecting it.
  13. Minute 3:30-3:29: E Co’s lead elements are getting close to the opposite hedge row. Still not sign of the enemy. F Co starts out across the field hugging the left side while the tanks and MGs sweep the opposite end with fire. Quietly behind the forward elements medics arrive to tend to the wounded from 2nd platoon F Co. In game terms it is members of their own squad that had run back in panic after being ambushed. 2nd platoon is in pretty bad shape with several casualties and one squad broken. They are done heaving lifting in this battle and will get to hang back after they clear up a little last resistance. Minute 3:29: Orders E Co has a platoon and two tanks already in the next field over. Now come some heavy weapons and more tanks. F Co get some serious help with the rest of the platoon of tanks taking up positions to support them. 2nd platoon F Co has one more enemy contact they need to deal with.
  14. Minute 3:31-3:30: More of E Co heads into the field next to the road. The enemy mortar team continues to take a pounding while members of F Co consider their moment to start across the field. Minute 3:30: Orders E Co’s tank support moves left into the field. G Co moves up from the rear so they can be close enough to react if needed. The first members of F Co enter the field. There are two tanks and several squads firing at the hedge row on the far side. Hopefully that keeps the enemy’s heads down.
  15. Minute 3:32-3:31: E Co comes under renewed fire from beyond the road block. They loose another three men. A tank supporting F Co finds the sweet spot. Minute 3:31: Orders The lead platoon of E Co is still near the road block but the following platoon is now leading the move to the left. F Co continues to fire on the mortar position and all along the opposite side of the field but also are moving up to deal with the contact on their left flank.
  16. Minute 3:33-3:32: The engineers do their work and E Co can now begin to move left into the next field. Meanwhile F Co suffers more casualties. The next mortar round is true landing right along the road they are crossing causing four casualties. Minute 3:32: Orders Now that a couple of squads are through the new breach it’s time to send in a tank too. F Co has their supporting tanks apply some HE to the mortar’s postion. And more to the other contacts on their left flank.
  17. To take over if the CO becomes a casualty. For example a US company has an HQ unit and an XO unit. If the Captain in the HQ unit becomes a casualty then the XO will take over the company. His unit even gets the HQ icon once the switch is made. The behaviour is similar for other formations too.
  18. Just a quick not to @Bulletpoint: You can have both CMRT 1.0x and CMRT 2.00 installed at the same time. So, if you want you can experiment with the v4 features while still playing with the original version. There is one downside and that is hot keys get messed up for CMRT 1.0x since the two games share the Game Files and User Data directories under my Documents
  19. LOL - you found him then. Good - he has been around and continues to offer his AFVs for sacrifice in our current PBEM game
  20. Sounds cool. I might even play vs the AI just to see what you came up with.
  21. ^^^^ This. No need to flail about randomly - seek professional help
  22. One thing BFC has done starting with CMBN version 3 is providing full installers for the games. That means to install a fresh version 4 you can download the full all in one installer and you will be done. Just have to activate the base game and whatever modules and packs you bought.
  23. Minute 3:34-3:33: The engineers reach the next bocage that E Co needs breached. F Co deals with the threat on their left with the application of just the right amount of HE. However in the field in front F Co some HE from the enemy lands. The first spotting round of a mortar hidden in the bocage on the opposite side of the field. Not good! Minute 3:33: Orders As engineers set their charges more engineers come forward to mark mines. With the mines marked it will be safer to pull back the lead platoon of E Co. Remember a platoon of troops and several teams of recon are on the forward side of those mines. Right not they are keeping the enemy engaged but eventually they need to pull back. In the meantime for 1 platoon F Co it is panic stations. Everyone near the spotting round runs. Everyone else opens fire. You can even see another round coming in. Spoiler: closer inspection from my god’s eye view shows some troops are not going to be able to run fast enough. Over on the left 2 Platoon has started taking fire from another location further along the boacage. After eliminating one threat another pops up.
  24. Minute 3:35-3:34: Along the road the tanks supporting E Co continue to fire on their one contact and source of incoming fire. All this while they reposition for the move to the left through the bocage. Over by F Co’s fields suppressive fire continues along with attempts to flank and get better shooing positions. Minute 3:34: Orders F Co now has a solid contact on their left. They now have a target to setup to deal with. They are ordered to reposition their suppressive fire and then get a team across the road to deal with the resistance. To F Co’s right with the ambush teams dealt with they need to setup to cover the next field and deal with the wounded.
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